
What if?… You want to be a Dark Lord?

This ones a bit random, but it is the traditional Isekai with wishes trope. The world is an alternate MCU, more accurately a HP X MCU crossover. Like my other fan fic meticulous research is involved, to be honest though Marvel comics is too much so I'm sticking a lot more to MCU. Knowing me though I’m not sure I won’t go down the rabbit hole… Whatever. Enjoy! Socials https://discord.gg/h2uau9pRYu https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03 https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

Alexdmercer · Komik
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13 Chs

Family Visits

It was July of 1991 and I was a little over a month away from having to be Harry Potters background character in Hogwarts. Over the past seven years after my quirks awakened apart from training I did a few things to prepare for being a Hogwarts student. With all the unfair events thrusted on to my future educational endeavors due to a silly crystal ball, preparation was key.

Leaving a kid to kill one of the strongest Wizards alive? What kind of idiot doesn't take control but passively leaves things to chance?

This idiot that's who.

I'll just save me and mine and lord moldy butt can suck it when he gets killed by the kid with prophecy plot armor.

I was currently more focused on returning to the family trade of my past life. My preparations so far had focused on my knowledge on charms. A ridiculous amount of unregistered charms were placed on a certain item in my room. The item being a suit case I had taken from father. As a bank employee he had a few and mother gifted him progressively nicer ones over the years. Add in my sticky fingers and Creation quirk? Well here we are.

The surviving suit case number 2327 had a long list of charms acquired from my magical training over the years.

Anti- Unlocking Charm

Anti- Theft Charm

Atmospheric Charm

Flame- freezing Charm

Flying charm (Broomstick style)

Gripping charm

Imperturbable charm

Impervius charm

Intruder charm

Unbreakable charm

Undetectable extension charm

Protean charm

And an Animation charm ( Piertotum Locomotor )

The amount of charms on the suit case were far from enough in my view but some of the other ones I wanted to acquire were impossible to find in common texts. My other self made artifacts were an almost skin tight invisibility cloak with pockets and a set of invisibility gloves. All hail the Disillusionment charm and Bedazzling Hex.

These preparations were proceeding swimmingly and I began researching my plan with in a room within my suitcase whenever I could. Suitcase 2327 was, in short, a small factory containing multiple rooms and areas housing my clones and other treasures.

Over the years I managed to top off my clone quirk to thirty clones and while they could not use any of my other quirks they could use magic. As you can imagine thirty wizards linked by a hive mind could make short work of learning any spell. There were at least ten clones practicing spells around the clock in a magic training room I built into the suitcase.

Another ten clones spent their time reading the massive library I had amassed over the years. Unfortunately it did not have as many books on magic as I would like but it did have every muggle subject ever placed in a public library. I particularly zoned in on any scientific journals which led to my Creation quirk being able to form an incredible amount of items. The last ten clones were actually divided into two groups, five of them focused on martial arts and the other five focused on magic theory.

While the magic training clones focused on mastering spells already invented, the five magic theory clones focused on designing new magic spells. The team was led by the clone that attended my muggle school. The goal was to integrate some of the knowledge from muggles to form magical technology. Unfortunately so far this team had led to no form of advancements even in existing magic but it did allow for my mastery of charms to advance to the level it had.

My martial arts clones on the other hand were by far the least practical group I had but I deemed them a necessity. As a professional shut in during my last life, exercise was never my strong suit. I couldn't run a mile let alone throw a proper punch. Particularly after I had access to the internet and other means of getting things done.

Why do things yourself when you could have minions? Self defense? When you whip out a Glock... well you rarely have to use it.

Now with my quirks and magic however, setting aside clones for physical combat theory seemed silly. I still deemed having said clones improve my hand to hand combat as a priority however as, while I never interacted with it, this was still the world of Marvel, so it couldn't hurt.

This constant preparation for Hogwarts came under fire on July 21st thanks to a set of relatives I never thought I'd interact with.

Over her last year at Hogwarts Dora had become a bit secretive and began interacting a bit more with the Weasley boys and Cedric. Something about a circle could be heard in hushed whispers and the letter R seemed to come up a lot. To be honest I was tempted to listen in on several occasions but considering the amount of secrets I kept, I felt like Dora was entitled to her own. So when I heard a knock at the door in the morning I assumed it was the lads coming to visit Dora before school started in a few weeks. Imagine my surprise when I was met with some very unfamiliar yet familiar figures.

Standing at the head of the retinue was a Raven haired old man, he seemed frail but stood tall with his ebony cane. I had no idea who the old guy was but the family behind him gave me some clues. As behind him stood a golden haired family of three. The one I recognized immediately was the long haired white-blonde man in the three piece suit, Lucius Malfoy. Next to him was what I could only assume to be my aunt Narcissa and the annoying brat known as Draco. Which all meant the old man was most likely my grandfather, Cygnus Black the Third. Oh shit.

" Mom!" Unknowingly this had been my first real interaction with wandless magic. Thinking I should be screaming at the top of my lungs I subconsciously added the Sonorous charm to my voice.

Mother came running from the kitchen only to stop in her tracks when she saw who was at the door.

" Father… go help your Nan in the kitchen Hal."

" Okay mom… holler if you need anything."

As I walked past my mother I could feel the rage radiating from her body. It was almost corporeal.

When I finally reached the kitchen I triggered my Overclock quirk to listen to the conversation. Over the years Overclock was a more of a super senses and body control quirk than a super speed one. This was because as long as I didn't try to accelerate my physical motion I was able to more or less use it indefinitely. In this indefinite state I could not only enhance my senses but even recovery speed. It was quite an overpowered quirk.

" Father why are you here?"

" At least you remember I am your father Andromeda. I thought your time fraternizing amongst mudbloods and blood traitors had weakened your manners seeing as my letters have received no response."

" Well considering I hadn't received any letters in almost twenty years I figured they were fake."

" Rebellious as ever. Thank Merlin your mistakes were cleansed by the blessings of magic itself. Now let me in. We have much to discuss about my grand children and bring over that poor son in law of mine so he may pay his respects."

" Are you mad!"

" Non sense girl now step aside. It's quite rude to keep an old man waiting."

" Keep waiting you crazy old coot! Do you really believe a letter and few words dismisses the fact you erased my very existence!"

As mother was in motion of closing the door Lucius stuck his hand out to stop her.

" Please sister Andromeda reconsider. The future of your children is bright, it would be a shame to ruin it due to some grudges of the past."

" Keep my name out of your filthy mouth. When you and your ilk were going around hunting people like my husband, it was his family that gave us safe haven in America. Where were any of you?"

At these words Lucius face had blanked and went red. It was unclear if it was out of anger or shame.

" Silence little girl you know not what you speak of. Hundreds of families were unable to escape but somehow you managed. Do you think you are so smart or lucky?"

" …What are you talking about?"

" We are the Black family famed for centuries. Our achievements and our… indiscretions.. are noteworthy. Even then Andromeda Black renown for her marriage to a believed to be muggle born managed to escape safe and sound…. You can play a fool girl but don't actually be one."

Through gritted teeth I could hear mother say.

"…. Come in."

After a few minutes the whole family was gathered in the living room. Even the new extended family. Very little pleasantries were exchanged. The visitors almost immediately cut to the chase.

" Andromeda you must send my grandson to Durmstrang. Moreover have your family move to the manor. It is unbecoming of members of our family to live near blood traitors like the Weasleys."

At the remark Dora became visibly uncomfortable. Instead of saying anything however she simply fled from the fight. Literally. After a pop a note slowly floated down to my mothers hand. My sister had apparated away to flee from the awkward conversation. The fact I was left here kind of irked me but I respected her initiative. I really needed to come up with a way to switch places with a clone when I don't want to personally deal with crap like this.

The other people who looked uncomfortable were my paternal grandparents. Up until a few months ago my grandparents had no notion of the big eleven wizarding schools. When previously contacted about their son they were skeptical of a so called Hogwarts. How could they ever believe in more schools existing. As a military family they dealt with the madmen known as Hydra and had some idea of the dangers of so called magic.

To them magic was nothing but advanced technology that could harm the world. They genuinely believed no such thing as real magic actually existed. Eventually they relented when receiving a home visit on the subject of 'magic' by a very convincing deputy head mistress. That one visit shattered their world view to an extent.

Then again after the madness they witnessed during the war they quickly acclimated. The fact magic was real had fascinated them for a few years but after their son finished his studies at Hogwarts they left for America. Knowing they had no place near magic Alfred and Isabella Tonks opted to retire in America and spend time with their old war buddies. Their days were limited on this Earth and what they had gone through during the war was a thing only comrades of that time could understand.

Naturally away from their son and his new wife they believed the very small connection the Tonks elder generation had to the magical world would soon come to an end. Their son had a family and while he was a filial child the reality of married life would naturally make their interactions limited. They weren't entirely wrong as while their son communicated with them often and even their new daughter in law made a point of keeping in touch with them, face to face interaction was not common.

All of that came to a change around 1979 when their son, pregnant daughter in law, and grand daughter showed up at their door. The horrors described by their son under some mystical asshat trying to be the new Hitler disturbed them to no end. Isabella was literally fuming with rage, if they were younger Alfred was sure they would gather the old band and bring a hail of lead to the silly jackasses with sticks.

Alfred, wasn't an idiot, he knew magic was quite terrifying but he knew wizards and even super soldiers could bleed. Which means this little wizard asshole could be killed just like any other man… with a bullet through the head. Alfred's own thoughts aside he took solace in the fact his family was safe in the USA. That was abundantly clear when Isabella started amassing a collection of explosives so large Alfred was beginning to wonder if she was planning to blow up the big bad wizard or the god damn entire UK.



https:// www.twitch.tv/alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com/peerlessevolution


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