
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · perkotaan
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33 Chs

Night With Betsy!

Nate jumped out of the bed after Paige screamed his name. He started breathing hard as his heart pounded hard. He thought there was a fire or something. Paige frowned and tightened the grip on the bedsheet to her chest.

"What did you do to me? Why am I naked?" She asked. She paused and touched her forehead. She was still in pain.

"You were cold last night and..."

"You think cuddling me was the best thing you could do" she asked.

"I'm sorry. I was panicking and didn't know what to do. I used hot water to... Argh! There's no use explaining. You won't still understand. Get dressed let's go back home" he said and walked away. Paige watched as Nate walked into the bathroom. She peeped into the duvet again and stared at her naked body. She bit her lower lips and fummed.



After some hours, they got to their houses.

Paige walked into her house and saw Zane pacing about. Immediately she closed the door, he turned and gazed at Paige.

Hurriedly, he ran to her and grabbed her arm.

"Are you okay? What happened? You got me worried Babe" he said.

Paige didn't utter any word. She just shoved Zane aside and head to her room. She flung her shoes out of her leg and climbed the bed. She closed her eyes after that.

Zane frowned. He spent time waiting for her but she came home to sleep. He acted like a gentleman and covered her with the duvet. He kissed her forehead and left. Paige was too weak to understand what was going on.


"I'm coming!!!" Betsy yelled, at running to the door. She was supposed to be at the company but since her boss wasn't around, she decided not to go.

She twisted the key and pulled the door open.

"Nate...I mean, sir. You are home" she murmured and tried to touch him.

"Get your hands off me" he said and pushed her away.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to get fired?!" He yelled at her.

"Don't yell too much. I should ask you where you are coming from?" Quinn asked, as she catwalk down the stairs.

"And who are you to ask that?" He asked, with his gaze traveling to where she was.

Betsy's gaze flickered. She had no idea that they argue with each other. She thought they were nice couples who love each other with all of their hearts but no, she was wrong.

"I am your wife Nate and I have every right to know. Who were you with the whole night?" She asked.

Nate hissed and walked away.

"Nate! Nate! I won't let you go anywhere tonight. I hope you're listening to me, you dimwit!" She yelled at him as he walked away but he didn't stop. He pretended not to hear anything.


Quinn brought out her phone and dialed Dylan's number. After the first ring, he answered the call. It was as if he has been waiting for her call.

"He just came in. He's looking weak and tired"

"I also got information that Paige slept off immediately she walked into the house"

"I hope they didn't have s*x with each other. I will make sure I kill Paige if she goes close to my husband again" she threatened.

"Relax, I have everything under control. Just relax. She's not in a good mood. It's better we give her some time before she signs the paper"

"Whatever!" She disconnected the call and stared at Betsy.

"You should go buy some sexy clothes that you'll use to attract him. If not, he won't touch you" she said to Betsy.

"Sure, I would" Betsy smiled and walked away.


When it was evening, Paige woke up. She sat on her bed, yawning. She was still feeling tired but better than before. She rushed into the bathroom and had a hot shower. Now, she was fully better. She charged her phone and ordered some food.

As she walked out of her room, she saw the table Zane had prepared for her. The drinks were still there but the meal wasn't.

"He got tired of waiting for me so he ate alone. I'm sorry Zane" she muttered slowly.

The only thing on her mind was how she ended up on the bed with Nate earlier.

"I hope he didn't touch me or kiss me in my sleep" she thought, touching her body. She waited for the food she had ordered.


Nate also woke up few minutes ago. He walked out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped round his waist, drying his wet hair. He noticed the room was dark and someone laying on the bed.

He frowned. He could know the shape of his wife even if they cover his eyes. He knew that it was Betsy.

Slowly, he placed the wet towel on the make up chair and walked to the bed. He angrily hit the bed as if he didn't know someone was there.

Betsy screamed from under the duvet.

"Argh! What was that for?" She asked, almost yelling. She saw Nate and changed her expression, trying to seduce him but it wasn't working.

She pulled him closer to her body.

"Sir, just make me pregnant and I leave" she said.

"Quinn!!!! Quinn!!!!" Nate yelled her name.

"I won't open this door until you've slept with her. You want to prove stubborn right?" Quinn yelled from outside. She has locked Betsy and Nate in her bedroom. She's sure that he would sleep with her once he is tired of staying there with her.

Nate left the bed and tried to open the door.

"Quinn, open this door right now. Quinn!" He called out her name.

"Why would I? You want a child, make the child already. Just sleep with her and I would open the door for you. That's it" she said.

Nate turned and stared at Betsy. She was already starting to take off her clothes, showing off her gigantic n*pples.

"Just come sir, you won't regret it" she signalled him to come closer with her fingers.

"Once this is over, you aren't allowed to work in my company again. You are fired" he said. Betsy smirked, like she cared. He grabbed the hem his towel and pulled it. He was wearing anything inside. Betsy saw as his little man bounced, her eyes widened as she saw the size. She just couldn't wait to get it inside of her. A smile appeared on her face.

"I hate you Quinn" he murmured before walking towards Betsy.

Quinn heard that and smiled.

"Now, the deed is done. He'll get his child and I'll... I'll be with Dylan" she thought and smiled evilly at the thought of it.