
Working in a Nursing Home with a Hot Male Coworker (BL)

Kai is a 28 year old nurse. He works in a nursing home called Shady Pines. He works the overnight shift three days a week. He has been at his job for four years and has many residents and coworkers he enjoys. Recently, a new nurse's assistant began working, who happens to work the same nights as Kai. Unfortunately, the coworker seems to like teasing him. Liam, the tall, muscular, handsome CNA seems to have a thing for Kai. A slice-of-life boy love story set in a nursing home, written by a nurse who works the same shift in one. Yes, these things really could happen in a nursing home. ‐------‐-------------------- Some common terms used in a nursing home setting: ‐------‐--------------------- CNA - Certified nursing assistant. They are licensed to provide direct patient care under the supervision of a nurse. They may assist with activities of daily living such as toilet use, transfers, showers and eating. QMA - Qualified Medication Assistant. Many nursing homes will have QMAs working. They are a cheaper alternative to a nurse and unfortunately are often interchanged with licensed nurses even though the cannot legally assess patients. They are CNAs that have underwent a special program that allows them to pass medications under the supervision of a nurse. Resident - For most patients, a nursing home is their actual home. The correct term for someone living in a nursing home is resident. It is seen as more respectful and humanizing. Lift - A device used to assist residents to and from bed, a wheelchair or the toilet. They are different types of lifts. The most common lift is a hover lift. This is used to lift a resident into the air then lower their body to a surface. This is safer for residents who are unable to move their bodies appropriately. It also helps to prevent workplace injuries. **** This is my zany BL where my ADHD is allowed to run free. if you are looking for a well-planned BL which has two people fall into a deep, soul mate, forbidden love which will prevail against all odds, please see "The King Loves the Court Bard" which I am proud of. http://wbnv.in/a/9diXXtk

ladymanah · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
125 Chs

Shut up, Nancy

Kai went down the hall. He entered the supply room and saw a few shower chairs stacked on top of each other.

He grabbed the one at the bottom and picked it up. He struggled with it for a moment.

"Need help?" Liam asked.

"No, I got it," the blonde grunted as he walked out of the closet.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Kai insisted.

The blonde struggled as he carried the chair out of the room and down the hall.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, concerned.

"I'm fine," Kai grunted as he kept walking.

Kai stumbled down the hall and eventually reached the aide's side.

"You look like you're struggling a bit," the aide chuckled.

"I said I'm fine," the blonde huffed.

"Are you sure?"

"I said yes," Kai growled.

"Alright," the aide sighed.

Kai set the chair down outside the door and caught his breath.

"So, ready for breakfast?" Liam smirked.

"Yes," Kai nodded.

"Cool," the aide smiled.

"I'm hungry; I forgot to eat before work," Kai laughed.

"No wonder you don't have any muscle," Liam grinned as he looked at Kai's arms.

Kai puffed out his cheeks and stared at Liam.

"Cute," Liam remarked.

Kai frowned.

"I need my shower!" The soft voice could be heard inside the room. The voice belonged to Jenny, who was eager to be bathed by the male aid.

Liam turned to face the blonde.

"Okay, you're gonna need to help me."

"What do I need to do?"

"Just sit there and look pretty," Liam chuckled.

"Fine," Kai sighed.

The aide grabbed the shower chair and pushed it into the room. He placed it next to Jenny's bed.

"I'm ready," Liam stated.

"I'm ready too," the old woman replied.

"Do you want help getting in the chair?"

"No, I can do it," the old woman stated.

"Alright, I'm ready," Liam stated.

"Alright," the blonde sighed.

The aide helped the old woman into the shower chair. She did, indeed, need assistance with the task, even though she said no.

"Okay, I'm going to wheel you over to the shower," Liam stated.

"Sounds good," Jenny replied.

The aide wheeled her over to the bathroom and closed the door. Kai could hear the shower running.

The blonde sighed and leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes.

After a while, the water stopped.

"Okay, you're all clean," Liam stated.

"I know," the woman laughed.

"Alright, let's get you dried off."

"Okay," the woman replied. "Dry me off here, big boy."

"Oh, yeah," the aide chuckled. "Big boy?"

There was a soft moan coming from the bathroom. It sounded inappropriate, but a lot of the women were inappropriate with the male staff.

Kai's eyes shot open, and he quickly stood up. He rushed over to the bathroom.

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked as he toweled the old woman's hair.

"Yeah, I just need to get back to work," Kai replied.

"Well, we'll see you later," the aide smiled.

"Yeah, bye," Kai mumbled and exited the room.

The blonde walked back to the nurse's station and took a seat. Of course, he couldn't have a moment of peace, as Nancy began the moment he sat down.

"How was it?" Nancy asked.

"Good," the blonde replied.

"What happened?" She giggled.

"Nothing," Kai stated.

"What did he say?" Nancy asked as she narrowed her eyes on Kai.

"He just called me cute," Kai mumbled.

"I told you," Nancy laughed softly.

"Shut up," the blonde mumbled.

"Aw, are you blushing?" Nancy asked with a grin.

"No," Kai grumbled.

"I bet he was flirting with you," the aide snickered.

"No, he wasn't," Kai insisted.

"He totally was," Nancy stated with a mischievous grin.

"Ugh, whatever," the blonde groaned.

"I think you're in denial," Nancy laughed.

"I am not," Kai grumbled.

"So, you're not in denial, you're just a liar."

"I am not lying," the blonde snapped.

"Okay," Nancy said, rolling her eyes.

"He wasn't flirting with me," Kai stated.

"Whatever you say, honey," the aide smirked.

"Can we please drop this?" Kai asked with a sigh.

"Fine," Nancy whispered.

Kai turned toward his computer and began charting. His peace lasted, maybe, five minutes. It seemed Nancy just couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"So, how long do you think they'll take?" Nancy asked Kai.

"Who?" Kai asked, groaning.

"You know, your lover and his mom," the aide teased. "You have to meet the parents."

"Stop it," Kai glared at the aide.

"Why don't you like talking about him?"

"No," the blonde grumbled.

"You should," Nancy smirked. "I think you'd make a great couple."

"Please, stop," Kai groaned.

"I can't wait for the wedding," Nancy laughed. "You'll look so good in a wedding dress."

"We're not dating," the blonde growled.

"Oh, that's right," the aide smirked.

"Will you stop with the sarcasm?" Kai asked with pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay," Nancy snickered.

Kai returned to charting. He hoped she would quit, but she didn't seem to know when to quit.

"So, do you think he's single?" the aide asked.

"I don't know," Kai grumbled.

"Do you think he's gay?"

"I'm not sure," the blonde mumbled.

"What makes you think he's straight?" Nancy asked.

"He's not interested in me," the blonde snapped.

"Well, I think he is," the aide chuckled.

"Whatever," Kai groaned.

"You can't tell me you don't think he's hot," Nancy hummed with amusement.

"Okay, he's hot," Kai reluctantly admitted.

"So, do you think he's good in bed?" Nancy asked with a huge grin across her face.

"What?" Kai's head whipped around to face the aide.

"You heard me," the aide stated.

"Why do you care?" Kai asked, his tone laced with annoyance.

"Because I think he'd be a great boyfriend," Nancy teased.

"Whatever," the blonde rolled his eyes.

"Do you think he'd be a top or a bottom?" Nancy asked as she scratched her chin.

"Why are you so curious?" Kai asked her with his brow raised.

"Just wondering," the aide shrugged.

"Why don't you ask him?" Kai scoffed.

"Maybe I will," Nancy stated with a huge grin.

Of course, Liam returned to the nurse's station. He took a seat I'm a chair next to Nancy and began marking some things on his report sheet.

"Hey," Liam greeted Nancy as he tool a seat.

"Hey," the aide smiled.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing," Nancy stated.

"Come on, you can tell me," Liam said as he really wanted to know.

"Well, we were just wondering if you're gay," Nancy said with a grin.

"Oh, I am," Liam smiled.

"Really?" the aide giggled.

"Yep, why?"

"Just wondering," the aide stated.

As Kai charted, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The conversation he heard going on behind him was a bit much.

"Are you a top or bottom?" Nancy asked.

Kai facepalmed himself as he said that. She really did ask him that question.

"Top," Liam responded.

Kai felt a little awkward. He was glad the aide was the one asking the questions, but he still didn't like hearing them.

"Are you a top or bottom?" Liam suddenly asked Kai.

The blonde was caught off guard by the question. He turned his head to look at the aide. He couldn't help but feel nervous about the question. For one thing, he had never had sex, let alone gay sex, so how was he supposed to answer such a thing?

"What? Why would you ask me that?"

"Because I was curious," Liam smirked. "I bet you're a power bottom. Cute, but feisty."

"No," the blonde replied and turned back around.

"No?" Liam asked, as it wasn't even a proper answer.

"Yes," the blonde sighed.

"Really?" Liam was getting confused.

"Yeah," the blonde mumbled.

"What, do you bottom?" Liam asked with a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Yeah, I guess," Kai stated.

"So, do you like being a bottom, or are you more of a switch?"

"I'm a bottom," the blonde sighed.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah," the blonde mumbled.

"Interesting," Liam grinned.

"Why are you smiling?" Kai asked.

"Nothing," Liam whistled.

Liam was amused by the discussion. He could definitely see Kai being a bottom. He was small and cute, so there was no way he could be a top.

Liam stared at Kai with a disgusting smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing," Liam stated.

"It's not nothing," the blonde huffed.

"Well, if you must know, I was thinking about you being a bottom," Liam smirked.

"Really?" Kai asked, wondering why Liam was thinking about that. It was inappropriate.

"Yeah," Liam admitted with a laugh.

"Well, don't," the blonde mumbled.

"Why?" Liam cocked his head to the side.

"Because it's weird," Kai stated.

"But it's true, isn't it?" The aide laughed.

"Stop, please," the blonde begged.

"I'm not going to stop," Liam snickered.

"Please," the blonde pleaded.

"I'm not going to stop," the aide smiled. "You can't make me stop."

The call light board started going off and Nancy reluctantly stood up to answer it. She walked away, humming to herself. Kai figured she was in a fantasy world of her own because of the conversation.

"So, do you wanna go out on a date sometime?" Liam suddenly asked.

"What?" the blonde gasped and turned around.

"What?" Liam innocently.

"What are you talking about?" Kai tilted his head.

"Did you forget about breakfast already?" the aide laughed. "We might as well go on a date, too."

"Well, no." Kai blushed.

"So, what are you saying, yes or no?"

"Well," the blonde stuttered.

"Come on, it's not like I'm asking you to marry me," the aide grinned.

"I, um," the blonde stammered.

"Are you nervous?"

"No," the blonde stated.

"Really? You're acting nervous," the aide chuckled.

"No, I'm not," the blonde huffed.

"Uh, huh," the aide smirked.

"So, are you gonna answer the question or not?"

"I guess," the blonde sighed.

"Great, it's a date," the aide smiled.

Kai sighed and turned around.

"So, can I have your number?"

"What? Why?"

"To text you the details," Liam laughed.

"Oh, right," the blonde sighed.

"So," the aide pressed.

"What, do you need a pen or something?" the blonde scoffed.

"Yes, actually," the aide replied.

"Oh, sorry," the blonde apologized and handed him a pen.

"Thanks," the aide smiled.

"No problem," the blonde mumbled.

"Alright, now, give me your number," Liam stated as he readied the pen against a post-it note.

Kai reluctantly gave Liam his phone number. He wasn't sure why he was writing it down, because afterwards he immediately pulled out his phone and put it in his contacts. 

"Sweet, I got it," the aide smirked.

The blonde sighed and turned back around. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He already knew it was Liam texting him, so he didn't bother to check it.

"So, when's the wedding?" Nancy giggled as she approached the nurse's station.

"What?" Kai's head spun around, his eyes widened.

"When are you two getting married?" Nancy repeated.

"We're not," Kai growled, standing up.

"Oh, that's right, you haven't even been on a date yet," Nancy stated with a laugh.

"Whatever, I'm going to start passing the thyroid pills and getting blood sugars," Kai stated as he puffed out his cheeks and walked to the medication  cart. 

He was glad the conversation was over. Just another hour, and he would be free.