
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantasi
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95 Chs

Ch. 74 Let's visit Irizan

It had been 5 days since Gabriel started training his new skills. The morning after he learned his Illusion Magic, he started back in on the books and managed to get everything assimilated in one day, as it was a lot of information Gabriel decided to mostly meditate on it at first then once he had fully recovered he would get to work on things. (Now that I have the Advanced Magic Funneling Paths, I can make a grade 2 Path in the dome and increase the speed that we can create fresh Magic Stones for use in making Path Stones. Then I can start upgrading around here.) Gabriel had already started to plan out the upgrades in his head, with the addition of a Magic Focusing Path and Mini Carving Techniques, Gabriel could now fit 2 Paths on 1 Stone, making them infinitely more useful. He would need to practice the miniaturized carving techniques, but once he got them completely Mastered, he would be able to make all kinds of new things. Lady Ara had been observing on the first day while he learned his other skill and didn't even bother to write anything down as all she saw was Gabriel hold a book, then drop it and start screaming at the top of his lungs. There wasn't anything for her to analyze during the procedure, so it was pointless to even record it. After the first day, she asked Gabriel of she could teach Gala and Serah any Magic, to which Gabriel replied if they want to learn, they're all hers.

While Gabriel has been meditating and practicing his new abilities or skills, Gala Serah, and Lady Ara have been studying together for most of the day. The First day she brought our several books and spread them on a desk before asking the girls to walk around and take the first book that stood out to them. Serah had picked up a book on Broken Realm Healing Techniques, while Gala had picked up a unique book with no name on it. Lady Ara had instructed Serah somewhat on her first steps into learning Healing Magic, but asked Gala to wait until that night before she could explain to her what her book was about.

After the day went by and everyone had gone to bed, Lady Ara came into Gala's den holding the book she had chosen.

"This isn't your average spell book. Hell, we don't even know what to call it honestly, there's a couple thousand copies of this spell that have been floating around for years, but no one can decide what the actual skill is, as it changes everytime. This book is called Random, Magic Society hasn't come up with a better name for it yet, but basically as you're learning the spell, it automatically adjusts itself to your affinities and create a skill based around them. No one under Bander Realm has managed to survive learning this as it imprints on your soul when you finish the last of it, which as you can guess is an incredibly painful process after spending months of effort trying to learn it."

"What are we waiting for then? If it's going to take that long, it should be worth it, and I highly doubt any pain can surpass the pain of my Humanoid Evolution."

The next morning, Gabriel woke up from a good night's rest as he felt something was off. Like, it felt as though he was about to be attacked in the safety of his own home. Gabriel got up and activated his Shadow Clothing before heading out and inspecting the entire cave. He then headed to the junction area and still couldn't find anything amiss. Walking outside he noticed their new guard Phil was still awake and was up in one of the towers with a torch. Gabriel made his way up the tower and reached the top just as the sun started to peak over the horizon.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Haven't slept yet. Look." Pointing to a spot almost half a kilometer from the base, there was the glow of a fire still visible through the tree line. "I don't think they're hostile, but I wasn't sure so I stayed up just in case. Don't worry, I'll make it through today as well."

"I'll go tell the others and take a look. If they attack me, then I'll kill them, simple." Gabriel left the tower and ran into the cave to let Ara, Serah, Cerno, Sila, Gala, Acorn, and the trio of cubs, know what Phillips had spotted outside and that he was going to check it out. "Stay here or in the yard, just don't leave for a while. It shouldn't take me long, but if one of you would go in the other watchtower and help keep an eye out I'd appreciate it."

Gabriel went up to his room to get the L-Shaped Blade, a few more Path Stones, and then he changed his Shadow Clothing to the look he used when going into town. Running out of the cave, Gabriel condensed his wings and began to flap hard before taking off and flying over the walls. He headed toward the last spot they had seen the light at, they weren't sure if it was torches or a bonfire so it could've been in the move. Flying high above everything Gabriel was struggling to find anything, there was no evidence of a bonfire nor any group in the area. He began to circle the area until he spotted the signs of a group moving toward the river. There were 6 pairs of boot tracks and 1 set of horse hooves tracks.

Gabriel followed these tracks for 15 minutes before he spotted a group of what appeared to be adventurers. None of their armor looks uniform nor does it look like it's been kept up well. Amongst the group was the horse, which was a deep blue-gray color and gave a stark contrast to the woman in black leather riding it. As Gabriel got closer, he could see they were all wearing the same masks, and on the masks was the insignia of his enemy, Lord Irizan. (Great, so these guys are probably stronger soliders then. Their armor not be maintained, but that's probably because they're always out on missions..... I think I'll go get Acorn and Gala. They may be more than I can handle.)

As Gabriel tilted his wings and body to head toward base, he felt a horrible pang in the pit of his stomach. He quickly tucked his wings as an arrow came flying past his wings, where they were only a moment before. He tucked into a spiral before unfurling his wings above the trees and making sure to keep a bit of side to side movement. (Shit. Should've known they would be able to see me. I need to hurry.)

Gabriel closed the distance without being shot at again and landed on top of the walls. Acorn and Gala were sitting in the first watchtower and spotted him as soon as he landed. 'I need your help, strong enemies are coming.'

'I'm with you Gabriel.'

"Yaaayyy! Finally something to fight!" Acorn leapt through the air and landed on Gabriel before bursting into a mist and reforming as a bigger squirrel on Gabriel's head. "I've been practicing!"

"Good job, let's go see your results!' Gabriel landed on the ground outside of the walls and waited for Gala to catch up. Serah and Ara we're standing near the gates as well, and saw what was happening, knowing that something bad was about to happen. They both went into the first watchtower and went upstairs so they could witness the events. "Let's hurry, I want to get this done fast."

Gala, Gabriel, and Acorn were doing their best to look for the enemies while running through the woods. As they got closer to the last known location, Gabriel ducked to the side while pushing Gala the opposite direction. As they both hit the ground, a large arrow struck the ground where they were just standing.

"Lord, I have spotted them."

"Bring me his head." Gabriel could hear woman's voice from somewhere in the woods. He still hadn't been able to spot the group, but hearing those words woke up an anger within Gabriel he hadn't felt before.

'Acorn, can you find them while we fight whatever is about to come at us? If you can find the one riding the horse and either kill her or report back to me, I think we can end this fight relatively quickly.' Gabriel used his MindSpeak so the enemies wouldn't be able to hear their plan, he then grabbed Acorn and threw him up into the nearest tree. "I'm on it!"

"Come on out! You want to keep attacking my home!? I'll be coming for yours once I'm done with you!" Gabriel had had enough of these people, they keep trying to take the place he painstakingly built. (Enough is enough, when. we're done here, we'll recover and then pay a visit to this Lord Irizan. He owes me a pound of flesh for his efforts in ruining our lives.)