

"Come around soon my love. I don't care whether you'll shout at me for marking you or not cos I'm ready for anything but I can't afford losing you.

I can't wait to welcome you to my world that's full of wonders and magic. You know what, your sister has powers as well. I guess she acquired them after she was marked by her witch husband and as for you, you're now partly vampire because you're my one and only wife, Sara and I've marked you.

And hereafter, no one will ever separate us."Jann whispered softly as he planted a kiss on Sara's forehead.

Please open your eyes and tell me about your new experience.

It was like his kiss contained some magic because Sara's eyes immediately fell open following Jann's warm breathe in her hair.

On seeing such a miracle, Jann breathed with relief while he jumped with so much joy and happiness, he bowed down and showed his gratefulness to the Almighty despite being a superior vampire!

He then slowly walked up to Sara who was struggling to sit upright on the bed, and he picked her up in a bridal style before he vanished from the room with her in his strong arms.

Yes, he was now determined to break every rule just to be with the woman he loved.

He had seen and suffered enough that he came to realization that Sara's family wasn't ready to accept him no matter what happened so he had to do things his own way.

It didn't take long before he arrived at his secret castle and took Sara straight to his room where he laid her out and covered her with his sheets.

Jann grabbed some cloths afterwards and went to take a quick shower.

Meanwhile Sara curled up in a ball and shurdered. The poison had travelled all over her body and the pain was far too much.

Jann came back some minutes later with, instead of his charming old looks,he came with new super hot looks that were beyond every description.

His earlier marine-blue eyes... were now dreamy icy ones.

His previous red lips were now magical pinky ones and his manly strong and hard hands were as soft as sponge.

He walked up to his bed and laid next to Sara.

He patted her head and held her close to his chest because he knew so well that she was still in pain although she tried hiding it from him.

Jann looked her in the eyes and whispered, "It'll be over soon." He reassured, which brought some relief at Sara's heart.

Even though Jann couldn't do anything to ease the pain, Sara found his words and presence very helpful...

The pain was too much for Sara that she laid motionlessly like she really was dead.

Knowing that Sara's pain was gone by then, Jann sighed before he began making love to her by licking her cheeks and kissing her lips like never before.

He then caressed her body with his hands. Sara leaned against his hand and opened her eyes slowly. She looked up to see a man with dreamy icy eyes and pink lips.

She did not know him which caused her to hold back her breath and looked frightened.

Who are you?- She couldn't bring herself to recognize who that man was.

Did....he do something to her while she was unconscious?"Sara thought but then she realized it couldnt be true...because her cloths where still on.

"Who.... Who are you?"she repeated.

"Haha Sara? Its me.... your Jann."Jann smiled nervously and sat up.

"Feeling better?" He asked not wanting to make her suffer any more. He loved her and never wanted to hurt her ever again.... Even if it meant that he had to die for her, he'd surely do so.

"It... It still hurts actually." She said pointing to her wound on the neck. It was still fresh and Jann was wondering why it was taking long to dry up.

"Oh, yes. I remember we still have one more thing to do."he later said.

"What's that. I hope it's not painful as well,is it?"

"I don't know. All I know is that it'll hurt a little bit but you'll enjoy it so much that all your pain would vanish away before you even know it."

"Wow. I'm curious. I can't wait."Sara's excitement was on another level little did she know that Jann was talking about claiming her.

Yes, intimacy was the only thing left to make them one for eternity.

And moreso, it was the only way to cease Sara's pain.

Jann who felt a little shy, found it hard to explain the next step to this gorgeous lady because he was well aware that she was still untouched and divine.- She was still virgin and talking about sex with her would make her nervous and scared so he chose to do things without telling her.

Wait! How would he slide between her thighs without her consent?

He hoped he would first intoxicate her with all his love of which wasn't that easy.

Laying back next to Sara, Jann embraced her in a tight hug, ignoring the fact that she was in pain and to his relief, Sara hugged him back.

She did have much feelings for him. But now she was held back by this pain.

"I love you." Sara let out a small silent gasp. But before she could compose herself together, Jann bent down and kissed her full on the lips.

She didn't pull back or anything, she did kiss him back, and with that Jann knew she was ready for intimacy.

Taking off all his clothes, Jann expected some questions from Sara but surprisingly she never said a word, she just buried her face between her hands as she didn't want to see this man's nakedness.

"Should I take yours off as well?"Jann asked softly.

He knew that Sara wasn't in a state to do anything by herself but she could deny if she wanted to, and this feeling made him nervous as he waited for her answer.

"I also want to heal. I want to be free from this pain."Sara hardly uttered out.

She read about vampires long time ago so she knew what Jann was doing and why.

"Really! You know about all this.

Thank the heavens! I didn't know how to explain it to you. You know it's a little bit awkward."

"I wanted to see how you'll shiver while explaining it to me that's why I kept quiet.

Sorry."she smiled despite the pain she was in.

"I love you so much Sara. I really do."

Since Jann had nothing to hold him back, he hungrily undressed this gorgeous damsel and started playing with her naked body.

He found it arousing to play with her nipples.

He could've slid straight between her legs but he thought of making it memorable for the two of them, after all it was Sara's first sex experience and breaking virginity was a new experience for Jann as well.

He had had sex with countless women from his past but he had never found someone virgin and that was the reason he never marked anyone as his own mate till then.