

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Strawberry cupcakes always tasted good , especially the ones from the canteen.

" Anything else , you want to say ? " She asked looking at him , hoping that he would

something more to say .

" I know I am wrong, and I am sorry or will you need a chocolate cupcake to forgive me . "

" No. I forgive you " She replied abruptly.

This man right here was trying to feed her into forgiving him and he had already end up spending enough money on her and when she tried helping to pay , he wouldn't accept it because he was the one who offered .

Not eating more , was the least she could do .

Tayden was still in her suspect list , but to prove that he is indeed not who he is saying he is , she had no proof . Absolutely nothing.

A part of her wanted to trust him , while another held her back . It was a tug of war ,one between her heart and her brain and she couldn't help but stay neutral .

" Does anyone shame you for working at a furniture store ? " He suddenly asked changing the topic .

" Sometimes . " She replied smiling .

The Delta Force building was built under a cover of a furniture store . The building was split into parts , including an underground section .

To anyone outside , this was just a furniture store , but consider the fact that this was

nowhere near the roadside , people didn't really bat an eye towards it .

There would be a maximum of three people coming to visit the store a year and that's it .

She had remembered the last time she ran out with a gun . They had to cover it up , saying that she was running after a thief .

" My time's up . I have to get back . " She replied as she looked at Tayden apologetically .

" That's fine , but I am happy that you forgive me . "

" Sure . Thats what friends do . " She replied patting his shoulder as she got up .


" Fifteen more days to go . " She muttered as she marked the date on her calender .

There was exactly fifteen more days till the party , the killer had invited her to .

Is she going to die at the party or is it going to be someone else ?

She thought as she stared at the calendar .

She had to arrange a meeting with the rest of the team today itself , so as to plan their layout .

She wanted to get the rest to sanction her idea of excluding Tayden from this . She didn't want someone else to be caught up in what was supposed to be handles by professionals .

Walking back to her seat , she dug into her bag , searching for a hair band , only to notice a small box inside .

Taking it out , she opened it carefully , only to burst into laughter as she saw a picture of Tayden along with a note .

" Don't tell them I stole this . "

Two chocolate cupcakes rested in the box , as beautiful as ever .


" Glad to see that everyone's here . " Anika beamed as her colleagues walked into the conference hall .

" As we all know , the party will be held within a few days - " she started as she observed her group .

"- and we need a plan . Something that we can indeed consider as foolproof . "

" Do you have anything in mind ? " Asked Johnathan as he sat infront of her , his notepad open and a pen in his hand .

" I do , but we will need more help and Tayden would not be a part of this . " She replied , looking straight at James , who smiled understanding .

" If it's not Tayden , anyone else from the force ? " Asked Syl .

" We will need a few officers from here as well as another guy ." She replied smirking .

" And that is ? "

" Him ! " Anika answered as she showed her colleagues , her new external help .

I am planning to post smaller chapter from now on , but occasionally there were would be longer chapters .

Thankyou for reading.

Diyalekshmi_Pncreators' thoughts