

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasi
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26 Chs


Tears gushing out of his eyes , a blurry image of his brothers clouded his mind.

His heart was aching and he didn't know what to do .

Drinking the last bottle of potion near him , he held himself back from shifting.

He would take revenge , fulfill justice to all of his brothers , but would that be enough ?

The words of the goddess echoed through his mind , trapping him in agony and pain .

She said they were cursed , cursed to fall dead , one by one , slowly yet painfully .

That whatever they tried they couldn't rewrite the stars , the fate that were chosen for them ....

And fate had took them all one by one , leaving him all alone to crumble under the pain and he hoped it would take him too after he fulfill justice . He knew he couldn't live long with all the pain .

Wiping away his tears he stared at the painting of the bloody moon . It was a reminder as to how all of them had died , blood seeping through their wounds .

He was suffering and it was all due to one human , one terrible human and his helpers and they deserved death .


Anika sat in her room , her legs crossed as she observed the painting. She knew it was involved , only if she could find who drew it maybe that might help .

The painting's note , she read it over and over . ' Have I read this before ? ' She thought.

Staring at the men , she had doubt fill her mind furthermore .

' Who was Alexios Hayes and what exactly was his relation with the man beside him . '

Walking towards her board . She remembered the one back at her home . It had been a while since she had went back there . She needed to go through the files there .

' I should give it a visit . '

Walking back to her seat , she sat down reading all the points she had noted , making decisions about what needed to be done , when she suddenly remembered -

" The boy . " She muttered as she remembered the boy at the party . Maybe he might know something .

She should have thought of him earlier . She had went through many who were at the party , but not him .

A new target was set .


[ Anika's pov ]

I looked at my phone as it rang , questioning whether I should pick it up or not .

Breathing out , my hand dived through the numerous files that were lying in my bag , searching for the ringing device .

Seeing the caller name , I immediately picked up .

" Hello . " I spoke , deepening my voice as much as I could and I recieved a high pitched ' hello ' in return .

" How are you ? " Ava asked as I sat straighter .

" Fine , to an extent . " I replied .

" How is the case going ? Any new leads ? " She asked .

" I don't know , but it's not good . " I spoke not knowing what exactly I should reply with .

As long as this case is open , my neck was on the line .

A lot of people had their neck on the line , but again that was how almost all the cases filed here are . Nothing new , but still fear doesn't let go easily .

" I called to tell you something . " Ava spoke her voice , held emotions she found incomprehensible , and I knew something was churning up .

" What is it ? " I asked already making a list of things that could right now stumble out of Ava's mouth .

" Your case - , she started , I could here her taking a deep breath and soon releasing it out , she continued ,

- is bigger than you think . "

" What do you mean ? " I questioned .

This case was already confusing and complicated enough that it had me and still has me having trust issues with everyone around me and now Ava was saying that it was even more complicated .

" It's not just one or two behind this . There's more , atleast a dozen , and soon enough you are going to find people disappearing , Anika. "

" How do you know this ? " I asked as I concentrated completely onto her voice , hoping it would all be just a prank .

And soon came my door , opening wide with such force it clashed against the wall , creating a small dent at the place where the handle had struck.

A panicked Syl was in my room.

" We have got trouble . "

I have come back with a new chapter !

Hope everyone likes the chapter . Thank-you for spending your valuable time reading this book .

Stay safe. Stay healthy . ❤️

Diyalekshmi_Pncreators' thoughts