
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Luce is coming pt.02

"Everyone!" Zeus shouted raising his sword as he looked upon the crowd. At this moment everyone was standing in the grand land. Gods, angels, messengers, helpers , everyone. They were waiting for Luce. The day has come and he could be here any moment.

"Let's do this will all our might! We will try our best to defeat the evil!" With these words being said , everyone started to cheer preparing their weapons. Some using physical weapons while other were using their spells and magics.

A loud thud could be heard as a portal has opened on the other side of the land. Orange and purple colors could be seen with a bunch of thick smoke. Everyone turned to face the portal , knowing it was Luce.

Soon Luce could be seen walking forward , smiling as evil was showing through his eyes. He was walking straight his face up high , his shoulders moving along his body each one at a time. He was wearing all black , his medium length black hair tied lowly on his head. He stopped mid way, his army following his every move.

The power of his army has changed and it was evident.Poseidon looked carefully, eyebrows forming a straight line. "This doesn't seem right." He feared looking at Apollo who was standing right beside him. "What do you mean?" The latter asked as his hands turned into fists.

"Their energy has changed too much. The potion they drank is much powerful than we imagined. I can sense some ocean-like power in them."

"It's going to be harder than we thought then. But this won't stop us." Artemis joined in as she encouraged the two .

"Long time no see" Luce smirked his eyes looking through Zeus fiercely. Zeus took two steps closer as he nodded smiling. "Long time no see."

"Finally some action" Ares spatted as he loudly growled signaling his group to start the war. He was angry, more than you could imagine. Even though he was known for being cold blooded, and most people feared him. What he hated the most is when people mess with his family or what we could also call , people he loves.

His weapon was a gold plated long sword , sharper than anything that could be found on Mount Olympus. "His sword was clinking and clashing under the dark , cloud filled sky. Anger released at every clash. He only wanted to win and save his people.

On the other side of the land, was Hecate , who was having a little more fun. She was turning Luce's army into small animals . Mice , rats and hamsters running for their lives afraid of being stepped on. Hephaestus , was next to her. He smirked walking slowly to the front.

He looked over at the two armed men in front of him , both holding some equipment that threw fire. He laughed to himself as he knew that this won't do anything. He shouted with all his might , as he spat fire from his mouth. He saw them burn to ashes as he sighed passing his left hand through some of his hair strands. "Good job. Wow" Orion astonishingly exclaimed as they both smirked to each other.Orion was a giant huntsman and a demigod son of Poseidon and a close friend of Hephaestus.

"Look at these two there" Orion started preparing his muscles to attack. "I'll attack them from behind and trap them, add some fire when they're knocked out." The latter nodded as he understood his best friend's smart plan. Working in teams was something they always loved to do and they kept on doing it through all the war that day.

All Mount Olympus citizens were now tired , but this didn't stop them from fighting. As time passed, they were more and more focused on their goal.

To win.