
When the world collides I become a victim, this is truly a wrong genre

When the two worlds collided I became inhuman. The earth and the world of mana collide and change the earth forever. When the density of mana increased many monsters appeared and together with these phenomenons many jobs that can only come from the game and fantasy appear. Others become the strongest in the world, when the world collides I die.

Nasrul_Nazrul · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 What am I?

In the middle of the cave where there is only a little light shining from the plant on the wall.

At the end of the cave there is something that is out of place with the surroundings. A thing that has a shape that does not belong in the cave.

A square block like brick seems to be sitting there without moving. Its shape and color had a huge contrast with the surrounding, it had a grey color of concrete against the dark color of the wall.


A light then begins to appear in front of one side of the block. It slowly increases in intensity and forms two straight lights like a pair of eyes.

"Urghhhh..... what happened?"

My head, it really hurt. Why did it hurt? Did I do it overnight gaming again. I should really not do it often.

Then he opens his own eyes and looks at the scene in front of him.

He saw a dark cave with a moss that emit light making him able to see the surroundings.

"Where am I?"

He wonders to himself whether he is still dreaming right now. If he is, he needs to wake up or he will be late for today's work.

Then he stayed there without moving looking at the surrounding place waiting for himself to wake up. But no matter how long he waits, he still sees the same thing.

Then as the grogginess from waking up disappears, he begins to think again.

'Why did I not wake up? Did I just hit my head too hard?'

No matter how long he waits, only the silence in the cave that greets him. There is no sound of other creatures or insects that can be heard.

Then he began to panic and he tried to move his body like before.

The only thing that happens is just that he tumbles toward the side as he is only a block of square right.

Then he cried out.

"Why can't I feel my leg? Where is my hand?"

He questions again and again where everything, the four limb that make up humans.

No matter how much he tried to see, the only thing that he was able to see right now is that the space of his vision and the ground appear too close for comfort.

"What happened? What happened here? Ah.....!"

He cried out loudly as the panic inside of him began to grow more.

"My leg! My leg! My hand! My hand!"

He cried out again and again.

Then something happens. The bottom of the block begins to have a change.

At the corner of the square where the place of the sharp protruding is located, all four of them begin to change in shape. That corner forms a pyramid-like shape and tries to separate itself.

It begins to come out of the square and form four legs like the leg of a spider.

Seeing this, the block seems to be surprised and the panic that he had before began to subside.


He gives force toward his body to rightening himself and make himself sit on all four.

Seeing the four legs that come out of the corner of the square with the sharp end toward the flood.


Seeing this makes him feel amazed as this makes him look out of this world.

When he focuses inside himself and he can feel the four legs that he has right now, like this spider looks alike leg is always there.


Then he tried moving forward but as he was never a quadruple before, he fell hard on his face.

"That quite hurts, ah.... How am I able to live? and what should I do now?"

The face on the block changed to the face of hurt when he got up from the fall.

Then he thought that he does not know what he should do now. No, there is something. Something that he forgot amidst the many new information.

His name.

He cannot remember his own name.

He knows that he is someone that works as white collar company. Even though he remembers about the job that he had before, the name of the company that he works at is gone in the air.

There is nothing about the name that he can remember. Whenever he wants to remember it, but it's just feels like he just grasps the air. He cannot remember name. Just the name.

Every work that he did at that company he still remembers about it. Every life that he had. Every decision that he made.

But whenever it came about the name, he cannot remember any of it. He wondered why?

The face of his then changes into a question mark before it changes to two dots of eyes.

"Welp, nothing can be done. Even if I want to remember now, it is not working. Let's just go along, I will remember in due time"

Feeling that he will not be able to remember now even if he forces it, he just lets it go. If the knowledge that he had about amnesia was not wrong, he should be able to remember eventually.


Then he got on his feet, looking around the place. Unlike before that he is in haste because of the panic, now that he takes the time to move slowly it is able to make him understand how to move now.

He then wandered around the area that he woke up from. Examine the floor, ceiling and the wall of the cave.

Seeing them, he still does not know whether this cave was manmade or natural cave.

After looking around he understood one thing.

"Look like. I. Am. Alone"

He spoke the word one by one thinking that it might be cool to say it.

Seeing that nothing else is here, he moves his four legs and walks toward the opening of the cave. The only road that he can see.

Tud.. tud... tud... tud...

Screek.... Screek...

The sound of the leg walking can be heard when he moves and the soft sound of the machine from his body when looking around.



As he walked, he hit some kind of invisible wall that prevented him from moving further.

Thuck... thuck...

Thuck... thuck...

Using the sharp end of the leg, he hit the invisible wall but there was nothing happening except for the sound that he hit something that cannot be seen with normal eyes.

Seeing this, the round eyes begin to change into slit eyes forming and then an angry mark appears.

He then continued to hit the invisible wall harder for a few minutes.

No matter how much force that he used there was nothing happening to the wall even scratch does not form on the invisible wall.

Seeing this he just sighed away.


Then a blue box appears in front of him suddenly startling from what he is doing, causing him to jump back. But the blue box seems to follow him even when he jumps backward.


Seeing that the box appears suddenly then there must be a clue to his situations. Well there is something that he wants to ask on why the heck that a panel like in the game appears in the real world.

Thinking about this he then focuses on the blue box that appears trying to read the word writing there.

[Tutorial (Error)

Please do not be alarmed. This is a place that was made to introduce new players on how to use their newfound abilities.

Please proceed forward to continue the tutorial]

Reading the text on the blue box that appears he shouts in shock.

"What? Did the world turn into a game or something? or I am reincarnated into the game world"

He looked closely toward the window that appeared suddenly and read it slowly. After he reads an astonishment appears on his face, no, it is more like an astonishing symbol.

It made him wonder whether the world was in a game and he became a character in the game.

If he uses that theory of his, more or less it can explain the reason that his body right now becomes something inhuman.

Even though he cannot see what he became, he can at least deduce that he becomes something like a square brick when he uses the corner of the eyes to see.

'Even if I wait here a little more nothing can be gained as the story does not begin, the tutorial is the beginning's

He thought a little about the situation right now and began to walk straight after dismissing the window.

The tutorial usually is the place where a dev makes it so that the player can understand how to use the basic system and abilities. It usually does not involve any in depth mechanic as that is something that a player needs to find on his own.

Having a body unlike the human will be a new experience to him as the function should be a little different.

Having a tutorial can alleviate a little burden that he had to understand this new body. Right now he only has four legs that have the appearance unlike the human.

If he wants to say that the leg is closer to the animal, yeah, four legs is the same as animals on land but when taken the appearance of the leg into question is more like a bug.

Even the movement is more like an insect rather than an animal.

The problem that he thinks right now will be the word that appears. Error.

He can only hope that it is just a word writing there with no other meaning. Well even if he wants to know the error that happens will be impossible right now as he does not have any information about the situation that he was in.

The thing that he can do right now is just pray nothing from the error can jeopardize his life.

This situation is unusual to begin with, to know more than this he can only speculate as he does not know anything about the situation that he was in.

The only thing that he can do right now is to prepare his heart and mentality to anything that might happen from here on.

He then walked forward along the cave with a speed the same as walking. Unlike before that he walked with no objective, now he has it.

Preparing him self to anything that he might meet.

When he appears from the curve in the cave, he can see that there is an opening that big enough that you can fit one classroom in there.

There in the middle of the room it seems to be something. From the distance that he is in right now he can see that the creature seems like a dog.

It seems like a dog but it is just this creature that stands on two legs and it is small. Its height can only reach an adult human waist.

That in the sense that he is human form, right now he is in the shape of a box like. So this creature can be said to be the same height as him.

"Is that a kobold?"

Seeing that creature he remembers one monster in the game that has this kind of appearance. Kobold.

It is a petite monster that is in the same categories of goblin as mobs monster. The difference will be that this creature is harder to fight as they mostly use weapons such as lance.

"Is this the place of the tutorial? Do I need to fight that? With this leg"

Thinking about that, it seems to be impossible to fight that creature.

How to fight with this kind of body and arsenal?


You have reached the point of the tutorial. Please kill the kobold in front of you to proceed to the next tutorial

0/1 kill]