
World Hopping Mage Killer

From the power of his world's god, Venator can hop from world to world, offering to kill magic users for gods in exchange for their power. With every new world, a new battle and a new power to gain. And even more magic users to fight with different magic at their disposal. Enjoy! The image cover is not mine, if you own the image, let me know and i will remove it it.

Razedealer · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Charred Snow

With a mind of determination, Venator, wounded, shivering and weakened. He charged at the users head on, slashing about, forming barriers around him as he ran onward. Moving quicker than before as he killed the wolfskins quick. With the three users left, the fight was nearing it's end. Dashing towards them, rapidly shifting from opponent to opponent, seeming to have gained a new burst of adrenaline. Ice formed all around every second he shifted, from walls to small barriers.

Recklessly, he thrashed around, the users ran all around, fighting back with flame. Venator's body became stricken with more burns as he ran around, the users intensifying their own attacks. Slinging flame towards him as more ice formed around him, melting or passing through it.

With each slash, Venator became more weakened by the burns as more flames were hurled at him.

His reckless assault soon slowed. In desperation as the users continued slinging fire, he formed a dome above him, thickening rapidly until he was fully enclosed inside it.

Standing up, his body was marked with burns as his clothes were more torn from flames, his body, now riddled with spots of black charred skin. He clenched the burns tightly, gritting his teeth in pain, kneeling back down as he continued grunting in pain.

The ice on his hand dissipated, slowly being replaced by a green aura. Venator clenched his fist as his body began healing, his wounds slowly began healing, using the strength he had as he felt the pain slowly subside.

As the final wound was sealed and the final burn mark was removed, he stood up, exhausted, breathing deeply as the dome around him was melting faster, outside, streaks of flame melted through, slowly inching towards Venator inside.

Exhausted, Venator grabbed his blade, the green aura in his hand dissapeared, soon replaced by blue again, a dark blue aura rested on his hand. Looking around, he took deep breaths, feeling fear as the flames inch towards him, in an exhausted state.

"I'm probably spending some time at the god's place after this." He spoke to himself.

He began planning staring at the users as fire burned around his dome, melting deeper and deeper.

"Trapping them won't suffice, i have to knock them out and take them on by themselves." He pondered.

"Alright then." He quickly readied his plan. Getting back on his feet, he prepared himself. With his his frost ridden hand, the dome shattered in a single snap of his fingers.

He lunged forward, dodging the flames darted him. With a final deep breath, he begun his plan.

A barrage of ice followed, the users were bombarded by streaks of ice as they desperately tried melting them, leaving no room to fight back. Venator continued the attack, the first one was slammed to the side, embracing the ice as they crashed down into the ground small domes of ice grew from the earth beneath, trapping them inside. Only one remained standing, a cloaked man, clenching a small dagger, visibly shaking with fear.

In a second, Venator charged straight at him. His blade met the dagger as the two bounced from each other.

Blade against blade, fire against ice, the battle constantly changed as Venator continued his assault, not relenting, his body slowly became more tired but he continued on. The opponent repeatedly moved back, stricken with fear, his dagger moving all around him, Venator relentlessly assaulted him.

The two became exhausted, but Venator continued on, slowing down on his attacks but still thrashing his blade and slinging ice.

The sword pierced through the opponent's chest, failing to block it. He looked down at the sword, as it was retracted out of his chest, with little delay, Venator kills the opponent, slashing his throat. Slashing across his body, ending the opponent's life quick.

He stepped back, just in time as a streak of fire blazed in front of him, landing on the snow, melting it as it continued. Turning around, another user stood, outside the dome, both hands burst into a deep blue flame.

A mix of anger and fatigue filled Venator's mind.

In seconds, he ran towards the user, forming walls in front of him as he advanced forward towards the user. Slinging streaks of flame, as he ran, he began stumbling around, fire burned near his boots as he continued stumbling around from fatigue, forcing more walls of ice to form upwards in front of him.

He bared no weapons, only wielding two fistfuls of blue flame. As he approached, a streak of ice charged at the user, distracting him.

A streak of flame from the side surprised Venator, with a rapidly created pillar of ice, it shattered the pillar, sending shards and blocks of the pillar into his chest, his body was thrown on the snow stopping shortly. In front of him, the other user broke out, bearing an axe in hand.

Getting up, he felt the blunt pain from the ice. His face cut from shards.

He begun moving towards them once more, enraged as exhaustion continued taking a toll on his body. In anger, he charged at them, with less regard for his life, ice met fire once more as his blade continued thrashing around, trying to land a hit on them.

In the anger, his blade finally dug deep into the opponent's chest, ceasing the flames from his hands as he begun dying.

"NO" He quickly ripped out the sword, focusing on the other user, now blinded by rage as well.

The flames grew brighter, covering more ground. More snow began melting underneath, Venator continued trying to evade, forming more walls of ice, but they were quickly burned through.

Flames grazed him as he narrowly avoided it.

He slammed the blade's tip deep through the opponent, as he looked at him. The user's face was filled with rage, his fists clenched deeply, readying to strike at Venator.

Venator's eyes widened, removing his blade, he began slashing at the opponent's body as he attempted to strike him.

As Venator stepped back, the user's flame's slowly extinguished, taking a few final steps, falling limp as he took his final step through the snow, trying to reach Venator.

Fantasy Chapter

Please enjoy and feel free to comment

Another chapter done, next one is due tomorrow, for now im gonna write another one.

Razedealercreators' thoughts