
Working in a Nursing Home with a Hot Male Coworker (BL)

Penulis: ladymanah
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What is Working in a Nursing Home with a Hot Male Coworker (BL)

Baca novel Working in a Nursing Home with a Hot Male Coworker (BL) yang ditulis oleh penulis ladymanah yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Kai is a 28 year old nurse. He works in a nursing home called Shady Pines. He works the overnight shift three days a week. He has been at his job for four years and has many residents and coworkers he...


Kai is a 28 year old nurse. He works in a nursing home called Shady Pines. He works the overnight shift three days a week. He has been at his job for four years and has many residents and coworkers he enjoys. Recently, a new nurse's assistant began working, who happens to work the same nights as Kai. Unfortunately, the coworker seems to like teasing him. Liam, the tall, muscular, handsome CNA seems to have a thing for Kai. A slice-of-life boy love story set in a nursing home, written by a nurse who works the same shift in one. Yes, these things really could happen in a nursing home. ‐------‐-------------------- Some common terms used in a nursing home setting: ‐------‐--------------------- CNA - Certified nursing assistant. They are licensed to provide direct patient care under the supervision of a nurse. They may assist with activities of daily living such as toilet use, transfers, showers and eating. QMA - Qualified Medication Assistant. Many nursing homes will have QMAs working. They are a cheaper alternative to a nurse and unfortunately are often interchanged with licensed nurses even though the cannot legally assess patients. They are CNAs that have underwent a special program that allows them to pass medications under the supervision of a nurse. Resident - For most patients, a nursing home is their actual home. The correct term for someone living in a nursing home is resident. It is seen as more respectful and humanizing. Lift - A device used to assist residents to and from bed, a wheelchair or the toilet. They are different types of lifts. The most common lift is a hover lift. This is used to lift a resident into the air then lower their body to a surface. This is safer for residents who are unable to move their bodies appropriately. It also helps to prevent workplace injuries.

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Unduh aplikasi untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak bab baru! Kalau mungkin, bergabunglah dengan program Win-win. Menangkan lebih banyak kesempatan untuk dapat eksposure lewat program ini!




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