Tragedy struck a divided world in the form of an otherworldly disease. It is up to a collection of select individuals to seek out a solution or face the reality of mankind's fall. (Do be warned that mature subject matters and situations will be explored throughout the story.)
Despite Hiraku's desperate entreaty, the fauna pressed a button on her watch, bringing up a collection of recorded videos. It took a moment, but Gale quickly realized that these were taken from the sibling's room inside the dojo.
"What the- How in the- I knew something was off but..."
"Don't worry darling. You'll see soon enough." The fauna started to play each video one by one. Each display depicted the girls sleeping soundly in their room. Unbeknownst to them, Hiraku could be seen sneaking into the room.
He would proceed to remove his bottoms and approach the sleeping girls, cautiously touching them to make sure they weren't going to wake up immediately. Once that was assured, he took out his cock and inserted it into Gale's mouth. You can tell he almost jumped a bit when he started to hear the bellowing, but simultaneously it was giving him a form of pleasure.
Confident in his actions, he continued to thrust his cock into her mouth. Once he got his fill, he would move over to Rumin, taking an interest in her rather large feet. A slight mumble came out of her as he puts it between her soles, but it didn't bother him in the slightest.
He held onto her feet from just above the ankles and proceeded to thrust with his member. Whenever he felt close, he would pull out a set of containers and ejaculate into them before sneaking out the room.
Some of the other videos showed Hiraku getting more bold with these activities. Gripping Gale's head, assaulting Rumin's toes and even stealing unnoticeable articles of their underwear to use as a makeshift fleshlight.
There were even dialogue of Hiraku wishing he could do more with them and phonecalls of him conversing with an individual over the phone about a secured package. If there ever was a god, they had long abandoned this sinful creature.
To make things worse, the fauna played an audio recording of Hiraku accepting a deal before cutting off everything altogether. Hiraku's expression sunk while Gale was seething with ire. Even though Rumin was hiding, she heard everything. It made her crawl out of hiding, chucking a rock at Hiraku's head.
"You... YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!! How could you?!" The anguish in her heart couldn't be contained any longer. She was bursting with so much venom at this point that it was clear that this really set her off.
"Father was wary of you for good reason. You only got to watch over us because you were best on short notice. He trusted you Hiraku... So why would you go and stab him in the back this?!
Don't even TALK!! Nothing could ever make this any less disastrous as it is now! You've fucked up everything because of your lack of self control. LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!"
It was already clear that boundaries were crossed and what little reputation had was utterly decimated, but Hiraku still chose to speak out. "That much is true I'll admit... In honesty, I just couldn't bring myself to say it personally.
I even stepped away from the dojo to acquire the means to generate the product they wanted but as you said, I'm pathetic... Master shouldn't have given me such a position to begin with but... I just thought that maybe I can do something that would make me feel worth something.
When I got into contact with these people, they did just that. They made me feel special. Because of it, I ended up biting more than I can chew and... You know the rest..."
Both girls were still furious but they only wanted to know one thing...
"What was the deal?" They both asked in unison, staring with such intensity, you can swear the soul had left his body. Needless to say, he was more than ready to answer.
"I sold you off in order to cover my debt..." That was his final response before he charged towards the fauna, only to get shot through the head. What shocked everyone was that he didn't stop charging.
"Take him down. We've got what we came for." Disgusted, the fauna turned away as the squirrel pushed Ume into the direction of the girls to intercept Hiraku, slamming his head into the ground with enough force that his head popped like a crushed watermelon.
Gale tried to catch Ume, but just as she got close enough, Ume's head exploded into a spray of scattered blood and viscera. The headless body wobbled about as if trying to register what just happened before collapsing to the ground.
A brief silence shrouded the area as the girls witnessed the deaths of their closest friends. A flashback of the promise they made to one another echoed in their heads as tears rolled down their faces. However, it was Gale that screamed so loud that she shook the entire area.
The air began to pick up and clouds began to cover the sky. Lightning and thunder struck at random intervals with a roaring intensity. As if in an instant, the squirrel was smacked away with such speed, she nearly cleared out a large portion of trees.
"...!" This caught the fauna's attention, who turned back only to be met with a fist to the jaw, rocketing her into a large rock. An ear-deafening roar bellowed out as Gale could barely contain herself. Her feral nature was taking hold of her conscience, taking her aggression and capabilities to new heights.
Both assailants got on their feet and spat at the ground, rubbing the small amount of blood from their lips. "Guess we can see why the Boss wanted them so badly. Let's make this quick."
The squirrel nodded in compliance as they both clicked their teeth, pouring a strange serum into their mouths. Once they felt that rush of adrenaline kicking through their veins, they went on the offensive, engaging the now feral Gale.
"Tch! Just what is this girl?..." Even though they were getting more hits in, it didn't seem to slow down the rampaging croc. The third assailant continued to fire shots, making heavy impacts that seem to affect Gale but she was still shrugging them off with little to no care.
On occasion, the shooter would nearly get pelted with large chunks of rock, forcing them to use a more lighter firearm to dish out the damage. The skirmish lasted for what seemed to be an hour. Blood was leaking from both parties, but it was the berserk Gale that suffered the most.
Her body was covered in cuts and bruises. As for her limbs, they went limp a long time ago, but she was still fighting despite of it. The assailants in direct combat were also starting to draw breaths, wondering just when is this beast going to topple over.
"Sis!!!" Rumin crawled out, trying to approach the monster that was her sister. "I know you're angry. I am too, but you can't let your nature drive you like this! You have to stop..."
Gale turned to face her sibling with a menacing look. It seemed as if she was about to attack out of a blind rage. Whether or not it was a lucky occurrence, Rumin could see that one of her sister's eyes were still normal, but crying.
This form always hurted her a lot but before anything else could happen, the gunner used the opportunity to pelt the beast with two well-placed shots, rendering it unconscious. Rumin crawled over to her sister to act as a shield. Even if she couldn't stand, she was ready to protect her sibling at all costs.
"Heh. Take a look at this kid." The gunner came into view, revealing herself to be a hyena-kin. She looked down at the crippled girl as her cohorts gathered round.
"Well you certainly took your time." The squirrel mocked her companion.
"What can I say? I like seeing you get all beat up. Just like when I use you for a spin." The hyena snickered before getting smacked with a bushy tail.
"You two are insufferable, but good work nonetheless. When we get back, I suppose it'll be my treat."
"Now you're talking my kind of language. Now let's get out of here. All that noise is bound to attract some attention."
"Alright. Contact the boss and let's get moving." The squirrel rendered Rumin unconscious before picking up the limp bodies, carrying them over her shoulders.
Nodding in agreement, the fauna proceeded to tap on her communicator to relay the message.
"Affirmative. All targets have been successfully repossessed... All witnesses have been neutralized... We'll be on our way momentarily Mam... Yes; thank you."
Once she was finished, she ended the transmission and accompanied her party. It didn't take long until a passerby came across the bodies hours later. News soon became public and three separate funerals had to be prepared for the deceased. As for the Dragon Twins, no one has heard anything from them ever since.
Just what had become of them?
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you all for making it to the end of the first volume. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to read my novel. It truly means a lot to me.
Next I would like to announce that the novel is still ongoing. Meaning that there will be more volumes to come. So far I've got two currently planned out and will be preparing chapters for the release of the second volume. I hope you've all enjoyed the journey so far and hope that you'll accompany me as I progress further.
Lastly, if interest in the other characters presented in the story gets high enough, I may just a little side story arc for each desired candidate. I'll see you all next time in volume 2.