
Wolves of the Force: Star Wars Fan Fiction

Axle Tinguard was born in 36 BBY and was brought to the temple in 33 BBY. He meets Ahsoka Tano the same week they were brought in. Throughout their lives, Axle and Ahsoka would fight in the Clone Wars side by side. Everyday becomes a constant struggle and the battles leave bigger scars. It’s only a matter of time before the galaxy falls.

Ax_to_the_max · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

The Pain Never Stops

Jax's POV

I woke up to a voice in my head. I looked over to Barriss who was fast asleep. Axle and Ahsoka were most likely still asleep on their ship. The voice echoed all over the walls. I walked over to the refresher and turned on the sink. I looked in the mirror. A dark figure stared back. It wasn't me. Yellow eyes glowed softly in the dark. I splashed water on my face and the dark, yellow eyed figure was gone. "You have your purpose." The voice whispered clearer.

Barriss woke up, "So that wasn't a dream?" I walked over to her and softly brushed her hair, "No. They're across the airlock on their ship." She yawned and laid her head against my chest, "I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I betrayed them." "You were showing the galaxy what the Jedi have become." I answered. "But I did it in the wrong way." She responded. I looked into her eyes, "I can't agree with the way you went about it, but I will protect you from unnecessary consequences."

My commlink beeped, "Hey Jax.....I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday." I grabbed the communication device, "Axle, it's ok. No apology necessary. I know you can't trust us anymore." Axle sighed, "Don't take it personal. After everything that's happened....Ahsoka and I don't want to get hurt again from another trustworthy relationship with others. We'll be heading out for the Ring of Kafrene in a couple hours. Rebel intelligence there states that there could be some important information." "Ok, we're happy to help." I replied. "Thanks." Axle answered and ended the transmission. I crawled back into bed with Barriss.

Axle's POV

I set my commlink down on the nightstand. I laid my head back on the soft pillow. Ahsoka moved on top of me. Our heads are the only thing out from under the blankets. The friction between our smooth skin placed our minds back on that perfect, unnamed planet. The weight of our bodies sank into the mattress. Her lekku draped down on my shoulders. I thought I'd be so happy to see since Jax again, but I wasn't. In fact I wanted to stay away from him. To me he died during the purge. It's like all these friends that I have made peace with are coming back. I know Ahsoka feels the same way.

Ahsoka's POV

It was too cold to remove the covers. Our warmth underneath flowed inside of us. More memories came flooding back as we continued. The time Barriss and I talked in the shower about Axle's relationship towards me. The time all three of us worked together to save the medical frigate heading to Ord Sestis from infected Geonosian worms. All those great times Me, Axle, Barriss, Jax, Kaleb, Kalir, and Quin would have together. Our friction increased as more pain came through our minds.


Axle's POV

The streets on the Ring of Kafrene were hot and stuffy. It was similar to Coruscant's undercities. Back when Ahsoka and I used to live in our small apartment and Craig's Repair Shop a few months after. We haven't been back to Coruscant since the Siege of Mandalore. I remembered meeting Ahsoka at the Martez sister's repair hangar. She ran into my arms so happy to see me again. The only people that we can trust are each other. After the loss of Anakin, we struggled with our relationship. We both thought that it would be best not to be together anymore because we don't want to get hurt again with another loss. Ahsoka was very worried that I would be lost to the dark side as Anakin was. But we both knew that it would be harder without each other. We are lone wolves, but are united by love. Ahsoka cannot be lost to the darkness as she is pure light. I can drift either way, but I would never in my lifetime leave Ahsoka's side. Wherever she goes I go. I remember feeling jealous of Lux when he and Ahsoka flirt together. Ahsoka did eventually tell me he had a crush on him, but I was the one for her. He was only a crush and I was her true partner. I still can't picture Lux and Ahsoka together. Looking at them together made me feel so....alone.

I looked up to the rooftops of the buildings. Jax stood there and nodded at me. I nodded back and continued toward an Imperial cyber station. Ahsoka was a few meters next to me. The plan is for Ahsoka and I to sneak into the station and grab the information. Jax is our spotter along with Barriss. I still don't feel comfortable having her in this operation.

We walked over to an entrance with minimal guards. We force pushed them against the wall and out of sight of any other citizens. We continued into the station keeping ourselves alert. "Jax, Maintain radio silence until we're out." I whispered. "Understood." Jax responded.

Ahsoka's POV

Axle and I walked over to the data servers. We took out any threat quickly and quietly. Sneaking around like this reminds me of avoiding the clones when on the run. Of course. Why not? We get a few days of peace on that unnamed planet where we get married and now it's back to unbearable painful memories. Why does the galaxy punish us like this? The only thing keeping me going is Axle.

Axle and I got to work on the data servers. Information about the Inquisition was accessible and we started to decode the inscriptions. I have no idea what we were looking for. Most of this stuff we already knew. Axle looked at me, "Why don't we leave the fight? Finally have peace instead of a break in between?" I sighed, "Because that's not who we are. We don't know how to be normal. We're soldiers. Just like the clones." Axle nodded and put his hand around me.

Barriss's POV

Jax and I sat on top of the roof. I could sense something inside him. "Are you ok?" I asked. Jax jumped a little, "What? Yea. I'm fine. Sorry I'm just a little on edge." I smiled, "What? You and Axle never did something stupid before?" Jax giggled a little, but kept silent. I looked through micro-binocs. I saw an armored convoy heading toward the cyber station. They must know they're there. "We need to warn them..." I started, but I felt a flash and everything went dark.

Jax's POV

I stunned Barriss and laid her down on the metal roof. I looked back at the cyber station. My eyes flashed yellow again as I headed toward the large complex.

Ahsoka's POV

After scrolling through the list of Inquisitors we heard the rumbling of tanks and walkers. "Looks like we've worn out our welcome." Axle acknowledged. He was about to unplug the data stream when I stopped him. My eyes went wide and so did his. A picture of an Imperial Inquisitor and his status was listed. It was Jax.

Axle's POV

I was shocked. That couldn't be true. "I'm sorry." I heard from behind us. We turned around to see Jax standing there. His eyes were yellow. Ahsoka and I drew our sabers. He took another step forward, "I really wish I never ran into you again. I really did." He ignited a crimson red blade, "I hoped you two died during the purge so I never had to do this." I turned my shocked face into an angered and serious threat, "Now you see why we don't trust anyone." Jax looked in my eyes, "And that's a good thing." He attacked with strength.

Ahsoka and I pushed him back hard, "You know you won't beat us." Jax smirked, "And you know you won't kill me. The darkness gives me strength while your light gives you weakness." I shed a tear, "You're not Jax. He would never join the dark side. An evil spirit took his place." Jax continued to battle us, "I'm afraid not. They broke me. I'm a servant of the Empire now."

He pushed Ahsoka into a wall knocking her out, "Your Jedi powers are no match for the darkness." I faced him again, "You should already know. I left that life." My eyes turned their yellow color and I attacked him with full force.

The fighting shook the whole complex. I'm fighting against my past, again. So many tragic things happened and now I'm facing all of them. I force pushed him into one of the servers, electrocuting him. He slowly stood up and outstretched his hand. Force lightning blasted at me. I outstretched my hand and countered it with my own force lightning. The lights in the building flickered from all the energy. The lighting soon combusted and knocked both of us to the ground.

The smoke cleared and I looked up to see Jax crashing down with his red blade. I quickly outstretched my hand and blasted a force light shock wave at him. Jax went flying through the wall. I slowly got up and ran over to Ahsoka. She stood up and put her hand on her head, "I can't believe it." I grabbed her arm and ran out of the station with her, "I know. I can't either."

Stormtroopers opened fire at us. We blocked their attacks as more walkers came in. I saw Barriss on the roof slowly getting up. She jumped down, "Where's Jax?" I looked down, "He's with the Empire. I'm sorry. We need to go. Now!" The Imperials came closer. I pushed Ahsoka behind me and focused my energy on my two palms. I opened my eyes to see Jax on the roof of the complex staring down at us. I blasted kamikaze energy in front of me as all threats were destroyed. Jax continued to stare. He and Barriss shared a glance before all three of us ran back toward our ships.


"Barriss, I'm so sorry." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. She sighed, "Jax. He was an Inquisitor this whole time." Ahsoka gave her a hug, "I can't believe it either. This wasn't his fault. It was Sidious's doing to corrupt him." Barriss walked toward her ship through the airlock, "I need to sort this out. I can't stay with you. I'll only put you in more danger." "Be safe." I replied. She nodded and closed the airlock doors. We watched as her ship jumped to hyperspace.


Ezra's POV

I stared up at the sky looking at all the colors mixed together. A small owl flew overhead. Ahsoka and Axle came into view. "Ahsoka? Axle? You're back." I said jumping up. They gave a soft smile, "Looks like the base is coming along nicely." I nodded, "So how was your mission." The two looked at each other for a long while. I could sense unease in them. "It was....Eventful." Axle finally answered. "I understand." I replied. "You ready to go?" Ahsoka asked. I looked back at the setting sun, "Yea. I'm ready." Axle pat me on the back, "Let's get going."


Jax's POV

I walked onto the bridge of the Star Destroyer, The Exposer. I knelt to one knee as a holo-communication activated, "Master, I have done as you asked." "You have done well Inquisitor. They have been broken. However, I have reports of an ancient Sith artifact located on Malachor that would be useful to the Emperor. You will go with the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother to receive this artifact. Strike down anything that stands in your way." Lord Vader replied. I bowed my head, "As you wish, my Master."

I laid awake at night. It was so cold. I missed the warm feeling Barriss and I had. My eyes finally returned to their normal color and I realized what I have done. Axle and Ahsoka were my best friends and now....Now I have betrayed them like they have been before. My guilt consumed me. Was Axle right? Have I truly been broken?