
What Did They Get Themselves Into?!

Hitoshi Shinsou has always been the class insomniac. Katsuki Bakugou has always been the class hothead. Izuku Midoriya has always been the class cinnamon roll. None of them are friends. That's the way it's always been! Right?! Only a handful of people know what really goes on when they're not in the dorms. What will Aizawa do when he finds out the truth behind those 'innocent' acts?

Legally_Stupid · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


🚧Slight Gore🚧

Aizawa POV:

I wonder where the boys went... It's almost 3:30am, and they're still not back...! As soon as I thought that, the door opened. When I saw what came through the door, I almost cried. Bakugou poked his head through first, checking to see if the coast was clear. When he decided it was, he walked, more like limped, in. WHY IS HE COVERED IN BLOOD!?!?!? I sat there and watched, from my hidden place, as he pulled the door a little more open, what I saw made my stomach churn. My unconscious son was being carried through the door by Midoriya. Both were covered in blood as well.

"I can't believe we're alive right now man..." Midoriya whispered while setting Hitoshi on the table.

"At least this blood is mainly theirs... Barely any of it is ours..." Bakugou responded while taking off their shoes and cleaning the bloody footprints up.

"Yeah... the only real damage that was done was you and Toshi getting shot."

I went pale hearing that. My son was shot!! And is unconscious on the table while high schoolers are trying to clean up the blood that's everywhere. What did you get yourself into Hito? As I'm drowning in my thoughts, the door opens again. Whipping my head to face the door, I see it's just Recovery Girl. Wait-why is she here?

"I came as soon as I saw you boys got back! Where's Hitoshi?? Katsuki sit next to him on the table and roll up your pant leg!! Izuku finish up cleaning the blood off the floor inside, and outside. There were bloody footprints leading up to the door! How many times do I have to tell you to cleanly kill someone? I know you all know how to do that!!" Recovery Girl ranted while prepping Hito for emergency surgery by taking off his shirt to reveal a few gunshot wounds to the chest.

After an hour everything was done, she made sure to heal the three boys one more time. With one last warning, she was gone. The two conscious boys decided to all sleep in Bakugou's dorm room for the rest of the night. When I went into the kitchen, not a drop of blood was to be seen. How, and why, are they so good at cleaning up blood? There's not even dried drops anywhere.

Shinsou POV:

Why does my whole body hurt? Where am I? I think while sitting up. Looking around some more, I realize that I'm just in Kat's dorm. Thinking back to the previous night's events, I remember a little too much for my taste.

"Are we sure that this is going to work?" I asked.

"It has too... this is the first time we've ever had a plan." Kat reminded me.

"Just stick to it and we should be fine. We have a disadvantage when it comes to numbers, but an advantage with stealth and surprise." Izu explained.

As we walked in, the feeling in our chests got worse and worse. By the end of the hallway, we could already hear synchronized gunshots going off.

"Are they training right now? At midnight? That's dedication!" Izuku exclaimed.

Sneaking around the back, hidden by the crates, we positioned ourselves to shoot them from behind. Luck was not on our side though, as one of the trainers saw something move, and ordered them to turn and aim. Having us get out and step forward was the beginning of the end though. The guns we had out were just props. As we were kneeling there, they started shooting the targets that were placed behind us. Next thing I know, I hear the Izu yell for Kat.

"ON IT!" he replied. Next thing I know he's thrown several knives into the heads and throats of the gang members. After that, he yells for me. But it was too late. They had already fired. Aimed at my chest.

All I felt was pain. Looking down there were three holes in my chest that were leaking blood. I took that as my go ahead and pulled out my gun and shot down as many of the gang members as I could before blacking out.

Looking down, I saw the faint scars of the previous night's events. At least we got them all...