
Chapter 1

Wu Qiang Feng. Qiang meaning one who possesses strength. Feng meaning one who is like a Phoenix. You would think someone with a name as formidable as this would be someone who is up above everyone, suppressing everyone with just one look. However... imagination can't be any further from the reality. 

Qiang Feng is someone who is so painfully average. He has also been in the mid ranks of his class. He always somehow manages to be exactly the 13th person to finish running in a long distance run in his class of 26 people. Basically, everything he does is exactly average. Not too good but not too bad either so no one can really pick on him on anything. His nickname is Pingjun Feng aka average Feng. Qiang Feng has one good friend named Zheng Ping Jun who ironically is one of the least average person you can meet. Ping Jun has high intellect, is immensely good at sports, can play multiple instruments, can sing, can dance and so many more. Also, he has many, many suitors. 

"Xiao Feng!!! Do you want to go hang out with me after school?" Ping Jun called out to Qiang Feng's retreating back. 

Not wanting to bare the hateful gazes of Ping Jun's many fans, Qiang Feng quickly dismisses the notion and continues his walk out of the school gate. Ping Jun also known as God Jun by his fans quickly ran up to his best friend. He stopped exactly in front of Qiang Feng and pouted. Qiang Feng, as a person who is already used to Ping Jun's antics just simply maneuvered around this childish but perfect man and continued his journey back home. 9 out of 10 times, Ping Jun would continue following him and annoying him but today was the one time Ping Jun didn't do it. Sighing in relief, Qiang Feng started to let his mind wonder.

It wasn't like he hated Ping Jun, it's just that today, he felt especially tired and wanted to just go home and relax. He was honestly thankful that he had a friend like Ping Jun or else his life would get even more painfully average. Yes. Even he himself knows how average he is. To him, it was more of a curse rather than anything else. It would just mean that he is nothing special. He often has these kinds of thoughts but never voiced it out because well, they aren't really that important and it's not like anyone has done anything to offend him or make him feel left out because of how average he was. 

The unmistakable bittersweet smell of coffee invaded his senses. "Maybe I should get a cup of coffee before going home to do that never ending school project," Qiang Feng thought. Making up his mind, he walked up to the counter to get a Vanilla Latte to enjoy in the quaint cafe before making his way home. He chose an obscure seat near the back of the cafe with a good view of both the outside as well as inside of the cafe. Ding. Ding. Ding. It was the soft, melodious sound of the bells on the cafe door that indicated someone was coming in or going out.

Looking up from his warm cup of coffee, he saw a couple walking in together. The man's arms were grabbing onto the woman's waist as the woman leaned into his chest- an obvious show of affection. Qiang Feng was about to turn green but masked it with indifference. "They'll probably break up in another week," he thought with a huff. He quickly finished up his latte to avoid seeing more of such scenes anymore. The rest of the walk home was generally uneventful. 

As soon as he pushed open the door to his apartment, he could smell the aroma of a freshly cooked meal. His stomach grumbled. "Strange... Ma never said she was coming over today." Confused but hungry, he quickly made his way to the kitchen where he saw Ping Jun who was busy plating up the food from the pots. 


"Oh! Xiao Feng you're back!" Ping Jun exclaimed with a huge grin on his perfectly sculpted face. 




How did Ping Jun even get the keys to his apartment? 

"Your mom told me where your spare keys were so I went ahead and used it because I wanted to cook for you today! I'm trying out a new recipe but I hope it tastes good!" Ping Jun said excitedly, his eyes sparkling like an excited puppy. 

Masking his confusion as to why Ping Jun even wanted to suddenly cook for him, Qiang Feng slowly nodded and went ahead to help Ping Jun in getting the cutlery and placing them on the dining table. Ping Jun gently placed the plate of the steaming hot food that was giving off a delicious savory smell. Qiang Feng started digging into the food after saying a word of thanks of to Ping Jun who was looking at him expectantly. 

There was only one word to describe this dish.


Well now Ping Jun has another skill to add on to his never ending charms. Qiang Feng started to give an endless praise to the dishes that Ping Jun had set out. The whole time Ping Jun was grinning like a damn idiot and staring right at Qiang Feng. Badump. Badump. That was the sound of Ping jun's heart. Since Qiang feng had long gotten accustomed to Ping Jun habitual staring, he simply ignored the other man's persistent stare.

 After finishing up all the food and cleaning up all the dirty plates and such, the duo decided to watch a movie at the living room. After much debate, they finally settled on watching Harry Potter. They quickly gathered the snacks. A bowl of instant popcorn and gassy drinks. The movie started and they started munching away. 

Qiang Feng reached out his hand to the bowl of popcorn without looking and at the same time Ping Jun did the same thing. (Manu: yes its a cliche move. come at me bros) Grab. Ping Jun looked down towards the bowl of popcorn and saw his hand grabbing onto Qiang Feng. In a normal situation, this would result in spilled popcorn and yelling. However, the atmosphere was anything but normal, well, at least to Ping Jun. Qiang Feng was about to pull his hand away, sensing a somewhat danger but his hand was firmly grasped on by the other party.

Qiang Feng started to observe Ping Jun. There was a strong emotion that he could detect from Ping Jun's eyes but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. 

"I... I... I... I like you a lot Xiao Feng," Ping Jun openly confessed. 

However, Qiang Feng's dense ass replied "I like you too?" 

"I meant as more than just a friend," Ping Jun continued, inching his way closer to Qiang Feng.

Before Qiang Feng could even react, soft, moist, full lips were suddenly attached to his. Qiang Feng's eyes were wide open and one thought was running though his mind, "What in the world??"