
Chapter 147

I opened my eyes and looked into three pairs of worried blue eyes. I sighed and tried to sit up but gave up. I was completely spent.

"Are you ok, my sweet?"

"Mmhmm. Just very… tired. I don't think I have ever come so hard in my life. Which says a lot from how much you guys make me come. Just when I think it couldn't get any hotter, you guys surprise me." I gave a small chuckle.

"As long as you're ok, Doll. Stop scaring me like that. That's the second time you've passed out on me. While I'm flattered, it still scares me."

"Sorry, Buck. I'll try not to do it again, but you all make it feel so good."

Thor helped me sit up and I heard his low chuckle. "I'm glad we please you, Angel. I have never made someone pass out from pleasure before."

"Nor I, pet. While I do agree with Barnes it does scare me to see you go limp like that, it is awe inspiring to know you gave someone so much pleasure."

"Well, you all certainly do that. It always feels so good. But this time… fuck. You were all so vocal. It turns me on so much to hear how I make you feel. How good I make it for you. God knows I love hearing you talk dirty to me." I felt my body react just thinking about it. "Fuck I'm already wet again just remembering."

Three pairs of blue eyes glittered at me, lust evident in each pair. Loki cleared his throat, his voice still husky with desire.

"I want nothing more than to bury myself inside you, wife, but you need a breather and food. I do not want your health or that of our children to suffer."

I smiled as my heart melted. "Lokes… you are the sweetest man and I love you so much."

"I love you too, kitten."

"Come on, Doll. I know you enjoy doing it so why don't you dress us all and let's get you down to breakfast."

I giggled and instantly we were all dressed. Loki and Thor were in their signature Asgardian outfits, Bucky in his usual jeans and T-shirt, and I was in my comfy jeans and mid-drift top. I made my top a fun tie-dye mix of green, red, blue, and purple. 

"Love the top, Doll."

I laughed. "It's from an era you slept through, old man."

"Yeah yeah, whatever Dollface."

I giggled and stood. I headed to the door followed by the most three amazing men I ever met.

"Let's go eat. I have a surprise for you all when we're done."

"Uh oh. I am not sure I like the sound of that, Angel."

"Oh, you will. Just wait."


Everyone was laughing and joking when we walked in. Suddenly everyone got quiet and just stared. I was confused and looked back at my guys. My eyes got big, and my mouth dropped open.


"What is wrong, my sweet?"

"Um… you didn't change back."

He looked down and saw he was still a Frost Giant. I saw panic and fear fill his face as his eyes darted around. He turned to run out of the room, but I threw myself against him and held him. He couldn't get away unless he hurt me and he stood still, shaking in my arms. 

"I was so comfortable since you and Barnes were so accepting, I forgot how I looked. Now they have seen the monster that I am. Ariane, I am scared. I did not want them to see this. They will banish me. I do not want to leave you." I heard him whisper to me.

"They'll never banish you, Lokes. I won't let them make you leave. But give them a chance. No one is screaming or yelling. I know it's hard. And you have no idea how special it makes me feel to know you were so comfortable with us in this form that you forgot."

I turned him around and cupped his face. "I love you Loki Laufeyson. To Hel and back. I won't allow anyone to hurt you. I want you to open up. I know you closed your shields as soon as you realized you were still blue. Open them and see how much your family loves you and accepts you."

Loki gazed at me and nodded. I felt his shields come down as he fearfully looked around at everyone. I saw the shock on his face as he felt no hatred, no disgust. Only love and interest.

"So, how long have you been able to do that, Reindeer Games?" Tony gestured at Loki's blue skin and red eyes with his fork.

"Yeah, it's a really pretty color." Wanda smiled kindly at him.

"It really is. And I don't know, there's something about it that makes me want to just climb Clint like a tree." Nat looked at Loki consideringly.

I laughed as I saw Clint blush. 

"I get that, Nat. When I saw it that was the first thing I did too. Well, I climbed Lokes here, not Clint."

Wanda laughed. "I do see what you mean. There is something quite erotic about it."

I saw the looks on Tony's, Steve's, Sam's, and Bruce's faces as we girls got more open with the sex talk.

"Ok, I have questions then for next girl's night." Nat winked at me.

Loki looked at her with his red eyes and tilted his head at her.

"What is it that you want to know, Romanoff?"

She blushed but looked right into his eyes and grinned. "Is everywhere blue?"

He gave a sexy grin that made me wet just looking at it. From how Wanda and Nat squirmed it did the same for them too. It just oozed sex.


I saw Nat gulp. 

"Oh, and Nat?" She looked at me. "His skin has a chill to it. Imagine how that feels in hot areas."

Her eyes got big, and her mouth dropped. She eyed Loki. "Damn. The things we didn't know about you, Loki. You are a lucky girl there, Ari."