
When Sparks Fly (Us#1)

........"I've read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us. That it was what we need to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But all that has changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and lead me out of the darkness and showed me that, whatever our souls are made for hers and mine are the same. You once asked me who I loved most in this world, it's you.".............. "Do you love her ?" "Shit...I do ...I love her" "Wait what ??... You L-love me ?" ------------------------------------------------------------------ KiiVii. All Rights Reserved. Cover Design by KiiVii Published by KiiVii #Featured

KiiVii09 · perkotaan
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27 Chs

1. "I just don't want to"

Mattheo's POV

"My Baby, how was your day? And just know that Mr. Kirrin would be coming to our house tomorrow with his family. Your father's all very excited so there's no way you can decline as it would break your father's heart for not having the Gem of this house at home when they come." Hazel said.

"Mom, *The gem of this house* title isn't mine...and surely I can never be father's Gem otherwise Tom would be heartbroken," Mattheo joked as they both laughed and as he dropped his mom a small peck on her cheek.

"As for Mr. Kirrin, I would love to meet him for we are going to be doing business soon. "Mattheo admitted.

"Oh Matt, that's great honey !!! He is so successful and so are you and I am sure that when you two will work on something it will blast off the whole freaking world my boy" Her mother squealed in excitement.

"Ho Ho, who has got my wife all giddy and squeaky? Ah, Mattheo you are here and I think you were the one to do that to your mum. Tell me what the exciting news son?" Mr. Grey said.

"Father it's just that- "

"Don't tell me you are getting married or having kids .....because, before all that, we need to have a Dad Talk ..." His father interrupted him.

"But even if you are getting married Matt, I am more than happy for you as you should settle down soon with a loyal and good wife as well as some fine and cute kids." his mother continued.

"Nah mom and dad, I just don't want to ....get married or have kids...after all, I am only 26 not freaking 40 !!!" Mattheo said through gritted teeth for he hated talking about this again and again.

"Look what you have done now, my sweetpea is all angry now," his mother said.

"I did ?....my love I think you also had a part in it, now didn't you ?" his father replied.

"Well, anyways ...Dad it's just that I and Mr. Kirrin are soon going to be working together for a brilliant idea and deal we have in mind," Mattheo answered, after composing himself.

"My goodness, wow Mattheo! I am so proud of you but just as we are talking about it, Tom just signed a deal with Mr. Marty! The same Mr. Marty who is the world's richest man !!!" his dad said while his head was high and his tone was proud and prudent.

"Great, what news !" Mattheo said sarcastically while his mother chuckled at his annoyed face which was always there when his father tried to show Tom as an ideal son. "Mom, I am leaving ...gotta go ...Love you loads mummy !" he continued before walking towards the door.

"What about M-" his dad said.

"Yeah you too father," Mattheo said as he smirked and entered his car leaving his mother laughing and his father smiling and fuming at the same time.


"Yes Jannet you do that and I will leave now. Cancel all the meetings and other things in my schedule and postpone them. Tell the clients there is an emergency."

"Yes Sir, anything more I can give you ?" Jannet (Mattheo's PA) said with a seductive smile as she bent down exposing her cleavage further.

"Yes Jannet, one last thing....meet me downstairs in the reception area in a few minutes," Mattheo said not looking up from his laptop.

"Sure Sir, see you there" She winked at him and left.

After a few minutes, Mattheo asked all the employees to gather in the reception area where a projector screen was put up and all were seated.

"Good Evening all, You all must be wondering why I have gathered you all here. The answer is simple....this is the company I built with years of hard work and sacrifice. I want this company to have high standards.

But a company's high standard starts with having professional and appropriate behavior of the employees. Today I rather noticed and saw something very unprofessional, inappropriate. Maggie, kindly play us the video and guards shut the doors and keep an eye, please." Mattheo told everyone as he sat on the nearby chair.

An eerie silence filled the room until the videotape of Jannet trying to seduce Mattheo a few moments back was played. Jannet was more than astonished and when the video ended, everyone glared at her...Though Mattheo had an amused expression on his face.

He said " As you see here, this very unprofessional, inappropriate behavior is not accepted here. I think if I find anyone trying to sleep their way in with their boss or co-employee, they will be fired. And as for Jannet, you are fired and don't lemme ever see your shameless face again. Guards kindly escort her out and you all are good to go. Good Day! Thank you and I hope you all will rather avoid a scene like this next time onwards. "

Jannet was more than happy to go out after being embarrassed, whereas everyone else in the room threw dirty looks at her.

Mattheo really didn't plan for all this to happen as it would take his take and he would eventually be late to his family's meet. But he couldn't really handle this and had to do something to prevent this from happening again...and what's better than being a classic CEO and firing everyone who annoys you.




I trust you all are doing well! Sorry for the late update, I REALLY CAN'T update soon as my annual exams are going on but I will try my best.

Also, should Elizabeth be there in the *family meet* or not ?..and also I apologize for this being such a short chapter...I promise the next few ones will make up for this. I also plan on changing the format of the chapters of the book...so hopefully, it goes well.

Any suggestions or ideas ?

I hope you enjoy this book, thanks a lot !! :)

Lots of Love <3,

