
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

A movie

Everly's pov:

I looked at the door that led to Mark's room as I tried to peek into it . Should I wait for him? Well I could- No let me just leave and-

"Hey Everly." I heard him call as he put his bag over his shoulder . I greeted him back as I slightly fidgeted my legs unconsciously . I heard him chuckle as I shot him a glare turning around and walking. "I'm going to my classes." I heard his footsteps jogging to my side as he flashed me a smirk. "Anyways, want to come over after school for a movie ? We can watch anything you want." He invited me as he looked at me impatiently wanting to hear my answer.

It would be best if I stayed away from him for a bit. But Everly maybe he is the result of the potion you drank? Maybe he'll help me from this misery. But shouldn't it work on all the miseries?

"Sure" He smiled brightly as he clicked his fingers together " A movie it is."


"There was this movie called 'he is a semi-god' I heard it's a nice movie." He turned the doorknob as we entered his apartment . "What does it talk about?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he threw the keys on the counter .

"I heard that it talks about a guy that meets a goddess and they fall in love something of the sort."

" A goddess?" He asked unsure as if he was taken aback. "Yeah . never heard of stories about gods and goddesses?" Both of my eyebrows were raised up high as I looked at him nodding. "Yeah I have . hahaha. Never knew they were movie about them . " He quietly laughed. "Of course there are. There are movies about everything."

"Then let's watch it"


"That's so unfair" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes a bit for the tears not to fall down. His face turned towards mine as his eyes grew a bit wide. "Why are you crying?" He chuckled after asking as he moved his hands closer to my face.

"She should have told him she was a goddess . That shows she didn't really love him.and-" He rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs which took me by surprise. I stopped talking as I looked at him . The dim light of the window illuminated his brown eyes that pierced through mine. I gulped down my own saliva as I sat immobile.

Why am I liking this?

"Maybe she had his own reasons." He slowly and lowly told me as his thumbs stopped moving over my cheeks. "I think that maybe if she told him , they will face more problems. So she chose to stay silent to protect him and herself. "

"She broke him like this" the word came from the back of my throat as a whisper as a tear escaped my eyes. "Hey" He massaged my cheeks again before engulfing me tightly into his chest. "It's just a movie okay? Calm down"

At this moment , I felt at peace. It's true that I was heartbroken by the movie, but just by being in Mark's embrace I felt wanted . I felt loved. The guy that I kept on taking my distance from , never left me.

Is he worth it?

I backed my head a bit , looking at him. He smiled at me lightly, tilting his head to the right. "Thank you" I buried my head again into his chest as i wrapped my arms around his back. He caressed my hair calmly , my heart beating faster each second. I looked back up at him again , seeing him already looking at me. Locking our eyes for the nth time this hour we both smiled facing each other.