
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

A smile


"What are you doing here?" Iris rolled her eyes looking at the tall man in front of her, who wasn't any much happier of meeting her here. Raoul didn't answer. He didn't even look at her after he threw her a small glance when she talked to him.

"I'm talking to you Raoul."Her voice was higher than before. A bit more stern. "Answer me." She added in disbelief as she once again earned no answer from the latter. "You know it's no fun not to answer when someone talks to you."

"You're acting as if I offended you... it clearly is you that offended me, yet I am still talking to you... RAOUL." His head snapped to her as soon as his name was called so loudly. "Keep it low." His hand was quick to react, shutting her lips fast. "Angels don't like high voices." He then added eyes straight into hers. His left brow has slightly moved upwards,and at the closeness of their faces, Iris couldn't help but notice his features.

His brown eyes were fierce yet held a soft aura beneath them. There was a glimpse of red from his nose spreading to both of his cheeks , complementing his skin color perfectly. Her eyes wavered and soon she was starring at the floor.

Raoul stepped backwards, his palm leaving Iris's lips. "Iris..." He started in which Iris immediately looked up to reach his face. "Yeah?"

"Don't meddle in random people's business."

"But you're not a random person... i do know you.Right? We know each other . Don't we?" He looked at her , yet she couldn't read through his eyes. He gave her a small smile that could easily go unnoticed by any other person, but Iris was sharp. She was so focused on Raoul that she was noticing every movement he does.


"I'm here to prepare the documents I need to spend some time in the human world.I got a vacation." Iris couldn't help but smile.

"Oh really? What a coincidence! I'm also here for the same cause. I thought that spending some time down there could help with my project and at the same time I could relax a bit . I kind liked the human world when I went with you to help Aseseus."

Raoul nodded. "It would." Iris nodded back with a smile. "But I don't think Everly will be happy to see you." They both laughed remembering the act Iris have made with Aseseus. "Actually...when Aseseus wanted to confess. I had a call with Everly. But i don't know if she's cool about me now."

"When are you leaving?" She asked quite curious. "After tomorrow." Her eyes lit up as she jumped lightly. "Me too." She squealed , moving her head slightly to the sides. "How long are you staying? I am staying for a month or so."

"Ms. Iris." Both heads looked to their left. "Your papers are ready, please proceed to room number 5 to receive your confirmation. The please head to floor 3 room 3 to get your ID and the necessary papers." A guy called from behind the nearest counter.

"Then I'll leave now. See you...Raoul." He bid her goodbye back watching her leave from behind. A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned on the wall behind him.

Followed by a smile.