

Knowing that sliding into her pussy was the only way to get her healed, Jann slowly directed his d*ck into Sara's bread(p*ssy) even though he felt so nervous as he was scared of hurting her again.

All he wanted was to heal her and take away all her pain and not to hurt her.

Would he be slow on her? He shivered at the thought because he had a record from his past that he had never been easy or slow on any woman.

He was always rough and always ate them like they weren't humans.

And if he could remember correctly,he never shared bed with any human till now.

Sara was going to be the first human he'd get so close to.

"I must be careful.. I shouldn't hurt her. She's already gone through a lot."Jann reminded himself inwardly.

He had wanted to make it memorable but the kind of nervousness he felt at the moment,it was next to impossible for him to think of something amazing.

He hoped that his fear would vanish away once he has tasted and swam in her waters but instead, things got worse when he saw how sealed Sara's womanly parts were.

"She's indeed virgin..

She's pure and innocent.

Yes! She's holly!"Jann breathed with pleasure and some other mixed emotions..

He was talking to himself like he had doubts earlier.

"I know one time is enough to heal you, but…" He paused shyly.

"Are you scared to do it?"Sara asked teasingly.

"Would you mind if it hurts so much?"Jann gasped. He was shocked by his sudden behavior.

Seemingly, it was like he was going to hurt her no matter what!

What on earth was happening to him! Where did all his previous experience disappear to!

Of course he wasn't ready to cause her more pain.

His question was a bit funny but Sara couldn't bring herself to laugh, either, but she felt her ribs creak under the strain.

"No," Sara said gravely. "I wouldn't mind."she added.

The tenderness in her voice caused an unknown feeling in Jann's mind that he didn't waste any second before he laid over Sara with his man still inside her and then he began swimming in and out of her till he noticed blood coming out of her.

Now, Jann was fighting the urge to stop because Sara's wound had healed already but something inside him couldn't let him stop.

The beast in him still wanted to enjoy Sara's bloody waters so he found himself losing to his beast instead, hence he kept on riding until he realized that Sara had stopped moaning.

Everything around him came to a stand still the moment he noticed that Sara was finding it difficult to breath.

"Oh no!

What have I done now? Sara....Sara dear..."he panicked while he called.

Soon Sara fell inconspicuous which got Jann so much worried.

Did he f*ck her so bad!- Jann wondered in regret.

Honestly, he too didn't remember what exactly happened. All he remembered was seeing Sara's wound healing and what happened next, he had no idea!

As he wandered his eyes around, he felt like someone was watching them though he wasn't seeing anyone.

His instincts were telling him that they were being watched.

"Who is it?"Jann asked in fear despite his extreme powers.

Yes, dealing with a new problem at the moment was something he wouldn't do as he was already worried about his Sara.

Ignoring the fear within him, he held Sara so tightly and dressed her up in new clothes.

"You'll be fine my love.

I'm very sorry for hurting you like this."Jann said while he planted a long kiss on Sara's lips.

Jann's mind was still distracted by the fear that he'd lose the love of his life, that he never got a chance to think about what could have caused her to pass out like that.

Sara didn't fall unconscious out of exhaustion from the act, she was bound to, since her whole body was busy adjusting to the changes.

She was transforming into a vampiress and very soon she'd be half human and vampire so she wasn't supposed to lose any blood but here, Jann had dug into her causing her to bleed so much.

"Oh alright, I think you need blood."Jann said in realization and quickly he grabbed a knife from the fruit basket and cut his wrist letting his blood drip into Sara's mouth and surprisingly she immediately responded by opening her eyes..

"I love you so much."Those were Sara's first words after regaining consciousness.

"I love you too my wife."Jann said back before he added, "you've given me a big fright.

For the past few minutes, I was so terrified. It felt like I was going to lose you."

"I'm very sorry about that."Sara apologized..

She could still see tears in Jann's eyes which was a proof that he had cried enough.

Suddenly, strong wind blew causing every mirror in Jann's castle to break.

He could've taken it lightly but he couldn't.

All along he had been hiding his biggest secret from Sara and now that she was all his, Jann felt he should tell her all about himself and his secret.

Wait! What was Jann's secret?

Would this secret affect their relationship?

Jann hoped Sara would understand his intentions for keeping her away from the truth for all that time!

Looking at how the mirrors broke, Jann knew pretty well that it was something connected to his secret so he had to tell Sara the truth himself before she could get to know about it from somewhere else.

"Sara baby...

I need to tell you something important about my life.. I'm sorry that I kept you in the dark for all this time but I swear my intentions weren't bad.

Actually... I... I...."Jann was still struggling, looking how to bring out his secret and then he realized that Sara had fallen asleep. Perhaps he shouldn't disturb her, he'd tell her the next day.

It didn't take long before morning knocked at the door bringing the next sunrise casting its rays on the magnificent castle that woke Jann from his deep sleep.

He wished Sara could wake up too so he could share his secret with her but to his shock, Sara was nowhere in the room nor was she anywhere in the big house, when he returned from taking a shower.

"Where did she go?

Sara..."Jann searched every room in the house but couldn't find Sara.

He could've used his powers to find out but unfortunately they weren't working either, since he was just from biting and marking someone.

Yes, Sara was the one with all his powers at the moment but she had no idea on how to use them.

"So I can teleport!"Sara smiled broadly when she found herself in her room after thinking about it a while ago.

She didn't know she could teleport or do anything magical. In fact she had no idea how she returned back home.

All she remembered was that she was scared that her family would notice that she was missing and they'd do absolutely anything to trace her whereabouts and Jann might get hurt once again of which she didn't want to happen, never!