
What Did They Get Themselves Into?!

Hitoshi Shinsou has always been the class insomniac. Katsuki Bakugou has always been the class hothead. Izuku Midoriya has always been the class cinnamon roll. None of them are friends. That's the way it's always been! Right?! Only a handful of people know what really goes on when they're not in the dorms. What will Aizawa do when he finds out the truth behind those 'innocent' acts?

Legally_Stupid · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


3rd POV:

After Shinsou woke up the others, they all got ready for school. The question is: how are they going to avoid Mr. Aizawa's questions? Surely, he would want to ask where they went, and why they couldn't tell him. As the three walked into the classroom, they were immediately called to the teacher's desk.

"So do you three want to tell me why my son and Bakugou got shot last night?" Mr. Aizawa asked them.

Aizawa POV:

After I asked that, all three of the boys froze. Now all I need to do is get the truth out of them.

"Stay after school ends today so we can talk about this." I said in a tired tone.

"Yes sir." they all responded at once.

Midoriya POV:

As soon as we sat down, we pulled out our phones.


What are we going to tell him?

We can't just say what really happened last night

Kacchan-- Maybe we should just tell him

It would be helpful to have him on our side

Plus, he was watching us last night 

So he's going to want to ask questions

Toshi-- Yeah maybe we should tell dad 

I mean I almost died last night

I'm going to text him what to do

Mr. Aizawa:

We decided we will tell you what's going on with us

Follow us after school

Then we will tell you

Don't bring anyone

After checking his phone, Mr. Aizawa gave me a small nod. Now all we have to do is wait for school to be over. He should be able to follow us easily, but just in case, we will walk slower than normal.

Shinsou POV:

I can't believe that we are going to tell Dad. He is so gonna kill me! Should I just call it off??? No, he has already been told that we're gonna tell him.

3rd POV:

As soon as school ended Midoriya looked to Mr. Aizawa. Once they locked eyes, he motioned for him to follow the three boys.