
Wolves of the Force: Star Wars Fan Fiction

Axle Tinguard was born in 36 BBY and was brought to the temple in 33 BBY. He meets Ahsoka Tano the same week they were brought in. Throughout their lives, Axle and Ahsoka would fight in the Clone Wars side by side. Everyday becomes a constant struggle and the battles leave bigger scars. It’s only a matter of time before the galaxy falls.

Ax_to_the_max · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

Power of the Gods

3RD Person

War in the force brakes out. The scales tip toward the dark side. The Daughter, guardian of the light side of the force, has given her life to the newly born Wolves of the Force. Axle Tinguard and Ahsoka Tano face their new powers while Anakin must face who he truly is.

The four of them are back at their ship trying to get it up and running again. Axle and Ahsoka work on fixing the engine while Anakin and Obi-Wan talk out their next plan. "So, do you remember everything when you were...you know, Sithy?" Axle asked. Ahsoka paused, "I do." she answered. Axle asked her another question, "Do you remember what I said to you?" Ahsoka hesitated a while, "Yes." She answered quietly. Axle paused too, "Oh.........When you.....when I.......you felt something and.....lost your life. Do you know why that happened?" Ahsoka looked down, "I felt like something ripped my heart out." Axle sat down, "And that was.......me?" "I...." *sigh* "Yes." Ahsoka answered. They both looked in each other's eyes. Axle smiled, "Ok then." He got back to work on the ship.

The two later explained how busted Anakin made the ship and that they have a slim chance of getting it off the planet. "Well then, it's better than staying here." Master Kenobi said. Anakin looked outside, "Leaving this place just doesn't feel right." "We must leave. The Father gave us a very serious warning." Obi-Wan said. Anakin grabbed a speeder and walked outside, "I need to see The Father. If The Son is too powerful to be contained, we need to make a stand." Kenobi tried to warn him, "Anakin." but he interrupted, "If I don't get The Father's blessing to leave, then my guilt will haunt me forever." He sped off.


Obi-Wan grabbed some drinks and walked over to the two Padawans who were passed out, "May I suggest less sleeping and a little more work." Axle jumped a little and stood up, "Forgive me Master. That...force light shock wave thing felt like it drained most of my energy." Ahsoka stood up too, "Sorry Master Kenobi." "You two have been through a lot in the last hour, but once we're out of here you can rest up as much as you need to." Obi-Wan said as he gave the Padawans the drinks, "We need to change plans. You must focus on the firing drives, disengage them." "But we're almost done putting this junk hep together." Ahsoka said, confused. "Just, do as I say. We don't have much time." Kenobi said. "You're the boss." Axle said as they got back to work. Obi-Wan grabbed a speeder and rushed off to find Anakin.

The Father was waiting for him outside the ship, "Anakin has gone to confront your son hasn't he?" Axle and Ahsoka walked outside. The Father answered, "Deep within the planet exists a place where all that is dark is channeled." "And how do I get there?" Kenobi asked stubbornly. "You cannot interfere." The Father yelled. "The way I see it is that if we were not supposed to interfere, Ahsoka, Axle and I wouldn't have been here in the first place. Look after the ship, I'm going to find Anakin." Kenobi snapped back as he informed the two Padawans. Kenobi sped off. "If you two were not here, then the Wolves of the Force would not have been born." The Father explained to the two Padawans as they went back to finish the repairs.


Ahsoka and Axle are finished with the comms channel. "Finally." Axle said "This is Jedi shuttle 634 calling on all secured channels for help. Do you read? We are stranded and need assistance." Ahsoka says.


"Ahsoka? Axle? Come in." Kenobi said through his commlink. Axle stopped working and grabbed it, "Yes Master. What is it?" Ahsoka stopped and listened too, "Any success with Anakin?" Master Kenobi answered, "No and quite the opposite." Axle started to get nervous, "Master, what's happening." "Yea what's going on?" Ahsoka asked. "Anakin has joined The Son. Do not engage him." Kenobi explained. "But, Master, with our powers we could...." Axle started to say. "Just do as I say." Kenobi ordered, "Listen to me. You have to disable the ship." "But we just finished putting it back together." Ahsoka answered. "Padawans please listen, we have to prevent Anakin and The Son from leaving." "Yes Master." Axle responded. But at that exact second, Anakin arrived on his speeder. "Quick, hide." Ahsoka said. They both grabbed each other's hands and jumped up to the ceiling using their legs to hold themselves there. Anakin walked underneath them. They jumped down and ran outside. Axle got onto the speeder and Ahsoka held onto his waist and sped off. Anakin realized what they did as they left with key components to run the ship.


The two arrived to rescue Master Kenobi while he was climbing up the dark side well. "Nice job." Ahsoka taunted. "What took you so long?" Kenobi taunted back. "Patience Master. If you warned us sooner, we would have been here faster." Axle taunted again. "Well, I see I taught you how to taunt correctly." Kenobi said and jumped on the speeder. Ahsoka handed Kenobi the missing piece of the shuttle, "The ship is going nowhere without that." "Great job. Both of you." Obi-Wan answered as they left.


The trio saw Anakin with The Father at his monastery. They descended. "Master." Ahsoka yelled as they landed. "Are you alright?" Kenobi asked. "Your eyes seem normal so I think so." Axle said. Anakin laughed, "I think so too. We must stop The Son once and for all." The Father spoke up, "We have little time. And With The Wolves of the Force, we can defeat him. We will only get one chance. You know what you must do." "My own personal send off." The Son said as he descended down. The Father turned to face him, "I ask you one last time. Do not leave my son." "You have no power to keep me old man. You must understand by now this planet is not my destiny." The Son yelled. The two force eternals kept talking for a while until it was true The Son will not stop.

Anakin then attacked him, but The Son grabbed his neck. The others ignited their blades. The Son threw Anakin across the room, then turned to face the others. He force pulled all their sabers and force pushed them to the other side of the room. They hit the floor hard. "Grey Wolf. You must hit him." The Father yelled. Axle got up. He outstretched his hand and focused all his light energy. Once again, the light ball formed and with a steady arm, he shot the wave of energy at The Son who almost dogged it. Right before the energy missed, The Father tackled him as the energy hit both of them.

When everything settled down. The Son stood up, but failed to stay up. He fell back to the ground. His ability to connect with the force has been blocked. Axle collapsed to the floor from his energy being drained. Ahsoka ran over to him and helped him up. She looked into his eyes and he looked back. "Why did you rush to help me?" Axle asked, smirking. Ahsoka didn't take her eyes off him, "Because I care about you." She answered as they both smiled. The Father was lying on the ground. The dagger of Mortis that was clipped to The Son's belt, has impaled The Father.

The Son rushed to his side and hugged him. With The Father now dead, The Son's power is gone. Anakin then stabs The Son and The Father with his blade killing him. With his dying breath, The Father informs Anakin of his destiny. All of a sudden, the building above them exploded and a bright light consumed them.


They awoke back on the ship in their galaxy. *Groan* "See it was just a coma?" Axle said looking at everyone. "I....don't know. That was peculiar that all of us fell unconscious." Master Kenobi said, smiling.

"General Skywalker, come in." Rex said through the comms channel. "We read you Rex. Can you hear me?" Skywalker answered. Rex responded, "Yes sir. Standing by. We were worried. You were off the scopes there for a moment." Anakin then said, "A moment. We've been gone longer than a moment Rex." "Sir..I don't understand. You'll need to explain." Rex answered. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. We're coming in now." Skywalker informs. Axle and Ahsoka looked at each other and smiled. Their eyes stayed locked as the ship landed on the Cruiser.