
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs



They were both unsure of their emotions towards each other. Not sure if it was their feelings, or just a spur of the moment but without another second passing Mark moved his face closer to Everly , their eyes still locked in each other's.Heat rose from Everly's stomach to her chest as his lips were getting closer and closer. Maybe time stopped when her lips met his, but the flutter only made her heart beat faster. His thumbs were still on her cheeks , caressing them while her hands were tightly holding his shirt over his shoulders. The kiss was gentle, yet meaningful . They were both fully aware of their movements as they were afraid of doing a wrong move. However, Everly was sure of one thing.

In his kiss , she felt at home.

He was also sure of one thing, and this made his heart ache even more.

He knew he has to block his emotions before he kills her , but how. 'I can't be the reason you'll die Everly, I can't. I'm sorry.'

Soon enough they both pulled out of the kiss, still lost in each others eyes. Everly removed her hands from his shoulder her face facing her lap. She rubbed her hands together as she started to get up slowly but clumsily. She was not ready for this. She was not ready for anything.

Not long ago she opened her heart for a new friendship and even now she isn't even sure about it. "I'm sorry." it came out more of a whisper but with that she hurriedly leaves the place, running to hers.


Each one of them was now sitting in their own place. Everly had her knees close to her chest touching her lips as she tried to get rid of the new emotions that have now formed. While Mark was still where she left him, rubbing his hair in frustration as he thought he should have taken things more slowly. Not only did Everly run away from him, but his love for her is growing more and more and it is not a good sign.

With these mix of emotions , both of their night ended and they drifted in their sleep , still lost.