
When the world collides I become a victim, this is truly a wrong genre

When the two worlds collided I became inhuman. The earth and the world of mana collide and change the earth forever. When the density of mana increased many monsters appeared and together with these phenomenons many jobs that can only come from the game and fantasy appear. Others become the strongest in the world, when the world collides I die.

Nasrul_Nazrul · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Years ago

5 years ago.

The day that was dubbed as The Armageddon day. The day that everything that one might know about the world changes.

When that disaster strikes I am only 12 years old, most do not know the reason for that to happen but that day descends on all of us suddenly.

Just like any other day when the day of weekends that me and my friend go out to the city to hang out.

The sky that was covered with the color of the blue sky turns red suddenly without warning. Even though the clouds still retain the same color, the sky behind it turns blood red.

When this situation happens everyone around us stops what they all were doing and looks toward the sky.

Even the one that drives on the road stops their car to see these unusual phenomena.

Even me and my friend stop and look at the sky and try to make sense of the situation by talking.

There are people around who seem to take out their phone and from the conversation look like calling the authorities especially the police.

Most of them are reporting about the phenomenon that happens, the sky is changing and they want to know what happened.

They hope that the authorities know the reason and this is all the work of the authorities or some elaborate prank.

But no matter what, it seems like the authorities do not know the reason as most of the ones that call them are yelling at their phone.

Then something's changing in the sky. There seems to be something forming in the sky like a dust-like shape swirling.

This dust form in the sky begins with just as small as a grain before it increases little by little until it forms into a circle with the diameter and height of three meters.

It has the shape that is the same as the portal that usually depicts the story of anime, manga, manhwa and manhua.

This portal has the same color as the sky, the color of red but with dark and deeper color.

That portal then appears to be some kind of a crack around it. It begins from the outer side before it spreads more into the center.

Creak! Puish!

Following that the sound of the shattering of the glass resounds around the area. It can be said that most of the people in this area also heard this sound as they put their hand on the ear as that sound is not something pleasant to hear.

That was not the worst of it.


Then someone cried while pointing upward.

Most of the people there heard it and then they followed the direction that the man points.

There is something there in the sky.

"It's a plane!"

"It's a helicopter!"

"It's a bird!"

Some of them cried out trying to determine the identity of the object flying in the sky.

"It's a damn big bird and it's heading here! Run!"

When that thing came closer one of them recognized it and alarmed the rest to run as he saw that the creature seemed to be heading toward this place.

It is a giant bird as big as a 12 wheel truck skydive and heading toward their direction.

Seeing this happen suddenly and with the appearance of the bird the crowd dazed for a while. But hearing the person shouting run ringing in their ears wake them up and with the crowd mentality they begin to run away from there.

Some run in the street following the crowd, some run into the alley, some run into the building and some run into the direction of the bird.

"Here! Here! I'm gonna be Isekai!"

The bird then swoops down ignoring the one that runs him and catches the one running from him using the Anisodactyly type claw taking a person with it.

It then hangs on top of the building and looks around on top of another building with its head. This bird has the head almost the same as an eagle but it had hair on its head.

Not only that, the color of this bird is different then the other bird as it whole bodies in blue color.

Using the claw that catches the man, the blue bird then throws the person toward the head. When that person is closer toward the beak, it then opens its mouth and swallows the person.

This sequence of events from the moment that bird catches that person and swallow him was seen by the surrounding people.

The bird then looks toward the people that stand still looking toward himself.

"Ah!!! Run!!!"

Seeing this, the people begin to shout because they are afraid. Hearing the word most of the people surrounding it start running without any direction.

The only thing that on their mind was just that, they need to be out of here. Away from the monstrous bird.



The bird then cried out loudly when seeing its prey scattering around. From the sound of the bird all the surrounding glass cracks and there some that broke caused it to fall to the ground. No matter if the glass came from the shop below or the top of the building.

That bird begins to flap its wing and this causes a large gust of wind to be blown out toward the surroundings as the bird becomes the center of the wind eye.

The bird rises above any building in the area and then it begins to give a blue shine around the right and left wing.

The bird then puts the wing in front of its chest forming an 'X' shape. A swirl of wind then begins to suck up toward the bird. That wind only causes the paper and fallen leaves to move toward it but as the wind begins to swirl around the bird an omnimous feeling begins to bud in the people's heart.


Then the bird cried out and it swung its own wing away from the chest together along with the feathers that shine with blue light.

This feather with the speed of the bullet travelling falls down toward the people in front of it.





The sound as that feather hit the ground sounds like the missile hitting the ground but there is a difference.

Unlike the missile that gouges the ground, this attack even though the sound is frightening it does not break the ground.

But it causes a more terrifying effect.

Whenever the feather touches the ground that the surrounding of it turns into frozen solid. Anyone that stands at the area of impact has their movement immobilized as their feet get frozen as the ice forms around the leg.

That is for the people that got hit by the trace of the feather that impacts that place and for the people that got hit directly, it is worse. They turn frozen solid completely and then with just a little bit of wind they shatter to the ground.


The people then heard the sound of the bird again and this causes the immobilize people to look toward the direction of the bird.

That bird stared down toward the people that got immobilized while flapping its wing in the air.

"Anyone, anyone please help me"

"No, no, I do not want to die"

"Sorry honey, I am not gonna make it home"

"Dad, mom, goodbye"

Feeling the stare that gives the feeling of fear that shook one soul as when people are stared at by predators, the people begin to panic and cry for help.

Among these people there I am alone among the other strangers that got immobilized. Me and my friend got separated when people began to run away from the bird the moment it appeared.

The bird then swoops down and catches one of the people that got immobilized with its claw and begins the same routine as it eats them.

It then swoops down a few more times toward people that got immobilized.

As more and more people got eaten, the fear, the despair that only a bud bloom at full this time.

Most of the people are crying hard and some people just look down on accepting their fate. The only thing that these people can do right now is just pray for a miracle to come.

The other people that are not caught in that blast of attack can only watch silently from their hiding place. No matter the man, women, children, old or police, they can just only watch the people one by one get eaten.

The whole surrounding can be said to be like a ghost city. Not even a pin drop of sound that comes from other places except the cry of help from the people that got immobilized and the sound of the people got eaten.

I am one of the people that fall into despair.

After it ate the latest victim, it then looked toward me.

With its green eyes the bird looks toward me intently.

When it looked toward me, I understood. 'Ah, I'm gonna die'.

That is the only thought that came to me as the look that it gave me was the same as the other before I got eaten.

As it dawn on me, I can see it clearly. Every action, every part of this bird. I can see it clearly.

Is this the flashback that people said when one almost died?

It then puts its wing upward and pushes it to the ground. This makes it able to move upward while flapping its wing.

Then it makes one big swing with both of its wings and it shoots down fast toward my direction.

Like the slow moving video, I see it move toward me as inches by inches and meter by meter.

As it closes the bird opens its claw toward my direction.

I can feel the fear and despair that bloom in my heart.

Then the only thing that I saw after that was the blood splatter.


"Brother, uhm"

A girl then stirred up from the sleep that she had. Opening her eyes slowly.

'Did I fall asleep?'

She rubs her eyes and sees that she is still in the middle of the lesson.

The girl had chest-length black hair that had a square bang above the eyebrow and had a trace of blue at the end of the hair.

'Why do I dream of that day? It has been so long that I dream of that'.

She then looked around the room.

They are in the podium classroom that can fit a lot of the students. Unlike the typical school where they are using traditional classrooms, this school adopts a university-like lecture.

So that makes most of the classroom the same as this, the podium type classroom.

Not only that, the school that she attends right now can be said to be one of the most successful and strongest in the entire country after the catalysm.

She strives to be one of the successful hunters.

The job where you hunt monsters in the dungeon. Then she can make things right again.

She thought that as she looked toward her childhood friend, Seto Asami. The girl that has deep red long hair that reaches her thighs with one ahoge sticking out on the top with side sweep toward the right.

After the events of five years ago their relationship can be said to be crumble to the ground.

Then she gives a sigh and thought about how their relationship can be like that.

Thinking that nothing can be done right now and push it to the back of the mind then she looks toward the front focusing on the lecture.

While she thought about that, on the corner of the classroom where a boy was sitting thought on something.

'At last the novel arc has move toward the end. It has already gone off tangent a lot more than the original. Just a little more and it will end'