
The hidden flame

"Ah yes, the eternal flame, the giver of life, the keeper of immortality," Fangorn muses to himself from across the room, a faint smile playing on his lips as he reclines casually back against his chair, as though some long forgotten memory had just arisen in the blackened depths of his mind.

"It has been called worse," I say honestly, "The bringer of destruction among all things," I add, leaning myself back against my own chair and crossing my legs at the ankles as I tilt my head in silent questioning, urging him to continue. Fangorn straightens himself up, moving his candle again to one side- seemingly out of a peculiar wariness as though he is keen to keep my face in the light, my silhouette casting thick black shadows scattering across the walls, illuminating the pale pictured portraits dangling in golden frames on either side of the wall.