
When Sparks Fly (Us#1)

........"I've read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us. That it was what we need to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But all that has changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and lead me out of the darkness and showed me that, whatever our souls are made for hers and mine are the same. You once asked me who I loved most in this world, it's you.".............. "Do you love her ?" "Shit...I do ...I love her" "Wait what ??... You L-love me ?" ------------------------------------------------------------------ KiiVii. All Rights Reserved. Cover Design by KiiVii Published by KiiVii #Featured

KiiVii09 · Urban
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27 Chs

2. "You are...?"

Elizabeth's POV

"Father, No No and No...I am not going to Italy this month, I am very busy so you can send Alice pleaseeeee" she said with puppy eyes....

"Liz, how do you always manage to convince me this soon ?" her father asked chuckling.

"Ah papa, that's because I am your favorite child !!" Elizabeth said while she kissed her father on the forehead.

"That you are my love, and also would you be able to join us for the dinner with Mr. Grey ?"

"Umm father I think not, as Madam Alexa wants us-...oh wait...did you say Mr. Grey ?....then I can certainly go as Madam Alexa wants an interview on him, and what's better than to do it today ?"

"Great, darling get ready by 7:00 and we will be at your place to pick you up then"

"Dad I can drive, you know and as Tay Tay and Lux are at my place....it might take time so I don't want you to get late because of me..."

"Are you sure it's Lux and Tay Tay only at your place ?" her father asked teasingly.

"Huh...Daddddddd...stoppp it...I swear it's only Tay Tay and Lux" Elizabeth said while blushing furiously as she exited her father's office which he laughed.


"Ughhh...I am so confused between these two..which one should I wear ?... Luxxxx, TayTayy...come here...it's urgent" Lizzie yelled.

"What now ?....ahhh...this one is gorgeous...go with it," Lux said while Taylor nodded her head in agreement.

"So, this is it and now I will be heading out ....please don't burn up this house and don't don't don't finish up my food...LUXORY....don't eat up everything that's in my pantry and fridge..." Elizabeth shouted while heading out and getting in her car.

She wore a black dress which hugged her body's curves perfectly and she looked mesmerizing.

(The dress she was wearing was this ..... do you all like it ?)

She drove her Maserati to the address her father sent her. And soon enough reached her destination where she was greeted by a Butler named Leonardo. He led her inside where everyone was talking and sitting. She was immediately greeted by Mrs. Grey who made her sit right next to her. Her older siblings were also there, Mattheo was sitting opposite of her, and next to him was his younger sister and elder brother. Further down the table was Mr. Grey who politely stood up while greeting her with a warm smile. Next to him were her mom and her dad who smirked as he looked at his wristwatch teasingly to indicate she was late and in reply she just rolled her eyes playfully.

The dining room was very modern, posh, and she felt a comfortable aura around her.

(This is how the dining room looks ....)

Soon enough Leonardo bought in the food, and it was her favorite Mac and Cheese, Tacos, Steak, Key Lime Pie, Deep Dish Pizza, Pasties, and Toasted Ravioli.

While eating her parents and Mr. Grey were cracking up some jokes and having a good time. For Mr. Grey knew Mr. and Mrs. Kirrin since their college days. Mrs. Grey was helping in serving the food and even making it for she was an excellent cook. Her and Mattheo's brothers were talking about the business world whereas their sisters were busy talking about modeling, fashion brands, and all-girl stuff. That's when she noticed ever since she was here...Mattheo's eyes were on her and his face emotionless though he looked like he was in deep thought.

She felt a bit out of place, but as it would've been rude to not say anything ...she asked "Hi, you are ...?"

He shifted a bit in his chair and answered " Hey, I am Mattheo and it's nice to meet you "

"Like-wise....so if you don't mind me asking...aren't you the same Mattheo Grey who once clubbed hard with Alex and resulted in him being drunk...like toooo drunk and also didn't you used to model for Gucci and aren't you soon enough going to work with my father?" she asked with a smirk which quickly disappeared as she realized she said a bit too much.

"Umm....yeah...I am the same Mattheo Grey who once clubbed hard with Alex and resulted in him being drunk...like toooo drunk and also I did use to model for Gucci and I am soon enough going to work with your father..." he replied chuckling.

"Oh, ahm...that's great...I mean...getting Al drunk was not but the news that you are working with my father is great and he is too excited, to be honest," she replied being a bit nervous as he was looking straight into her face while smirking.

Soon enough they were interrupted by Mrs. Grey who started bringing the dessert along with Leo.

In dessert, they were served Cider Donuts, Apple Pie, and three different kinds of tarts ...Berries and Cream Tart. ...Strawberry Lemonade Tart. ...Simple Blackberry Tart....her favorite one was Berries and Cream Tart and honestly, after eating so much she felt like she was on cloud nine.

She moned once she ate the Berries and Cream tart as it was too good but as soon as she realized what she did and that Mattheo noticed it and was smirking...her food lost a bit of taste....and she started blushing hard.

They didn't talk much but as it got hotter in there, she excused herself to get a bit of fresh air.

Soon enough she felt herself being followed and it was none other than Mattheo Grey himself.

He was wearing formals and he looked delicio--....umm...he looked good.

But that didn't stop her from asking exasperatedly "Theo...sorry Mattheo what now ?..."

"Theo ??...Oh okay...I love that Nickname Lizzy ....Anyways...Can't a person have a break from all that noise in the room ?"

"Yeah, a person can...but why just after I went ?"

"Because I wanted to just tell you," he said while getting closer and closer while she backed up and got against the wall. "That...It's my choice " and after saying this he went away leaving her flustered and a bit turned on.


"Lizzzz....come we gotta go....tomorrow's a big day for my little girl" her father said.

"Coming dad ...."

The Kirrins were escorted out by the Greys but Mattheo wasn't there. Even though Elizabeth would deny that she wanted him to be there...she desperately looked around for him and finally looked up and saw he was leaning on the balcony's railing staring down at her. He looked absolutely hot...and she blushed to notice only she had his attention...he winked and waved goodbye to her when she was getting in her car which she returned with a small wave and her flustered face reddened even more.

If only she knew what tomorrow had in stock for her...



Heyyyy All,

Yep, I know this is the longest chapter I have written till now...I mean...1200 words ?... Anyways...what do you think is going to happen tomorrow?

Anything else you wanna say..... hmm?

Next Update soon...and most of my exams are done...only 2 more to go....

I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it :) !

Lots of Love <3,

