
While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Take a look at the cover. Now take a look at the synopsis. Now take a look at the cover once again. Did you manage to see anything else outside of two big plots on it already? Then let me tell you this - if I'm willing to use this great cover for this novel, then surely as heck I am confident in the first chapter making you read more! (Yes, it's male-lead. Try to catch on what this fact and the cover means together)

MotivatedSloth · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
226 Chs

My plan

"Who could've thought it would end up like that…"

It's been already three days since Ayda revealed the truth about the true mages to me, yet I still found it challenging to actually accept it. Not because it was unreasonable. From what the girl said, the time required for a wizard or witch to gain fighting power was far smaller than how long a true mage would take to mature in a military sense. In fact, I could partially certify it myself with how I was capable of quickly learning more and more uses of witchcraft myself.

What I couldn't accept was that even after unlocking all the requirements to become a true mage, it wasn't given that I would actually manage to become one!

"Are you okay?"

Cuddling to my chest like some kind of attentive pet, Ayda rustled about while she changed her position a bit. Over the past days that I get to know her, this kind of intimate behaviour was so common that I no longer feel that much aroused from it. Even with her chest that only pretended to be covered by clothes pushed right against my skin, even with her face cuddled on my own breast, outside of feeling a strange comfort that only a female body could provide, I wasn't all that riled up at all.

"Yeah, just thinking about stuff."

There was no point in explaining what kind of thoughts I had right now. Bringing up the matter of that day when we ran from Elenair entourage could only bring pain and regrets. Rather than that, it was better to focus on the opportunities that the current day offered.

"Eh… I will be back to nodding off then…"

Summing up the situation like that, Ayda changed the position of her head a bit before returning to what I now saw as her preferred way of spending the time. Thinking about it, my entire situation with this girl was quite… surprising.

From how I randomly met her, through how she offered to help me all the way to how she was attached to me like some kind of pup to the first living being it saw after being born…

Feeling the heat of her body helping me to relax as I stared through the shuts that served the role of the window, I had absolutely no reason to complain about my current situation. While the previous attempt at starting my career as a wizard clearly failed, now that Ayda ran out of the options she could provide, I couldn't wait for the moment when we would be to enact my plan.

"Now that I think about it…"

Starting off, I was about to ask the girl what she even though about the idea I came up with when a movement outside of the window caught my attention. Alerted by how suddenly I stopped my sentence, Ayda supported herself on my body as she moved up only to cast a quick glance to the street below the building we were in. Obviously, being the gentleman I was, I culturally ignored the fact that she basically shoved her bust right in my face while doing so.

"It's time."

Contrary to the previous attempt, we were ready to make a huge commotion this time. In fact, it was the very basis of the strategy that I came up with, as without the publicity to pressure the random wizard that we just noticed on the street, it would be hard to force him into making the decisions that I wanted.

"Let's move then."

The last failure to obtain what we wanted didn't shake my confidence. While the same couldn't be said about the girl that was now hastily shaking all the remaining dizziness from her head, at least she didn't attempt to sabotage my part or whine about how unrealistic it was.

In fact, I expected her to oppose my idea a lot more. With how I was born on earth, I had more than enough experiences of the past ages to understand the value of proper theatrics. Given how the same couldn't be said about this world and the girl born to it, seeing how she was willing to put up with the act that we were about to pull off, all the doubts that I ever had about her loyalty were shattered.

"I will ask this one last time. Are you sure you want to go with me there?"

As we hurried down the steps, it took only a moment before we arrived at the main entrance of the inn we were staying at. But instead of rushing out to make sure our target wouldn't escape, I still decided to ask this question one last time.

"Of course! How could I let you deal with those fuckers all by yourself?"

Looking at me as if I was some kind of kid who failed to comprehend some basic concept despite having it explained several times already, in order to show her dedication, Ayda ignored my potential reaction and pushed the doors open.

"Sir, wait please!"

Instantly shouting as soon as she got off to the streets, she succeeded. For now, only at bringing the passing wizard's attention to herself, but as they say, Rome wasn't built overnight.

"Who are you?!"

Seeing a random girl dressed in almost whorish outfit rushing at him, the wizard that was unlucky enough to appear in bad time and in bad place was baffled.

But that didn't stop him from putting up his guard.


Before Ayda would have the chance to get anywhere close the distance where she would become a threat, I managed to catch up to her. Noticing yet another person frantically rushing towards him, the face of the wizard changed. Now, he was full of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will. Just like a certain character from the popular action franchise named after the said character.

"Great Wizard! Finally, we found one!"

Instead of actually entering the zone where either of the two of us would pose a threat to the wizard…

The two of us simply fell down to our knees and started praising to whatever the god we had to pretend to believe in!

"Say… what?"

Just like I hoped for, our uncommon action managed to catch the man off guard. While he still kept his defences up, the puzzled look on his face gave away his curiosity to learn more about the reasons for our stupid act.

And the explanation for it was exactly what I was about to provide for him. Isn't that how earth grew so advanced in terms of technology? Provide what people seek for, and they will do anything in their power to repay you.

And to keep you by their side so that you could keep providing for their wishes!

"Oh great sir, you can't even imagine how big of a relief it is to finally find you! I thought those damned witches would get to us before we could find some help!"

Guys, I'm terribly sorry. Once the christmas party was actually over, I was stuck with my parents and nephews for a while. What is a great fun for a moment, turned out to be maybe not a torture, but definitely not the enivoriment to work with. I will be going to shop for some energy drinks and basic rations (I just returned home) and won't rest until I give back the two missing chapters!

As for the other thing... I actually sat down to write several hours ago. Nicely... prepared (I'm not sure I can bring out the name of a certain plant that helped me to prepare my mentality for it) I decided to actually do the proper outline for this story instead of just going with what I had in mind.

And oh boy, just thinking about what I have in store both in short and in long term is enough to make me excited. I have a feeling that with the coming events, you guys will be stuck in a love-hate relationship with this novel!

Bear with it for a little more, and more chapters will start coming out soon!

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