

Letting go of her love wasn't something that Sara would never allow to happen no matter the cost. She would do absolutely anything to save him because she was pretty sure that once he dies, her family would marry her off to someone right away.

After Araxie had tried her magic on Jann but in vain, she stood confused while she wondered why the bead wasn't working on him.

"B-blood... blood!"Jann could hardly utter out words but still Sara heard what he said in whispers.

"He's mentioned blood. Do you perhaps have any idea of what he's trying to tell us,huhh?"Sara was human so she expected Araxie to be knowing something since she had joined the magical world already.

"I guess he's telling us that he's lost a lot of blood."Araxie said, paused and then spoke again, "Oh! I guess I know what he's trying to tell us.

I think he needs some blood, he's a vampire after all.

He needs to suck someone's blood, yes!"Araxie said with a slight smile on her face.

"He needs blood? Would he be fine if he gets it?"Sara asked while panicking.

Meanwhile Jann was breathing his last breath when drips of blood fell in his mouth.

It was Sara's. She had cut her wrist just to give him her blood and save him.

On tasting Sara's sweet blood, Jann's canines immediately turned into fangs, his eyes fell open with undescribable emotions, and slowly...he found Sara's neck and bit into her, filling his mouth with thick, delicious blood, gulping mouthful after mouthful that he almost drained blood out of Sara's body.

Sara was moaning softly, her body growing weaker and weaker and her legs...they couldn't hold her any longer but as she was going to fall, Jann's strong arms supported more of her weight.

Yes, Sara's blood had brought Jann back but he was so scared and felt guilty for Sara's terrifying and painful condition.

He was responsible for it all- Jann blamed himself while he cursed inwardly.

"It must be so painful. I'm such a fool, why was I thinking?

I...i...have drained blood out of her.

Sara, S-Sara dear...please open your eyes.

Why did you save me when you knew you'd leave me like this."Jann cried looking very restless.

"J-JANN love... don't blame yourself for my death. My family is responsible for it.

I know that you're thinking that this is painful for me, right? You're very wrong then because this is the most pleasurable experience of my life. Perhaps I wasn't meant to live in love, I was only meant to taste it and from what I've experienced and received, I can proudly say that yours was really true love and today, I'm dying peacefully and happy. I love you Jann."Sara hardly whispered.

"No. Don't say such things dear. You won't die."Jann never wanted to mark this girl without her consent but right then... marking her was the only option he had if he wanted to stop her from dying.

Yes, Jann bit into Sara but he never injected his vampire venom into her.

That was something he thought he should ask for Sara's opinion first for it would change her life completely.

Yes, marking her would make her his mate forever. Although it was what he always wanted, he thought it wasn't right to take such a life changing decision on her behalf but right now....he really didn't have another way out.

He had to save her by all means after all he was the one who drank and drank, sucked her blood at her neck until there was nothing left to suck!

"I'm sorry my love. You've left me with no choice but to make you my own without your consent. I have to stop you from leaving me because I don't think I will be able to live without you.

I've learnt to live for you Sara."Jann whispered in Sara's ears while he knelt down before he slowly licked her previous wound on her neck and then pierced into her again thus injecting his venom into her which left Sara unconscious.

Jann stood up and glanced at Sara who laid unconsciously on the carpet with sad eyes. He never want to hurt the one he loved nor did he want to mark her like that. He wanted to make it memorable for her since it was going to mark the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

That new life where she'd possess powers like any other vampiress.

Seeing Sara lay down like that was so tempting for Jann that he couldn't hold back his feelings and desire to kiss her so he bent down again a little bit and bit her on lips, making sure the wound wasn't bigger.

He then stopped and bit his bottom lip trying not to bite Sara again. His hands moved away.

He then walked back and forth in the room waiting for Sara to come around but in vain and soon he heard like someone coming to Sara's room.

"I think Araxie is coming over again."he breathed in comfort but then panicked when he heard a man's voice speaking on the phone.

"Oh no! It's not Araxie. These men must not see me here. I'll be done for!"he breathed.

He could've made himself invisible but he couldn't do so since he was just from marking someone.

He was still weak at the moment and his powers...they were inactive.

Jann began panicking and sweating at weird thoughts. His heart almost jumped out of him when the door fell open.

It was Trion. He had come to check on Sara.

Jann stood still in the middle of Sara's room waiting to face Trion's rough but was left shocked when Trion walked through him like he wasn't there.

"How did I just turn invisible?"he wondered but still kept mum.

He still knew that trouble was coming because he expected Trion to react on seeing Sara's fresh wound on her neck but surprisingly it wasn't there and she was sleeping soundly like nothing happened.

"Who's helping us."Jann asked himself after Trion had left the room and then, Aurora appeared in the room.

"I've saved you now. I don't know if someone else would help you next time cos I'm going to sleep now. My husband is waiting for me and I think he'd come over to check on Sara before sleeping as well so... I don't know what you'll do then."

"Thank you so much sister in-law. At least now I know that I'm not alone, I have both you and Araxie in my support."

"Let me go and find a way to stop my husband from coming over."Aurora said and left.

Would Sara come around?

Find out in the next episode.

Thank you so much guys 😘