My name is Cody. Cody Autumn. I belong to the second-biggest family group. The Honey-Autumns. I had a normal childhood. I played, I went to school, I made friends and I learned new things. When I turned fifteen, my mother would always keep me inside. She even started personally homeschooling me.
When I did go outside, I was always dragged back in by my father or my older brothers. Luckily, I was able to sneak out at night to meet up with my friends. We would drive around, or play a few games of basketball just to break a cold sweat. My best friend's name is Leon. He's a Beta and, unusually, he doesn't wish to be an Alpha.
The rest of the friends, Mable and Zakk, that hang out with us are also Betas, and we're still determining whether I'm an Alpha or not.
"If you're an Alpha, I'm going to scream." Mable said while drinking soda. "He's a Beta, I can tell." Leon said while eating a large bag of fries. Zakk said, "I don't know... we just have to find out if he can whistle or not, yes?"
I said, "Yup. Okay... no one is whistling, and it's quiet. Ready and..." I whistled, but something was wrong. It was high-pitched. "Uh... what?" Zakk said while shaking his head. Leon said, "Whistle again." I whistled again, and I got the same result. Mable said, "This... is impossible..." "A male Omega!?" Zakk passed out, and Leon said, "What a discovery this is."
I looked down and said, "It would've been fine to be a Beta... but an Omega!?" Then I heard a car- no. I saw my family's limousine. I shouted, "Run!" Leon picked up Zakk, and we ran. The limousine was faster than us, but we continued to run. I felt something shock my neck, and I fell. The limousine stopped, but Mable came back, picked me up, and rushed after Leon.
Zakk woke up and said, "Aaah! What's happening!?" Leon put Zakk down and said, "Follow me!" Mable was starting to slow down, and I got shocked again, but this time, I couldn't help but scream. It was longer, so it hurt more. Mable put me down, and I grabbed my neck as a reaction.
Leon and Zakk rushed back. Leon was about to pick me up, but I heard my mom shout, "Keep away from him you filthy Betas!" My vision was getting blurred, and I was still screaming in pain. I felt a small bulb in my neck, so I yanked it out, and I stopped getting shocked. I broke the bulb with my fingers, then my whole body relaxed.
My neck was now bleeding, and my mother was shouting something at me, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. Then I got picked up by someone. I heard Mable shout, "That's disgusting!" Then I heard my mom say, "But it's legal."
I woke up to a soft, low whistling. I opened my eyes, and I saw my eldest brother, who is an Alpha. My brother murmured, "Long time no see." I sat up and asked, "Are... we moving?" He nodded and said, "To some small town. The rest of our family are here too." I was in a carriage with two of my younger siblings, who were asleep.
I looked outside, and I saw a long line of carriages in front and behind the one, I was in. I counted at least ten. My brother said, "Everyone is here this time, and mom is pregnant again." I yawned and looked down. My brother said, "I'm sure you'll meet your friends again. You'll be able to move out soon."
I sighed and said, "But... they might want to keep me near you or the others... because I'm an Omega..." Then my brother hugged me and said, "I don't think I could ever mate with you. It feels wrong." I hugged him back and said, "Thank you, Dew." Then the carriage came to a halt. I looked outside, and I saw a small town. My mother opened the door and said, "Cody! Go to public school! I already enrolled you, so hurry!"
I rushed out of the carriage and into the town with five of my other siblings. I was the only one going to high school so I had to do this alone. I wandered around the streets, looking for a building that seemed like a high school. Then I heard a voice say, "Hey, you. Are you the new high school kid?" I looked around, but I couldn't see who said that.
Then I heard a loud thump. I turned around and I saw a tall boy looming over me.
40 Members in the Honey-Autumns
The largest family, the Power-Woods, have 52 members