

"The Queen's bead! I once read it somewhere long time ago. I saw its images but I never thought it's real. I thought it was only the author's fiction but.... How did you get it. I saw that only Queens of the sea have one. And why does it listen to you? Tell us Araxie."Aurora was asking a lot.

"Yes Araxie, how sure are you that it will listen to you."

"It will surely listen to me. In fact it has already done so with Aurora's healing. A moment ago ma'am was wondering what to do about her condition but look now... look at her.."

"My condition. What condition?"


"Did you tell your bead?"Judith asked with a simple smile but filled with dissatisfaction.

"Yes ma'am."

"Wow. I can't believe it though."Sara was left astonished.

"I can do a lot more than that."

"Tell us how you got it. We're all curious as you can see."

It was indeed a long story and she couldn't bring herself to tell it all to these story hungry lovers.

"I will tell you everything one by one."

"It's okay."

Thinking of a way, she came up with an amazing idea.

"Look at this. It's a cave and it's where I stayed for the night.

And this, it's a palace but unfortunately I don't go there. Only merpeople go and stay there."she explained everything as they watched through the bead which had adjusted like a projector.

"You've showed us everything except for your train.... what's his name again....oh sorry Trion."

"I knew you'd ask. But I won't show him to you so easily. Anyway I'm starving." She was really hungry since she never had any meal since morning. She never got a chance to eat with Trion.

"Oh sorry dear. Sarah get her something to eat."Judith looked apologetic. How could she not notice that Araxie was hungry all along! Maybe she didn't get time to notice her hungry face because it was her first time seeing as well as hearing about merpeople and she was really loving it.

"Here you go friend, madam mermaid... I hope I didn't miss anything"Sara said while she set a small table for Araxie.

Looking pale and exhausted Araxie could barely talk now. All she could do was shaking her head for Sara.

"Good. You can continue with the story."

"Hey, let her eat first. I'm sure she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday evening, right Araxie?"

"I don't think you're right mother. I'm sure Trion got her something to eat. I surely wouldn't let her sleep on a hungry stomach. How romantic!"Aurora imagined, she didn't realize that her mother as well as Sara had shifted their gaze upon her.

Finding it strange she asked, "what?"

"What's so romantic now. What are you thinking?"Sara asked.

Aurora who was now lost in thoughts spoke without realizing what she was saying, "I wish I could get married right now. I feel like meeting a vampire since everything seems possible these days. Find me a vampire dear heavens."

"What did you just say?"Judith felt like scolding her daughter for some reasons.

"No.. I mean, Marina is a witch, mother talked with an invisible person and now...even mermaids are real! I'm very certain that vampires do exist too and I will do whatever it takes to fall in love with one."

No one knew what went through Judith's mind at the moment cos before Aurora knew it, her cheeks were burning cos of the hot slaps her mom just gave her. "I can't believe this. Have you lost your mind or what?"her mom yelled at her.

"Mother, what's wrong with me falling in love with a vampire."

"Do you even realize what you're saying. Vampire my foot!"she was crying which left them all confused.

"She's crying! What's the matter mother. I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to hurt you like this."Aurora quickly apologized.

"But why do you hate vampires this much. What did they ever do to you?"Sara asked.

"It's nothing."she simply answered.

"Thank you ma'am. The food was so yummy."Araxie intervened after cleaning her mouth.

"It's ok."

"And... I'm sorry I overheard your conversation and I already know about your secret with vampires. Perhaps that's why you're so irritated like this. I'm sorry. But you can't scold your daughters for what happened because they don't know anything. I'm requesting you to please share it with your children and you never know they may....."

"How did you find out about.. ?"

"With this."

"Oh, sorry. I almost forgot about your bead."

"Mother won't tell us anything. I think you should tell us Araxie."

"No Araxie, you don't have to tell them anything. I will tell them myself."Judith hurried to say.

"It's ma'am."


"Well, it's a painful story for me. I lost my mom when a vampire fell in love with her even when mother wasn't interested in him.

After my father's death at a very young age, my mom took me as her responsibility and my well being was her priority.

A lot of single mothers of her age got remarried but my mother never felt the need to. She had spent ten years and I was thirteen years back then, when news spread around the town that vampires had conquered the city.

Everyone was asked to keep indoors since vampires were dangerous and could suck people's blood.

It happened and I fell sick in the lase hours of the night. Our family doctor couldn't come over as he was afraid vampires would feed on him. My mom then decided to take a risk and drove me to the doctor.

At around 3pm, she started the journey back home cos she was scared of what people would say after they saw her at the doctor's place the next morning.

It was then when we found a very tall man standing in the middle of the road.

It looked like he expected our car.

As mother drove closer, the man walked towards our car as well.

"Could it be a vampire!"I heard mom mumble as she planned to make a U-turn before she realized that our car was already in space.

The man had lifted our car with only one hand!

Mother had no choice other than shouting for help but still no one came to our aid. "Stop shouting otherwise I'll drop you down."we heard him say.

We were both shocked and surprised to hear him talk like human.

Seeing seemingly scared mother begged for mercy and just like that, the man slowly put our car down.

I could see that mother wanted to drove off but she realized that the man was already inside the car yet no one saw how he entered.

He looked like he was going to devour my mom when the expression on his face was replaced by a combination of both lust and passion. "Hmmm.... so beautiful."he said with that weird smile which made my mom's heart skip some beats for a while. "Dear Lord, I don't have a problem with you killing me today but at least let my daughter go somewhere. Find a way to save her please." I heard her pray softly.

I must say there was magic in her prayer cos the vampire suddenly changed his mind out of nowhere.

"I will spare your lives today.... but I have a condition."he said looking thoughtful.

"What's that?"

"I want to make you my wife."

"Wife!"mom repeated with a shocked expression.

"You heard me right madam beautiful."he said smelling her hair.

"I promise I won't hurt you or your daughter if you say yes to my condition. This beauty of yours shouldn't be wasted. I can't only suck your blood and go. I'll also need to taste your inner fluids. I hope you understand."

I watched my mom panic in fear. I wish I knew how to fight.

"Will you spare my child after that?"I was shocked at Mom's question. It felt like she was agreeing to his condition.

"I won't only spare your daughter's life, I'll keep you close as well. I'll make you my woman so you can serve me your beautiful body whenever I feel like fucking you. It will be fun, will it not?"

"Disgusting!"mom cursed but still, she had to act politely to save the day.

"I hope you aren't planning to marry me right here. I need to go home and prepare myself first."

"That's a good idea. I simply can't say no to you. You can go my darling but make sure to get up so early cos we'll be getting married at 9am in the morning.

Don't think of betraying me or breaking this promise cos if you do that, the consequences would be hard for you."

Was he threatening her? She hoped he was just checking her bravely.

"Sure."mother swallowed hard before the man vanish into thin air.

The shock was too much for mother to handle.

"Let's go mother. We need to get out of here. I'm feeling scared."I said.

"Don't worry my child. I promise I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm alive. I will protect you like a shield no matter how determined the attackers are! No harm will ever come to you, this is my promise to you."she assured before she started a car.

On reaching home mom rushed inside and collected some few clothes from the house and came back. "We have to run away. We will go far away from this town."

I was young but I could understand the situation she was in.

She didn't want to remarry. She had chosen to live for my late dad's memories. *Sure Mom. We have to go."I told her like one who was supporting her decision.

She drove as fast as she could and before we knew it, we had gone far away from the town.

I could see a slight smile on mom's face again.

We knew we had left all our worries and troubles behind little did we know that Mr vampire had been watching our every step all along.

I reach a point and blame myself for her death cos had I not asked her to get me ice cream, perhaps she could've skipped death that day.

We were on our way when we bypassed an ice cream vendor. I was like, please Mom get me some ice cream and since she liked pampering me so much, she couldn't say no to her only daughter. Moreso, I will sick.

That's how she moved out of the car and never returned.

Walking a small distance, she reached the man who denied to look in her direction even though they were talking together.

"Ahhh...my daughter wants ice cream."she said after greeting him.

"Don't you want some as well? I'm sure you'll like it."the man said, still looking in the opposite direction.

"No thank you."

"Tell me ma'am. I hope you don't mind if I could ask you something.'

"Sure, ask."

"For how long will you run?"

"What. I mean... what are you saying? I'm not running. I'm just on a hurry."she lied.

"Impressive! I always thought that beautiful ladies like you would never lie but look at you, you're busy lying with a confident face."

"But how did you know about this. I mean you haven't looked at my face and...."

"What did you think, that you would escape and run away, huhhh! "the man's voice sounded cold this time as he turned around.

Mother almost fainted to find that it was none other than Mr vampire.

"Y...you!"her lips suddenly parted. She couldn't believe it.

"Shocked or surprised to see me here. How's my surprise?" Mother ran towards the car but unfortunately the vampire grabbed her hand so roughly that she fell to the ground in the middle of the road and injured her forehead.

All I did was screaming and crying but no one passed by.

On seeing mom's blood, the vampire couldn't hold the urge to taste it. Before I realized he was licking her blood on the forehead.

Maybe he found it sweet that it became irresistible for him to suck it all.

"I wanted to get out of the car and go to her rescue when I heard her say, Judith... please run away. You have to run for your life my child. Don't worry about me, I promise I'll die in peace after seeing you run from here. I know you can do this."