
Night Out

Samantha POV

2 years later

"Beep beep" the sound of the clock, seriously why can't it let me sleep. I turned off the clock and looked at the time and saw that I'm late for work, this cannot be happening. There is going to be an important client coming, I can't be late for the project, my boss is going to fire me if we don't get this business deal.

I quickly got ready and rushed out of the house. I got into my car and drove to the company I am working in. When I reached, I rushed to the door without looking, and ran into someone. My papers scattered all over the place.I apologized and bend down to pick up the papers. He just walked away not even helping me pick them up. I watched, him walk into the elevator, I find myself admiring his perfect features. I can see that he got a perfect built body under his tux, everything was perfect about him. I then stopped myself from looking at him any longer, when I realized that I am going to get fired if I looked anymore.

I rushed in the elevator and pressed the button to head to the top floor of the building. When I reached, I could see that my boss is not so happy to see that I have reached late. Next to him, was a tall guy standing beside him looking at me while my boss quarreling with me.

When I looking closely it was the same guy that I hit when coming outside. My boss introduced me to him.

"This is Mr. Smith the one we are going to be co operating with " my boss said.

After my boss introduced him, without introducing me so, I was wondering if he was going to introduce me , then a voice interrupt my thought bring me back to real life. When I came back to senses, I noticed the voice that brought me back was no other the man in front of me. He asked me what was my name and I answer him cause it look like my boss is not going to introduce so I do it myself.

Sam:"I am Samantha John"

Kristian:" Nice to meet you Miss John, I am Kristian Smith ."

Sam:" It a pleasure to meet you Mr. Smith"

He smile at me and then left the office. After he left, my boss James start quarreling with me, that if I come late again, he is going to fire me. He told me to get out of the office. I walked out of the office and went to my desk and started working. When it was finally lunch time, I was about to go get lunch but James came and set a pile of work on my table, he then said that he needs me to finish this before I go for lunch. I ask him if I could go lunch and then come back to do the work but he told me that he needs me to finish this first cause it for a important meeting. So I have no choice but to forget about going to lunch even if, even if I am hungry. I started doing the pile of work it front of me.

When I finished all of my work, it was already night time, most of the people already left, I picked up my bag and head down to the elevator, then my phone started to ring. I picked up my phone and see that Marina was calling, so I pick the phone and say "hello", we talked on the phone while I went to get my car. Marina was asking me if I could accompany her to the club. I was not the type of person who liked to go partying, I told her that I am not going. She started to beg me to go with her so I finally gave in and told her that I will go with her only this once.

When I reached home, Marina was already in her room. Marina and I lived together after my parents kicked me out of the house. I started to get ready to go to club with Marina. I wore a navy blue off shoulder romper with grey shoes, I looked at myself in the mirror to see if i looked good, satisfied with my outfit, I then head to living room and wait for Marina. I waited for her for a few minutes and then she showed up wearing a white, long sleeve top and black shorts, matching with it she wore black heels going with. She looked at my clothes and said "you look so pretty today, a lot of boys will be dancing with you tonight." I told her back the same thing. Then we walked out the door, to the front of the car. Both of us got in and Marina started to drive us there, since I don't where we are going.

When we reach, I got out of the car and admire the view in front of me, the club looked like it was for rich people to go and party there hearts out. I pretty sure we got the wrong place, so I turn around and looked Marina in the face and asked her "you sure we got the right place?"

Marina:"of course, we at the right place, I would know if we were at the wrong place so don't worry about it too much."

Sam:"But how can we get inside of this kind of place, cause this club looked like it is basically for rich people."

Marina:"Don't worry about it."

Marina then pull me inside, it looks like she a regular customer here cause none of the bodyguards stop us from enter inside the place. When we were inside the club I can see that there were a lot of people partying and having fun on the dance floor. Marina pulled me the bar stand and order both of us drinks. When the drinks come, I took a slip of it and fine that a taste very good not like any beverage, I had taste. So I started drinking a lot, then a man came over to us, it looked like Marina knows the person. Marina started talking to the man and the man then asked her for a dance, first she was hesitating cause she did want to leave me by myself. I told her it was fine and she should just go and enjoy herself. After she left, I just started ordering drinks, I was drinking after a few drinks. A handsome, generous man came to me and started talking to me. He asked for a dance, so I went with him on the dance floor. We started dancing together, then suddenly his lips smashed onto mine, I did not resist it at all, I then deepened the kiss. We then pulled away trying to get some air after the kiss. He whisper something in my ear but I did hear what it was so I just nodded my head.

He looked at me then, take my hand and walked out of the club through the back door. I asked why we passed through the back door and not front door. He just said that his car was packed in the back. We went in his car and he drove off, when we reached a big house, the gate opened and we drove in. The house looked more like a mansion. Then my vision went blurry.