
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs



The sound of three consecutive claps was heard and soon everyone was silent, waiting to know what is the reason behind the urgent and sudden call.

The eleven gods were now all united around the long elegant table waiting for Zeus, god of the sky, to come and start the meeting. Few seconds later Zeus was seen coming forward and sitting at the head of the table. "Zeus" Hera, his wife and the goddess of marriage, called "Why did you call us here at this time?"

"Yeah, I was busy tasting some wine" Dionysus, god of wine, whined and shrugged. "I have called you all here tonight for a really urgent matter. I hope you'll be all ears to that." Zeus said before he sighed.

"Luce" As soon as Zeus said his name the gods face turned into disgust, fear and confusion. "What about him, Father" Ares, Zeus's son and god of war, growled as he got up his hand turning into a fist. "Calm down Ares! Let me finish before your comments" Zeus exclaimed.

"I have received some information that Luce is working on a special potion that would turn people into demons to build an army and be able to attack us. Based on what this messenger said, he actually started his plan and started giving out his potion. Luckily, only one person has drunk the potion until now , which will be easier to follow and stop the spreading in their body."

"Is there a way to stop the potion?" Poseidon, god of sea, asked combing his beard with his hand. "I was able to get a sample of the potion and have asked Hecate to analyze and see what it is made up and all. After that based on the products found in the liquid, we will be able to see what we can do" Zeus said as he got up and walked around a bit.

"We should keep an eye on the human being for now and make sure nothing happens to her." Demeter goddess of agriculture stated as Athena, goddess of wisdom, agreed.

"How long till we get what the liquid is made of?" Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty asked. "Still a few minutes so I hope you stay until then" Zeus answered as he sat back.

Hecate, goddess of magic and ghosts, finally came. "I'm sorry for the delay" she bowed and started "Actually, the potion is made mostly of rare ingredients. The reason behind the potion being able to turn people into demons is because of this unnamed rare plant when mixed with a full demon's blood it creates kind of an illusion that makes the human unconsciously follow Luce's orders .The other ingredients makes them have the form of a demon .For the human to turn into a devil, it will take around 3 months. The human will start feeling the effects far before at around a month and a half. " Hecate concluded and bowed again before sitting.

"Is there a way to stop it?" Hephaestus, god of fire, asked furrowing his eyebrows. Hecate nodded. "There is only one way. To reverse the effect of this plant, the only way is a god's love and blood .The plant has a substance that is biased to a god's love more than a demon. However, the blood cannot function unless the human falls in love with the god."

"How is that even possible?" Artemis, goddess of the moon asked astonished. "this is what the results have given "Hecate answered back. All the gods and goddesses started murmuring

"Then, is there anyone that would like to volunteer to make that female human fall in love with him?" Zeus calmly asked as he looked at every male in the room. "I would have volunteered but I am quite busy these days" Hermes, god of travelers, answered with a look of disappointment on his face. Apollo, god of archery, music, poetry and medicine, agreed.

"Well, anyone would send their son? The son will surely be rewarded." Zeus raised his eyebrow.

As Apollo thought about his son Aseseus and his chance to be finally be accepted as a god and have his place in the Olympus, he got up from his place and shouted "My son. Aseseus can do that. He will go to the human world." Zeus looked at Apollo and sighed. "Anyone else?"

When no one answered Zeus once again sighed "Then Aseseus it is"

"Make sure he is ready by 6 in the morning we will send him by then. Hecate please takes care of the papers earthlings should have and prepare him a place to stay in close to that girl. Give him all the information he needs to know about her." Zeus ordered as he ended the meeting.