
What if? Severus Snape.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] A resounding boom filled the night air as thunder reverberated through the sky, revealing the face of the once-feared wizard who had terrorized the entire magical population of Britain for the past years. Now, his lifeless form lay still, Voldemort, once hailed as the greatest dark wizard of all time, was reduced to an unrecognizable, charred husk. The man who killed closed his eyes, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. But among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the day of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to find his destiny. And on the day that woke up another part of him, one that he always feared. It was the day he killed his father. From that day, he must learn to adapt, rise, and conquer within a world teeming with gods, monsters, and Superheroes. The day that started his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? Follow Severus's journey to redefine the boundaries of magic unfurling in this new cosmology, a merge of the mythos of Marvel and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Author's Note: This is the old version of the book Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince. I will continue to post the chapters here as well but you won't find the changes I have made to the story. While it might seem idiotic to keep two versions here, this version was loved by many and they wanted the unchanged version to not be deleted so I left it here. Even with the changes the story remained mostly the same, the core, so I hope you all love it. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

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59 Chs

39. Perspective.

Room Of Requirements :

Severus sighed as soon as Cissy left the room.

Even though he said that he told them all his secrets, he still kept some of them, hidden, like the cursed vaults, and Merlin.

The reason for secrecy was simple, they were not powerful enough, not yet, he didn't know Merlin's intentions, so he threaded his way carefully when looking for the vaults.

He was cautious about laying down the foundation for his future actions, while he wants to seek out the greatness that his mother believed he had, his primary goal was always exploring magic, her dying wish just changed the course of his life.

Though he had changed over time, his vigilant behavior never changed.

When he confessed why he didn't ask them to join him sooner he only told them the partial truth.

The whole truth was that he was afraid of losing them and the risk of them getting killed, more importantly, he was afraid of being alone.

While he liked his subordinates, he was sure that he wouldn't be as sad as he would be if Cissy or Lily died.

Their lives served a purpose, while he never thought of recruiting anyone just to use them as scapegoats or expendables.

He was sure that he would not be too saddened, depressed or heartbroken by their deaths, he gave them a choice, they choose to follow him, but he would do his best to keep every single of them alive but he considered losing some of them, which only drove him to increase his will to win this war without any losses.

It was left for the future to find out if he could win the war without losing anyone.

But after some painful consideration, he concluded that it was better to include Cissy & Lily, keep them by his side, trained in the arts that would protect them, so he revealed those secrets today, or he might have postponed this reveals a bit further.

After clearing his head of their thoughts, Severus submerged into his realm.

In the realm of shadows, he found a series of journals by different wizards/Witches of ancient times.

The journals of Morgana le fey and Merlin caught his eyes.


Narcissa and Lily walked in silence.

Lily was conflicted, she didn't know how to feel about the secrets that she just heard.

One side of her mind was happy that Sev was finally out of the hell hole and his father is dead.

Another part of her mind reminded her of what Sev had to go through this past week.

She was saddened for Sev, who lost his mother and was guilt-ridden due to the crime he had committed in the moments of rage. She felt sadness over Mrs. Snape's death, grief over the incident Sev had to go through, how unfair the world was to Sev, Why the fates were so cruel to him?

While she understood what Severus planned, she was hesitant about the League Of Shadows.

She couldn't help but think, is it really necessary?

But she also knew that she was never in a situation to understand it from Sev's perspective, She was brought up in a very good household, so her worldview was narrow, sure she faced a lot of trouble due to her sister and some purebloods, which simulated her insecurities, but she was never in a position like Sev or Narcissa to understand it in their perspective.

She wanted to know the world from their perspective, to understand them.

She tried to make Sev open up about home life before, but he never spoke about it, avoided the topic, it was as if he was afraid of letting her see that side of his life and let her enter it.

Now she didn't want to ask Sev since it would trigger some of his bad memories that were still fresh.

So she wanted to ask Narcissa but she wasn't sure it would be appropriate to ask someone why they were ok with homicide?

She wants to broaden her worldview, and lose some of her naivety.

While she wants to remain optimistic, she decided it would be better for her to know that her optimism isn't miss placed and cause any problems in Severus's plans.

So, she decided to ask Narcissa, how she was so supportive of Sev and why she changed her views so quickly?

But she was hesitant to voice her questions to Narcissa.


Narcissa observed Evans from the moment they left the Room Of Requirement.

She found Evans's expressions change every few seconds.

It seemed as if she was conflicted about something.

Narcissa saw Evans looking at her and opening her mouth many times as if to ask something, but she closed her mouth as soon as she opened it.

Evans remained silent after a few failed attempts.

Narcissa finally decided that she should just spell it out for Lily to ask what bothering her.

She was tired of waiting for her to speak up, she was used to the cheeky Gryffindor, who wouldn't hesitate to question her.

"What is bothering you, Evans? You have been flapping those lips for the past five minutes. You can just ask me what you want to know?"

Evans gulped and asked, "Are you sure?"


Evans took a deep breath and moved closer to her ears.

" ....Does it not bother you? I mean... the killing part.....Why did...you change your views so quickly?"

Evans whispered quietly in her ears, making sure to make as little sound as possible.

She understood why Evans felt that change in her views

She raised an eyebrow at Evans, she knew this was coming from miles away.

From the time she spent with Evans, she knew Evans was naïve in many ways of the world, though she can argue that she was just more mature than others her age due to her situation.

She never thought Evans would be willing to join the League Of Shadows due to the nature of the team.

"No, it doesn't bother me."


"It was how I was raised to be."

Evans went silent for a while, contemplating my words.

"Why did you suddenly ask me this? I am shocked you want to join the Shadows. Severus made it clear that you can just be part of the organization. "

"Perspective. And I want to support Severus in every possible way, he is doing something good though the means might be a bit extreme, I want to know why it needs to be done."


"Yes, Perspective. I was raised in a household that accepted me. When the time to join Hogwarts came, I felt insecure due to my blood status, But Sev reassured me that it didn't matter, but the reality was different." Lily stated "Despite the run-ins with many pureblood, who degraded me for my blood status, I had a fairly normal life outside that constant looming over the wizarding world. So, I never fully grasped the idea of why purebloods thought the way they did, I am still curious why you are suddenly ok with muggle-born....don't take this in the wrong way, but your change was so quick as if you never truly believed in the pureblood policy. I want to see through your perspective."

She contemplated Evans's words.

She never truly opened up to anyone about a few things in her life that shaped the way she is.

Severus wasn't one for her to open up about those things because he already knew the functioning of a pureblood, but she desired to get some things off her chest.

Things that were so insufficient, but were so important in shaping her, the reason for her façade for so many years.

She decided it would be better to confess it to Evans, in a way making her understand the world from her perspective and sharing her past with someone.

" I will tell you what shaped me the way I am, but not here."

"Then where ?"

"My room."

"your room?!"

Evans exclaimed in shock.

While it wasn't the first time, Evans visited her room, she kept the visits in at the daytime, and girls in dorms didn't try to harass Lily due to fear of making both her and Severus angry.


"Do you think it is wise?"

"It is not the first time you came to my room."

"But that was daytime," Evans argued.

"Oh.....I got it. You are afraid of getting into Slytherin dorms, afraid that they might gang up on you. So much for Gryffindor's bravery."

She said with a smirk, trying to get a rise out of Evans.

She knew how to get Evans to do things.

"Huh.....Fine, I will come to your dorm room. We Gryffindor take pride in our bravery." Evans replied with a pout.

She had to stop herself from laughing at how easy it was, she knew where to push.


Hey guys, I wasn't able to write due to college.

I entertained the notion of putting the story on hold for some time but I decided against it.

I will not be posting for a few days, exactly a week. I have exams from Monday, so I doubt I will have time to post a chapter.

I might post one chapter tomorrow if I have time, but not guaranteed.

I have noticed that my chapters are prolonging the story, when I started the story I decided to end in 250k words but as I continued to write I think it might take more words and time, I am already near 100k words, Severus still hasn't left Hogwarts, Voldemort isn't dead, this is happening due to me wanting to explore my characters a bit deeper like the bond between Lily & Narcissa, Sev& Reg and many other characters, though I am not against it, I think I should increase the phase a bit.

What are your thoughts?