
Wolves of the Force: Star Wars Fan Fiction

Axle Tinguard was born in 36 BBY and was brought to the temple in 33 BBY. He meets Ahsoka Tano the same week they were brought in. Throughout their lives, Axle and Ahsoka would fight in the Clone Wars side by side. Everyday becomes a constant struggle and the battles leave bigger scars. It’s only a matter of time before the galaxy falls.

Ax_to_the_max · Derivasi dari karya
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63 Chs

Unlimited Surprises

Ahsoka's POV

Barriss slammed into the wall when she took a blow to the face from Axle. She slowly got up, but Axle grabbed her by her shirt with both hands and slammed her against the wall again, "TRAITOR!!!" Barriss saw the anger in his eyes. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!!?" Axle yelled again. Cal tried to push them back, "Axle, calm down. She just saved us..." "STAY OUT OF THIS, CAL!!!" Axle shouted back. I was too stunned to move. Barriss finally spoke, "I can never apologize enough for what I have done. I understand that. I understand your anger..." Axle interrupted her, "YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY ANGER!!!" Barriss continued, "You're right. I've ruined your lives. There is no excuse for my big mistake. I know I can never gain your trust again, but I wish to make amends." "EVERY NIGHT I SEE HOW WE COULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED!!! THAT BLASTER AGAINST AHSOKA'S HEAD AND THE LOOK ON ANAKIN'S FACE IS SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET!!! I FELT THE LASER BLAST INSIDE MY HEAD!!! I HEARD ANAKIN'S VOICE!!!" Axle yelled.

I slowly walked up to Barriss who was still being held against the wall. I placed my hand on Axle's arm. He released her and put his arm around me. Barriss and I looked in each other's eyes. I tried everything I could to hold back my tears to no avail. Out of nowhere, I slapped her hard across the face and she fell to the ground. Cal stood behind us. If he didn't back down against Axle, he might have gone flying out the airlock. Axle and I are considering that for Barriss.

She slowly got up again. Axle ignited his emerald blade and hovered it over the back of Barriss's neck. She looked up at him with guilty eyes, "I deserve this. Go on. Do it." She closed her eyes. Axle raised the blade about to strike it down. I stood and watched. Axle kept the blade high as he took in deep angry breaths. He closed his eyes and faced down. He disengaged his saber and turned away, "Why? Why did you frame us?" Barriss stood up, "The Jedi have failed the Republic. They had become mindless killers. I see now that when I framed you, I became more of a monster than the Jedi ever did." "Why are you here?" I asked. She looked at us with tender eyes, "To show you that I have changed. I know you can never say the same, but it's good to see you two." Axle faced her, "Did you know that Jax liked you? He said that if Jedi never had the rule of no attachment he would have asked you out. The last time I saw him, he was shattered. You hurt everyone you ever knew. And for what? To show that the Jedi have become corrupt? If you never bombed the temple I might have discovered that the Chancellor was Sidious and the Jedi could have stopped him winning the war and destroying the Sith. The reason you're not dead is because we're not mindless killers." Axle sat down on one of the chairs and I sat next to him, "You can stay here, but if you make even the slightest mistake you're dead." She nodded and sat down in the back of the cockpit.

Barriss's POV

Cal sat down and played around with BD-1. Ahsoka sat on Axle's lap. I always knew that Ahsoka would climb into Axle's bed eventually. I feel more than terrible for destroying their life. I ruined their trust with anyone. I fought beside them for years and cast them aside. I'm no better than Darth Sidious.

There was one thing I did know that Axle said. I did know that Jax liked me. In fact he and I did get together. I had to let them know, "Jax is alive." Axle and Ahsoka stopped kissing and looked at me as I continued, "After the purge he came to the Republic prison to free anyone still loyal to the true Republic. Jax would have left me there, but he sensed something inside of me. He knew that I had changed. He and I escaped together along with other prisoners. Jax later told me that he always had feelings for me. I couldn't help but feel the same way. He and I became a couple and spent our days finding other survivors. He'll be meeting us at the rondevu." Axle and Ahsoka were again shocked, "Jax is alive? What about Kalir and Quin? Any news about them?" I looked down, "They...They didn't survive. They arrived back at the temple right before it was attacked. No one survived." Cal spoke up, "You knew Quin too? He was like an older brother to me. Always making me laugh." Axle nodded.


Axle's POV

We came out of hyperspace with the Mantis right behind us. We docked the two ships and went to the airlock. The door opened and Master Cere Junda walked through, "After all these years, I finally get to meet the Wolves of the Force face to face." I bowed my head, "Master Junda, it's a pleasure." Ahsoka bowed her head as well. Cere smiled, "The pleasure is mine." Barriss walked up. I could see disappointment in Cere's eyes, "You have caused so much pain and damage to the Jedi, Republic, and even your closest friends. I was close to several of the people killed in the bombing." Barriss got on one knee and looked down, "I know I can never be forgiven by the sins I have made. I accept the consequences." "Axle and I were going to be executed if found guilty. Why weren't you given the same punishment?" Ahsoka asked. Barriss stood up, "I don't know. All that happened after the trail was the clones and temple guards placing me in my cell." I looked in Ahsoka's eyes. I could tell she was holding much pain inside as am I. That vision has still not gone away.

Another ship came out of hyperspace and docked on the other airlock. Ahsoka and I took in a deep breath as the doors opened. Jax stood there with a smile on his face, "How you doin fearless leader?" I walked up to him and gave him the same smile. We both quickly brought each other in for a hug. "It's great to see you alive old friend." I said. He nodded, "Same here." Jax caught sight of Barriss, "Honey I'm home." They both gave each other a passionate kiss. I looked at Ahsoka, "Now I know how everyone else feels about that." Ahsoka almost laughed. I should feel overwhelmed with anger, but that is not who I am. I am more powerful and wiser than violence. Jax faced the two of us with Barriss, "So, us four are all that's left from the original group?" I remembered that wasn't true, "No, actually Kaleb is alive. He's with our fleet at a classified location." Jax and Barriss had a surprised face, "Really? How's he doing?" I smiled, "He's fine. In fact his eyes caught sight of a Twi'lek." "Uh oh." Jax giggled which made us all laugh. "So did he and the Twi'lek have sex yet? Because he would be the only one of us who didn't lose their virginity." Jax finished. "Wait, what about Kalir and Quin?" Ahsoka asked. Jax continued to laugh, "Remember when we all went out to grab drinks? Well After Ahsoka and Barriss fell asleep, Kalir and Quin found some nice looking girls and well one thing led to another and..." Ahsoka interrupted, "Forget about it. I don't want to know." We all laughed more.

Cal interrupted, "I hate to be the party crasher, but what's our next plan?" Ahsoka and I faced him, "Well our plan was to get you out of the Empire's reach. That has been completed." Cere walked over to us, "We thank you for your help. Although our own mission was unsuccessful in getting any information from Master Cordova. Honestly I don't know where to go now." I looked at Ahsoka and she nodded, "You know, Rebel high command is working on building a base on Yavin 4. They could use your help." Cal nodded and Cere agreed. They walked on board their ship, "Sorry we can't stay. Good luck with...this." I looked over to Barriss and Jax kissing. "I'm sure we can manage." I smiled and the airlock shut and detached the ship.

"Oh baby who gave you these bruises?" Jax asked, softly moving his hand across her face. I scratched the back of my head and looked away. Jax looked at me and laughed, "I understand why you did it, but how am I supposed to make love with her if you're going to beat her to a pulp. Just give her a chance." I heard Ahsoka's thoughts, "We still don't trust her. I can't even believe I'm not strangling her." Ahsoka and I took the controls and we jumped to lightspeed again, "Do you two have any information about the Inquisitors or the Sith lord?" Jax didn't answer for a while. That seemed odd of him. I guess he just hates this subject like we do. He finally spoke, "No. I don't. I only heard that he hunts Jedi." I looked at him, "We'll we're going to find out that information." Ahsoka and I got up and started walking off to our room. Jax stopped us, "And have the Empire capture and kill us? Are you sure about this?" I winked at him, "As sure as I'm about to have sex with the greatest person in the galaxy." Ahsoka giggled as we continued off the bridge.

Jax's POV

I chuckled as they left. If I had one credit for the amount of times I could tell they had sex when I ran into them, I'd probably be as rich as Grand Moff Tarkin. I know they hate Barriss and their responses toward her were very mature. Way more than I would have handled it. That makes sense though. Axle is now a Gray Jedi Master. Barriss walked over to me and we kissed. I smirked, "So since them two are having fun, why don't we?" She giggled and grabbed my arm as we headed over to our ship's personal room.

Ahsoka's POV

I think getting out of the sight of Barriss was a good idea. I felt safer when we were alone. I kissed Axle tightly in our room. We kept the door sealed shut to keep out the bad memories. I sat on top of him with the blankets overhead. Our sweat rubbed in between our skin. If Barriss's plan succeeded, Axle and I wouldn't have been able to do this anymore. I feel like after all those old friends not being forgotten, we needed to intercourse. To us, it's so much more than making love and relaxing. It's like I explained to Ezra. It shows both of us that we are still capable of loving after all that pain and loss. It shows that we will be here for one another no matter what.