

Although Jann was happy seeing the woman he loved, with him at the moment, he still felt bad when she explained that she had run away from home since they couldn't approve of their relationship.

That wasn't how he wanted to do his things.

Yes, it might've been a good decision for Sara to take at a moment but for Jann, such decision wasn't the wise one. He was planning on winning everyone's heart before taking any step forward. He had no idea that Sara too couldn't hold it anymore!

"What do I do.... what do I do!"Jann breathed. He could've taken advantage of the situation and Sara's naivety but no. Disappointing those people was something that Jann never wanted to repeat ever again! All he wanted was to form relationships with Sara's family. He never wanted anyone to notice any flaw in him.

"Sara dear, I don't think this is the right thing to do. I mean... you can't just run away from home like this.

Look, we both know we're in love with each other and that we're inseparable, are we not?

So, my point is, we should do our best to win over your family's approval.

I know it'd be difficult and it might even take us some good months but one thing is for sure that together, we'll make it.

And once they've accepted me wholeheartedly, we'll walk down the aisle because you deserve a universal grand ceremony that's why I can't support your decision right now. I'm very sorry dear."

Elsewhere, Trion found it strange when he waited for Araxie to arrive at the Sea as per their secret plan but in vain. He then got a feeling that Jann might've figured out about their plan and stopped her from coming.

Picking up his baby's tank, Trion teleported straight home where he found everyone sleeping soundly except for his wife, Sara and Aurora,as he couldn't see them anywhere in the castle.

Where could these three go at this hour of the night?"he wondered.

He thought of looking around for them and when he couldn't find them, he decided to wake the rest up.

"What's the matter. Why are you shouting at this hour?"everyone asked.

"Where did Araxie and her friends go. You were here with them, right?"he asked looking at everyone's face and then he spoke again, "and you Andie; how could you not see that your wife was missing?"

"I... I..." Why was Andie stammering now?

"Strange! I'm sure Jann is behind all this.

You all have to come with me."

It didn't take long before he arrived at the same castle.

Meanwhile Araxie and Aurora were about to come out of their hideout when they saw the rescuing squad with Trion as their leader.

Before Araxie and Aurora could do anything, Trion and his team had already begun firing bullets, shooting arrows and breaking doors and windows as they got inside the castle. They all seemed furious and Araxie couldn't tell why but they question was, 'What are they doing here?'-Araxie would wonder because she remembered she had cast sleeping spells on everyone in the house and she believed she was the only one who could break that spell.

While Jann and Sara were busy chatting in the room, they heard like noise of something like glass breaking but when Jann stood to go and have a look, Sara stopped him for she thought it was Araxie who was eavesdropping on their conversation like she told her.

She thought she might've broken the photo frame or something by mistake.

Jann wasn't convinced though because his instincts were telling him otherwise.

Like he had imagined, the whole family had surrounded them with guns and arrows all pointed at him.

"He hasn't done anything. Please don't shoot him."Sara began to scream but no one listened to her for they had come only to leave a dead body!

They had beaten Jann to a pulp because he never wanted to fight back and complicate the already complicated matter.

He'd rather get killed than fighting Sara's people but before they could finish him, Araxie stepped in and made him invisible from everyone because that was the only way she could save him from these angry people who knew nothing about the whole story.

They were still angry so explaining the situation to them might turn tables on Sara so Araxie thought it was wise to keep quiet for a while.

"Let's go."Neel said.

They all seemed happy because they were under the impression that they had rescued those three little did they know that they had made a crime instead!

And Sara was left feeling disgusted to the extent that she regretted being a part of that horrible and merciless family.

Setting her eyes on what seemed like prison for her (the palace), Sara's tears rolled down her swollen eyes. She had been crying since they shot Jann the first bullet. Her once pretty cheeks had turned red, her beautiful eyes had swollen up but no one seemed to care for they thought they had saved her from the monster.

Slowly she walked straight to her room. She wanted to lock herself in there but then she stood still, so surprised by what she saw inside her room.

"J-Jann dear!"she almost smiled but there was nothing to smile at since his whole body was injured. He was all covered in blood because his wounds were still fresh and were bleeding too much.

"I'm dying hunny. Please take good care of yourself because I'll come back for you. And please, don't take revenge on your family. They were only doing their duty. They were protecting you because they care about you, they're concerned about you dear."

"What are you saying dear. You can't die and leave me like this, you really can't.

I won't let you go."Sara cried and then heaved a sigh of relief on seeing Araxie stepping in her room.

Perhaps she'd heal him with her magic. Sara breathed.