
Wolves of the Force: Star Wars Fan Fiction

Axle Tinguard was born in 36 BBY and was brought to the temple in 33 BBY. He meets Ahsoka Tano the same week they were brought in. Throughout their lives, Axle and Ahsoka would fight in the Clone Wars side by side. Everyday becomes a constant struggle and the battles leave bigger scars. It’s only a matter of time before the galaxy falls.

Ax_to_the_max · Derivasi dari karya
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63 Chs

Birth of the Wolves

3RD Person

Mystery on Mortis. Jedi knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi along with Padawans Axle Tinguard and Ahsoka Tano are sent to investigate a distress call leading them to a strange force realm. Now stranded on this planet, the Jedi desperately try to find a way out.

Axle is in his seat as Ahsoka walks by. Ever since that vision he had, Axle couldn't stop thinking about her. And those voices, He knew them. How did he know them? "Are you sure you're ok Axle?" Ahsoka snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up and stared into her eyes. "Do you ever think about how you would end? How you would last see the world?" Axle asked. "Axle what is this about?" She says. Axle just smiled at her, "I just think this place is getting to me." Anakin then awoke from his dream. He jumped up. "Careful not to hit your head on the ceiling." Axle jokes. The ship started to jerk. "If you're done napping, I could use a little help here." Kenobi said. All of a sudden Axle heard Ahsoka struggling. He turned around as The Son held her and took her. "AHSOKA!!!" Axle yelled. Anakin ran to the controls. He changed course and chased after them.

After maneuvering around a bunch of rock structures, The Son disappeared with Ahsoka in the fog. Anakin went to follow, but almost crashed the ship into a large tower. Kenobi grabbed the controls as the ship crashed on the ground.

Axle quickly got up, "Come on. We have to get her." "Slow down. We need to figure out where they are." Kenobi explained. "Uh did you not see the giant tower we almost crashed into. That is obviously where she is." Axle answered. "He brought us here for a reason. We must not get involved. Any conflict here could have dramatic effects on the universe at large." Kenobi finished. "I don't care. We have to get Ahsoka back." Anakin said. He ran off toward the tower. "I can't sit here either." Axle said and ran after him.


Ahsoka was released by The Son disguised as another alien. "My Master will come for me." She warned. "Ah yes he will, but...what about that other young Jedi? Do you think he will come for you?" the alien asked. "Yes. He will." Ahsoka ensured him. "And...why is that?" the alien asked again. "Because he cares for me." Ahsoka answered. "Why does he care for you? It is forbidden for Jedi to carry attachments." he said. Ahsoka thought about it, "This is different. We are not attached." "Are you sure? What would happen if he was in your position? Would you rescue him?" The Son asked. "Yes." Ahsoka confirmed. "And why is that?" The Son asked one more time. Ahsoka didn't answer. She understood what he was saying. "There is something between you that you cannot deny. No matter. You are now mine." The Son taunted after biting her in the arm and changed into his true form. "What have you done?" Ahsoka yelled as she started to twitch and struggle.


After Ahsoka beat Anakin, The Son then turned him to his side. "There is much to do. Stop anyone who gets in my way." The Son ordered. Ahsoka and Anakin comply and wait for Axle to arrive.

Axle managed to climb up the rocky hill, *deep breathing* "How did.....Anakin....climb this so fast?" He ran toward a courtyard when he saw Anakin and Ahsoka. "Ahsoka! I'm glad you're ok." He said. Then the two mind controlled Jedi turn around. "Guys? You don't look so good." He acknowledged. They just stood there. "Guys?" Axle said, starting to get nervous. The two ignited their blades and attacked. Axle was quick to react and pulled out his split-saber. He managed to push Anakin back and parried Ahsoka. "Guys, that creepy dark side lizard dragon did something to you. Snap out of it." Axle yelled. "I will end his pathetic life." Anakin screamed and attacked. Axle barely blocked his attacks and backflipped away. He force pushed him into some bushes. Ahsoka jumped out of nowhere and attacked Axle with everything she had.

The fight went on for sometime. The ground shook as the two dueled. Anakin got up and was about to jump into the fight when The Son stopped him. "Let them fight." He said smiling.

Ahsoka was pushed back again. She stared angrily, taking deep breaths. "Ahsoka! It's me. I care about you. Stop." Axle yelled. Ahsoka had enough as she lunged toward him. Ahsoka was so angry she managed to knock Axle's shoto out of his hand. Axle was barely in the fight anymore. Ahsoka slammed into his blade causing him to go off balance. Ahsoka then sliced through his chest. Axle looked down at his wound, then back up to her. She just stood there, her blade in place as she panted and starred in his eyes. Axle stared back until he fell to his knees and looked up to her face, then his body fell to the ground. As soon as his body hit the dirt, Ahsoka felt his death. She grabbed her head "NO!!!" she screamed. Her eyes turned white. She then fell beside him. Both...dead.

The Son grinned and laughed. Anakin just stared at Ahsoka's body. Soon, Kenobi and The Daughter showed up. Anakin didn't move. He just kept staring at the bodies. The Daughter used this distraction to grab his head and free him from The Son's control. The Son and The Daughter confronted each other. Kenobi grabbed the Dagger of Mortis from his belt, but The Son used the force to grab it from his hands. The Father then arrived and attacked his son. The Son was about to stab him but The Daughter got in the way and was impaled. The Son left in guilt and anger.

Obi-Wan and Anakin held the two Padawan's. They both closed their dead friends' eyes. "Can you help them?" Anakin said through his tears. The Daughter offered to give the rest of her life force to the two Jedi. The Father explained to Anakin how he must transfer the life.

When Anakin touched their heads, the life force was passed to them. Axle and Ahsoka's bodies started to glow brightly. All of a sudden, wolves could be heard in the distance. "It....It can't be." The Father said. Axle and Ahsoka awoke. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* "Please tell me I'm not a cyborg." Axle groaned. "Don't you ever leave me like that again." Anakin said through his tears as he hugged them. "Yea, well don't do that to me ever again." Axle said to him. He then looked at Ahsoka, who looked back at him. Axle remembered his wound and looked down. It was gone. The Daughter fully healed him.

"This is truly amazing. I thought you didn't exist." The Father said to the two Padawans. "Uh what do you mean?" Ahsoka asked looking back at Axle. The Father continued, "The Wolves of the Force. They are the key and total embodiment of the true potential of the force. The Grey Wolf," The Father pointed to Axle, "so Strong, Confident and Wise. The White Wolf," The Father pointed toward Ahsoka, "A believer, Caring, and Bold. And The Black Wolf, Kind Hearted, Smart, And Never Gives Up." The Father finished explaining. "Who's The Black Wolf?" Asked Axle. "The Black Wolf is not yet born if the other two are only this young." The Father informed, "But this is a benefit. The Grey Wolf will be strong enough to defeat my son. And The White Wolf will protect the light. Young man, outstretched your hand and focus on the light energy." The Father instructed. Axle did as he was told. He felt something inside him. Energy then came to the palm of his hand. A bright ball of light emerged from him and it zoomed out like a projectile. Axle kneeled from the extreme energy he just released. "What was that? And how come I couldn't do that before?" Axle asked, amused. "That was called a light shock wave. If that ball of light energy hits someone, it temporarily blocks their midichlorians from the force. This could be fatal to non-force users. All this was your destiny so you could start your path. You were not a Wolf of the Force before you came here, but it was your destiny to become one. The White Wolf has a different ability. She, like my daughter, is pure light. She can never be tempted by the darkness." The Father explained. "I feel so powerful. My connection to the force feels more.....intact." Ahsoka said. "Yes. Both of you have gained 2,000 midichlorians from my daughter." The Father informed them. Axle, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Anakin looked at each other in amazement. "Through your life, you will learn to embrace your power. Remember, you do not control it, you let it flow through you." The Father says. "So what do we do now?" Obi-Wan asked him. "You must leave." The Father says. "Wait, but you said he could defeat your son." Anakin said, confused. "Yes, but he still needs to develop some sort of balance with his ability. If he faces my son now, he will fail. My son needs your ship to leave this planet. You must go now." The Father warns. They all look at each other. They turn around and walk toward their ship.

True enough, Force Light Shock Wave is an actual force power. Only the strongest of Jedi could even process the power to uleash it. Axle however, has been given the strongest amount of power a force user could ask for. Why? Keep reading and find out.

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