
Chapter 143

Steve held me close and whispered in my ear. "She did this. You coming here was the best thing that happened to me. I love you, Ari. And she hurt you so much. And I can't let that rest. She wronged you and all of us who love you. Besides, if you ever need a friend with benefits, I'm your guy. I saw Bucky's chest." 

 I pulled back with my jaw open. He looked down at me and then a little farther down his body to his cock, then back to my mouth. "Yep. It should fit nicely."

I just was… fuck, I didn't have a word for it. He winked at me, and it caused me to snort then I just sat down and laughed. I never thought I would be laughing right now, but my wonderful Capsicle managed it. 

He helped me back up but whispered, "Hey, America's Ass wouldn't mind a few bite marks."

I lost it and Steve had to wrap his arms around me to keep me from falling again. It was now an image stuck in my brain and now the guys were curious about what he said. I sent them a mental re-play and at first they were insulted, but then they saw the funny side and they roared with me. Now everyone was confused, even Steve. I guess time to let the last cat out of the bag.

"What's so funny? It's gotta be good if you're laughing right now." Tony looked at us like we were crazy. 

'Time to let them know we talk, Lokes.'

'I agree, pet. Anyone object?'

We got the go ahead from Thor and Bucky.

"Well, it's what Rodgers said. I've never seen my Ariane so at loss for words." Loki started laughing again. 

Steve looked confused. "How do you know what I said?"

I was trying hard to control myself. "We can talk to each other mentally. All four of us. It's our private communication network. We can talk and see what each other sees if we want. Another reason they were so angry when Sharon first took me. They could see what I saw as well as feel what I felt." I looked over at Steve who was looking very embarrassed. "So, they heard every word and caught the mental picture I had when you said that last bit."

I had never seen Steve so red and embarrassed. "Normally we stay out and mind our own business unless we specifically bring them in, but I was too floored, and they just couldn't do it. Sorry, my special Capsicle."

I gave him a hug and braced myself on his shoulders to whisper in his ear, "Get permission from all three and I can more than deliver."

I felt Steve shiver under my hands. I gave him a smirk as he eyed the guys, debating his chances. "I just might ask then." Steve gave me a look. "Judging from Bucky, it's worth the risk."

I shook my head with a grin and kissed his cheek. "You're more than welcome to try. And thank you for making me laugh. That helped me do the final settle down. But she's still dead meat. That doesn't change."

I walked over to Bucky where he was sitting on the ground. I sat down in his lap and curled up against his chest.

"I'm so sorry, my Kokoro no Kiseki. I feel this is all my fault. I'm the one that got her riled up. I should've taken Dad's advice before and had him hide a body. And now because of me, she hurt you." I started to cry as I held his face in my hands. "Please forgive me. I brought you so much trouble."

His arm came around me and he used his metal hand to wipe away my tears. He knew it was my favorite hand. I leaned into his touch. 

"There's nothing to forgive, Doll. I wouldn't trade you for the world. And now I get to be your husband and be a dad with you? I love you and I need you in my life. But you aren't the trouble. It's that crazy bitch with a bigger ego than Lo's. I'm so sorry I hurt you and I'm sure you can feel how pissed off I am. But never blame yourself." He rested his forehead against mine. "I love you so much, Ariane. Always and forever." He kissed me gently.

I rested my head on his shoulder, and we just sat for a few minutes. I felt myself start to doze off. I was still super pissed but it had been a hard day and releasing that much rage energy had left me drained, on top of the energy I had used to heal. I felt the world shift as Bucky stood with me in his arms. He held me close to his heart as he carried me inside and up to our room to lay me down in bed. 

He went to take his arms away from me and I mumbled, "Please don't go. Please don't leave me."

"I'd never leave you. But I know you don't sleep well with your clothes on, and I need to take mine off too. I don't want you to use magic since you're already so drained. It'll only take a minute or two and I'lll be right here the whole time."

"MMkay." I was barely awake. He managed to get my clothes off and quickly stripped off his. He got into bed with me and pulled me close, my head resting on his chest over his heart.

"Go to sleep, my wife. Go to sleep."

"Mkay, my sexy husband."

I was warm, safe, and surrounded by love. I'd deal with Sharon tomorrow. I snuggled down against his chest and fell into a deep sleep.