
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Beginning


"What do you mean? " I asked unsure, my hands shaking upon receiving the bottle.He looked deeply in my eyes and smirked. That smirk that has been sending chills down my spine since the moment I met him . He stepped forward taking the bottle out of my hand shaking it lightly.

"Well" he started "This is what you earthlings call a magic drink. After drinking this, you won't be that girl with no luck, the girl everyone makes fun of. You'll have the best luck in the world. You'll have the life you dreamed of. Do you want it?"

I hesitated, not sure what to do. Do I really want it?

At that moment, all the memories started flooding in my mind one after the other. The day my parents died in the fire because of me, the judging looks of people, the days I walk around school alone, the time, everything went downhill because of me and all the memories that have become a nightmare.

I want all of this to end. The hate i have to my life has become an illness where there is no more room for me to love anyone, not even myself.

I sighed, nodding in defeat. "Drink it all at once before sleeping "He stated giving me the bottle and disappearing. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around for a sign that he was still here, but there was nothing.

I went back home, my hand still grabbing the bottle tightly. I was still unsure of my decision, what if something goes wrong?

Time flew fast as it was already time for bed. I slipped in the blankets as I took the bottle that was placed next to me. "I can do this" I whispered to myself as I jogged down the liquid all at once. I felt a bit dizzy at first but then, without even realizing I drifted away in my dreams.