
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Quests pt.03

"What can't talk but will reply when spoken to?"

"What can't talk…but it will reply? So it talks but not alone. Ugh I don't know."

"I can give you a hint. It starts with an E." She hinted, my brain searching for every word that tarts with an E that could be related.

"Echo" I breathed heavily whispering the word.

"Yes" She beamed happily as I also heard her jump a little. A chuckle left my mouth as I smiled at myself for solving he riddle.

"Okay so quest nine is… wait a minute let me check the paper that I wrote it on… 'It's a 30 minute ride from home, it has a bunch of cool nature related object and living things. 'This is it."

I smiled, knowing what he was hinting on. "Thank you, Iris." Even though I'm not a big fan of Iris, I have no right to hate her. Yes, she is close to Mark but she did nothing wrong.

"By the way," She caught me off from my thread of thoughts stopping for a while before she added. "I'm not sure how it was seen from your perspective last time when we met. Mark and I, there is nothing between us. It will never happen too."


"You don't have to say anything. I'm just saying this just in case, you know, for later on. Take care and have fun today. Bye."

Leaving me no room to talk, she ended the phone call. Oh, how much I was happy to know that they don't like each other.

I ran. Ran like my life depended on me arriving early. The bus stop had a couple of people that were also waiting for the bus to come. In less than five minutes, I hurried over to the bus, seating myself by the window. Okay, this is it, when I arrive, I still have one quest.

Thirty minutes ended quickly, and soon enough I stood in front of the butterfly garden. I walked in as the memories took over my thoughts.. The scenery looks even better at night. It wasn't too dark yet, the lights in the garden were faint but had a good impact. The sun has already disappeared from sight, but it's reflects were still seen.

The moon was up, illuminating the whole area.

I walked over to the table we ate at last time, sitting there. I wonder how I should find the last quest now. My head shots down to my bag, as I heard my cellphone ring. Mark…


"Everly" He cut me off, his voice deep. "The last envelope is found under a red container. Good luck."

"Mark." I breathed unwillingly "What's all this?" He laughed for a good second.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, of course but..."

"Everly…I'll see you soon."

A red container…Does he mean the bin? Looking under the nearest red bin there was nothing. I walked further, finding another red bin.

Here it is.

***Quest 10: Southern Garden. See you there :) ***

This is it. The final quest that will get me too meet him and know the reason behind all this. I went to the nearest entrance to take a map. Hurrying to find the Southern Garden in this huge place.

I don't know why, but on my way there, my heart was beating so fast. As if adrenaline was rushing through my body without knowing the cause of it.

Maybe it was because I was on my way to win these 10 quests, but it would be a lame cause.

Maybe it was because I was excited to see what the reward would be.

And maybe it was because I was excited to see him, and to see what he has prepared.

Nothing was sure. Lost in feelings I myself don't even know the cause of.

Southern Garden. The wooden plate read followed by an indescribable entrance. It was more than stunning. The flowers delicately falling from what looked like a bridge of colorful tulips.

A few steps closer you can see the magnificent terrain filled with a bunch of different groups of flowers every few meters. There was a path made by pebbles, that later spreads to many more paths. There were tables too and chairs. A bit farther, there was a group of tents next to each other.

"You're finally here." Looking up, I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes. Here he was, the guy that I met a few weeks ago, smiling widely at me.

He was the guy that unexpectedly changed me to the better. Maybe not much, but he sure did a slight change. "Hi" I smiled back at him as we both walked closer to each other.

"I have been waiting for you." He added as his smile now got a bit fainter.

The Mark standing in front of me, looked different from the Mark I have knew. I don't mean by appearance, but he looked more mature , more serious.