

Samantha POV

I am so happy that I could marry Ethan.Our wedding is going to be in a few days and I am going to be the most happiest person in the world. But it did not go according to that, I remember that I was by his house that night but when I walk in there was sound coming from the master bedroom. So I walked upstairs to the room and I slightly open the door making sure not to make a single sound. When I open the the door and see what was happening in the room, I hope it was just a dream but life have to be so cruel.

It was not a dream everything that I saw was real, there were clothes scattered all over the place and at last I saw the most horrible sight my fiance and my best friend at it on our bed. Then my best friend Julie turned and saw me and she gave a smirk at me like she wanted me to see it. I walked out the house , crying and got in my car and went straight to Marina's house, she was my good friend from school. I knocked on the door of her house and she opened the door and gave me hug , she saw me crying and she carried me inside and ask what happen. I told her that my fiancé cheated on me with my now, ex best friend.

Marina: "Girl, he doesn't deserve you, you are to good for him "

Sam: "You are so right, I should not be crying over him"

Sam: "Can I stay with you for a tonight"

Marina: "Sure, you can stay over as long as you like, I will always be on your side"

I thanked her and she prepared a room for me, then I called my mother telling her that I am canceling the wedding and I decided to call it a night. The next day my phone was ringing very loud that I can't even sleep so I picked up the phone without looking and answered it. I wished I had checked the caller ID.

When I put the phone near my ear a loud voice come out of it "why did you cancel the wedding", when I listened closely I was shocked that he called me.

Sam: "Ethan, why you are calling me ?"

Ethan:"Because I have the right to know why you are calling off the wedding."

Sam:"I saw you and Julie together"

The other end of the phone went silent for a while and he start talking back.

Ethan:"So you saw that"

Sam:"yes, out of all the people you went with my best friend"

Ethan:"It not like that, I was drunk and thought that she was you, she did not know what she was doing and you know that she will never do that "

Sam:"So that doesn't mean what you did was right and she clearly knew what she was doing"

I hanged up before he could even answer.How could he even do that. Then blame it on how he was drunk and defense her instead of saying that she was wrong.I couldn't take it anymore, it just keeps replaying in my head.I curled up into a ball, and cried myself back to sleep.

When I woke up, my eyes were sore from all the crying. I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs. Looks like Marina had already left. I went into the kitchen for some water and saw a note with a plate full of pancakes, bacon and eggs on it. It was still hot, so I guess she just left.I took a glass from the dishwasher and filled it with cold water and picked up the note.

"Made you breakfast, hope you like it. Feel free to use anything to feel comfortable. Love, Marina"

I cracked a smile and tried my best to eat.When I finished, I clean my dishes and headed upstairs to get ready to go to my parents. When I reached, I was hesitating if I should go in. But I finally went in after a lot of hesitation. My mother welcomed me but I can see that something is bothering her but I decided not to asked so I looked around to see if my father was here. But my father was no where to be found, I asked her where he is, but she did not answer but instead handed me a suitcase. When I looked closely, I was surprised to see who suitcase it was. It was my suitcase, with my stuff it in.

I asked my mother, why she handed me my suitcase. She did not say anything at first but , I saw that she had something that she did not want to tell me. Then I saw my father coming, he looked very angry. He came to where I am standing and started shouting "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!"

I ask "what did I do?", he then yelled at me saying that he did not have that kind for daughter. Without allowing me to answer, he sent his bodyguard and they dragged me out of the house. My mother stood there doing nothing to save me from getting dragged out of the house. So I have to choice but to leave, not knowing what I did wrong.

I left the house, not knowing where to go. I pulled out my phone and called Marina asking her if I can stay by her.

She was kind enough to let me stay at her house until I got a place to stay at.