
Why Is My Talent A Debuff

It’s 2074, Massive Virtual Reality MMORPG “Awaken II” launches. Fan Yel was just a normal depressed nobody on Earth. Suddenly finding himself in a parallel universe, he becomes the chosen in a world with no Physics My talent? Debuff? Don’t worry, I’m still top damager. How I do this? Ahahah I’m TALENTed. GM: Your broken. Yel: Well you made me this broken. However, this game exists without physics? How does this parallel universe run? What is human evolution hiding? What secrets will Yel find out?

fanlingwang · Game
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38 Chs


Yel and Jill walked out of the nursery and started toward the fields. They needed a quiet spot where they wouldn't be interrupted.

"I'm going to try my skill first," Yel said.

Activate Blade of the Wind. Yel said in his mind.

He felt all the Spirit Energy in him rushing towards his right hand. He held it in front of him.

A sword forged before him. It gave off a green flow and was about the length of his legs. The blade is slim, double-edged, and finished with a pointed tip. The blade is then attached to a hilt, magnificently and beautifully shaped into a dragon; it represents the mythological figure, the "Godly Golden Dragon of Xia".

Yel gripped onto it. He felt no weight from it. It fitted perfectly into his palm, as it was designed just for him.

Yel sliced forward. The sword was as light as the feather, but cut through the air sharply.

Yel sliced again, this time in his fastest slice he can manage.


There was the sound of the blade cutting through air and breaking the sound barrier, but there was no visible blade. It felt to Jill that the blade had simply teleported from the left to the right, giving off an impression that it would deal no damage.

"I also have a skill like that!" Jill exclaimed in anticipation.

She held up her right hand and a dagger began forming. While she was forging, Yel found out he could dismiss the blade into the air to become invisible. It could become a breeze of wind that oriented him.

Jill's dagger was small and agile, shorter than her forearm. It gave off a dark aura and gave chills to people nearly; it was a murder machine. Sharpened on one side was the blade, attached to the handle that was the exact length of Jill's grip.

She swung the blade through the air before her. Nothing like Yel's exaggerated slice happened, but it still sliced the air smoothly. But speed and power aren't everything.

Jill's slice felt like the shadow. It didn't feel significant and blended in. It flickered and felt as if it didn't exist. That's the deadly part of it — the perfect assassination weapon where your target won't notice the blow coming.

"Whoa," Jill exclaimed.

She flicked her wrist and the dagger disappeared.

She looked up and saw Yel looking at her hungrily.

"Hehe do you want to do a little duel? Sounds really fun," Yel suggested.

"Uh uh, no duel," Jill shrunk her neck. "I'm not the type that enjoys getting demolished."

Yel sighed. How would he improve his combat skills while he was away from Awaken?

Awaken only opens again at 9:00 am the next day. It is the same for everyone in Xin Hunaland.

"Right, Imma go home then," Yel said sadly.

"Kay, see you tomorrow," Jill waved.

Yel dashed away. Running is a good way to train stamina and agility.

The police don't fine pedestrians for speeding right? Yel thought as he was running.

Then he saw a familiar person walking home on the opposite side of the road. He halted and looked at him.

Wu, he was part of the "Yin Yang" friend group. He was Yel's friend. Yel remembered the previous day, before getting transported to this new world.

They were joking around with a carton of milk. Yang and Yel were trying to be cool guys hiding and passing the milk around, which belonged to Wu.

Now Yel thinks about it, it wasn't a good thing to do. Taking others' property was not cool and Yel felt really bad about it. Not only did he take the milk though, he also took some steps too far.

He kicked over Wu's water bottle, and spilled all the water inside. He practically booted the bottle away when Wu was pretending to splash water on him.

It made Wu mad; he left the friend group. It also made Yel feel bad. He was regretful and remorseful. He wanted to apologise to Wu, but he never found him.

Then the breakup scandal occurred. The world was fair; if you do a terrible deed, you will be punished in some way.

Yet the world had given him a new chance at life. In this world, nothing has happened yet. This transmigration not only gave Yel what he looked up to as a teenager, but also a chance to improve himself as a better human.

Yel made his way across the road. "Heyo," he greeted Wu.

It's a heavy way to introduce a character. Wu is going to be a main support character in the novel. He will be one of the permanent party members that accompany Yel from the start to the very end.

Again, I won't be asking for anything. You being here is the greatest to me --- it shows that I have spread my stories to people, whether you like it or not. My only goal from writing is just to tell a story. It fills me with joy! :D

You can contact me on instagram: @fanfanfan_lingwang

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