
What Actually Happened Before Entangle

Do you ever think about who Rapunzel's mother is? Or how could Rapunzel said tobe locked up in a tower for her whole life? Well, this is the story before Rapunzel Entangled with the prince and how could he be blind and cure by her love. This is a story about the owner of the tower and the evil one who lock her up in it. This story maybe not what you thinking it is, but... What you think maybe not the right thing to believe. ...and what you believe to be... ....LOVE STORY... ...could be poisonus.

Shichi_Zaki · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The Queen's Tea Party Invitation

The Rose🌹 Labirin Garden.

In the Palace, as the Center of Kingdom, there is a famous garden called Rose Labirin. It is a unique garden with a form of labirin to play which is nurtured with magic as a gift for the Queen. It is show how the King deeply in love with his Queen. It is a set with a buch of accessories with variety color of jewelry stones.

To make them, the King hire dozen of mage, artisan, blacksmith, architect and gardener for this project. It is a really complicated project which is almost impossible to finish, for example : combining the jewelry stones with mana crystal 💎 then cut them accordingly so it could be turn into accessories but still can withstand the circuit of mana. The others, the King ask to finish it within months when the proposal estimated the finish time within 2 years.

The Labyrinth have green wall with alot of flowers. The flowers not always roses but could change to another variety. They would change according to what jewelry stone the Queen wear that day. If the Queen wear a white diamond, there would be white roses. If she wear ruby, there would be red roses. If she wear sapphire, there would be blue verbenas. If she wear Onyx, there world be black lilies. Ect

Another unique thing of these flowers, it can tell the King where the Queen reside in the Labyrinth. The nearer the Queen, the bigger the flowers blossom and the further the Queen, the flowers would be smaller. The Queen ussually reside at the center of Rose Labirin where she will enjoy her afternoon tea and that is where Dame Goth Elle de La Verne would be invited in.

At the entrance of the palace, a maid came and stop her on her journey.

"Excuse me Dame. Verne. I have to bother you to read this." the maid give and invitation on a silver tray.

"Viscountess Clemen? Long time no see. Why? Is it for tea party? " Dame Goth Elle asks like she's surprised, but in her heart she already suspect it. She read the invitation and raised her eyebrow.

"Is it today?" she ask to make sure.

It is not usual to give an invitation in the day you make the event, but it is as I expected, the Queen know me so well thus she write her invitation so I could used it as an evidence to dodge the King's attack in case I would be late to report to him. It makes me almost can't hide my smiling face.

"Yes! This way, please!" the maid lead her towards the Rose Labyrinth.

"Vice captain, I need to meet the Queen. You and the rest need to wait at the entrance." I said to Vice Captain and the knights.

Although some of them naturally enchanted by the Rose labyrinth and try to touch the blue petals that blossom on the wall they're back to their position and said,

"Yes, My Lord! "

Dame Goth Elle walk in to the Rose Labyrinth and follow the Queen's maid inside. After 20 steps, suddenly,

'Sraaak! '

"Hhhh!?! " Dame. Goth Elle grab her sword handle and turn at her back.

The alley where they walk behind was closed like a dead end. Then she remembers that over some hours this Rose Labyrint would change it's pattern according to the magic flow.

She head back when find that there's nothing behind her and faces the queen's maid who guided her.

"Hmm... You may laugh Viscountess, why did you try to hold it if you become like that? I just can't get used to this kind of Labyrint Garden." she says.

The queen's maid is trembling to hold her laughter. After she finished her laughter, she says to Dame. Goth Elle,

"Of course, I understand. This way please! " She says try to look more professional but the other person already know what she actually think.

They walk again until they find the Center of the Labyrinth. There, the Queen already waits in her Pergola, the garden building, while calmly drinking tea.

The Queen wears her Sapphire jewellery. They are dazzling on her in harmony with the surrounding. If they could talk like human they would say 'The Queen is belongs here! '

Her blonde-bluish hair is adorned with a tiara ornamented with Sapphire. she looks so dignified as if stated that she is the ruler of this place.

"Your Majesty, the Queen. I brought her here." said the queen's maid.

The Queen didn't answer and continue to drink her tea.

'What happened? Is the Queen in a bad mood?' Dame. Goth Elle thought.

Dame. Goth Elle take the initiative to take out her tea party invitation and placed it on the table where the queen placed her tea cup.

"I believe your majesty invite me here?" she says.

The Queen glance at the invitation and talking to her maid out loud.

"Viscountess Clement, how many of these I already sent and how many times we already end up with only the two of us drinking tea together?"

"I believed it's 7 tea parties your majesty, the Queen."

"And... I believe I sent the invitation more than 7, is it not?"

"Yes it is, your majesty."

"How many times I write and the person who I sent letters just to ask her well being didn't reply even once?"

"You were writing a letter every month, your majesty."

"That's what I'm talking about, how busy is that person in a merely country side to ignoring and ghosting the Queen?"

"I don't quite know myself, your majesty."

"So ... That is what exactly happened? I thought my Queen the one whose busy." says Dame. Goth Elle with relief.

"What is it, Dame Verne? Why did you think your Queen was busy?" the Queen finally asks Dame. Goth Elle.

"I was informed that the regulations in this palace became streak lately. So, it is difficult for me to send letters to you my queen."

"Who says that?!? " the Queen is angry.

"I also write letters to you regularly, your majesty, but you never replied to me."

"Don't smoother your fault with lies Dame. Verne! I never received any letter from you."

"I am not, Your majesty. I send errands to some nobles who regularly go to the capital, but they says they never allow to meet Viscountess Clement because palace regulations became tighter. I even try to give them trinkets but only Marquess Silvester and Baroness Von Hellman inform me that there is rumors about internal problems that occupies the Queen to be bussy.

I then try to send post birds to you, my Queen, but unfortunately days later every birds that I send are come back in mysterious packages in the state of death.

The first one is sliced into two

The second and the next one stabbed or get an arrow hole.

The last one was barbequed because of arrow flame."

"What?!?!!! " the Queen exclaimed in shock.

"Oh my goodness!" Viscountess Clement cover her mouth with widen eyes.

"That's going too far!" says the Queen.

"Please, cease your anger! Your majesty. I'm just relieved that your majesty didn't seem in trouble like the rumor says." Dame. Goth Elle says.

"You think so? "

"Yes, your majesty."

"Unfortunately, that's not how things work in here, Gothie!" the Queen says while open her fan in front of her mouth. "Viscountess clement, after this find who did this carefully!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

"You may sit down Gothie... Our Will already prepared some new delicacy here. "

"Thank you, your majesty." says Dame. Goth Elle while sit in front of the Queen.

"You too, Willowbelle! Sit here! It's been a long time we could chat together isn't it? "

"Yes, your majesty!"

They then start to enjoy the tea and the cakes that prepared by the Queen and chit chatting about the food, trend, dress and jewelry the Queen fancy lately. After that, the queen asking about the purpose of Dame. Goth Elle report to the king.

Then, Dame. Goth Elle tells about Vice captain potato report and how her butler pry on him.

"If you could saw him. His face was so gloomy like a little kid who hates broccoli served a plate of broccoli. Even if there is no potato in my office."Dame.Goth Elle says.

The Queen laugh gracefully and Viscountess hold her laughter while trembling.

Dame Goth Elle continue,

"After that, to cheer him up I ask him, if he hates potatoes then, what he likes? and he says he likes carrot. So, I ordered my maid to make him a carrot cake later.

I hope he doesn't sneeze out side there." Says Dame. Goth Elle while stating that Vice Captain and her Knights are waiting outside the Rose Labyrinth.

The Queen laugh again and the Viscountess burst out her laugh. 😆😆😆

"So, you come here to report about the potato field? Haha ha."

"Yes! One of them. I hope the King allows a kuota for our land to supply before winter. Especially for carrot."

"Haha haha! " They laugh again until they out of breath and then Dame.

Goth Elle continue,

"By the way, is there any issues in capital?"

"Nothing much, the Stabbington try to approach our Willowbell a couple of months ago and they seem to prepare something related to you."

Stabbington is a joke to call Healington clan who are in the King's faction. They own the Mana Crystal mines while Clement clan own diamond mines and other jewel mines too. The jewellery from Rose Labyrint Project almost all taken from their mines. The Queen call Healington are back-stabbers because they try to approach Viscountess Willowbell Clement, most trusted people from her own faction, behind her back.

Dame. Goth Elle chuckle a little bit when hear that and says,

"So, you invited me for tea. (to warn me?) It's an honour, your majesty."

"You're welcome."

"So? What did they over to you Viscountess? Haha."

"Please, don't ask! I would rather forget it." Viscountess beg with embarrassment.

"Political marriage, of course!" The Queen answered.

"Wow, that should be a rumour going around then? Two faction would be united." Dame. Goth Elle says.

"Of course I blocked those rumors for our Will. Will clearly refuse them. Aren't I good?" says the Queen with smug.

"Yes, my Queen. You're the best! " says Viscountess felling touched with tumbs up.

Dame. Goth Elle applause in awed while thinking how many mouths to bribe to shut those rumors that she deducted from Royal Treasury.

They continue their convesation about what did Dame.Goth Elle write in her letter for the Queen, and then to drink the tea.

Dame. Goth Elle finish her cup and sighn tiredly.

"What is it in your mind, Gothie?" The Queen ask.

"No, is it just been a long time since I've been complaining to someone. After become a Lord, the things that I've been doing is hearing people complain and looking for solutions, haha. So, I don't know how to ask this matter." She smile awkwardly.

"It's OK! Take your time, take a deep breath and when you ready, tell us!

What's the matter?" The Queen says

"It's just..."

"Yes?" the Queen wait patiently.

"The matter is... involving his Majesty the King... I don't know if your majesty would know about it."

"Hohoho! Did you just asumed that I didn't know about my own husband?" The Queen feels a bit offended and raised her opened fan infront of her mouth.

"It's not that, your majesty! It is about my neighbour! The head magician, the tower owner. I don't think any body know about what is his relationship with the King."

"Ha?" The Queen and Viscountees Clement feeling blank in confusion.

"Relationship? Pardon me, Dame. Verne! Are you miss understanding about something here? Why it is with my King?" The Queen ask in suspicious thought. 'What would my little knight think about my husband and a male magician with her little head?'

"I know it's confusing! It is just I am confused too. I do background check but nothing came about him related to the King, except he regularly make a batch of healing potion for the knight in the capital. But my insting says he is there to monitor me. And the one who would placed someone like that just the King. I just wonder, if my Queen would tell me about that?"

"Ahahahaha!" The Queen laugh out loud. Her expression is saying,

'So, you're miss understanding about THAT?'

Viscountees Clement laugh too while Dame.Goth Elle confused seeing them.

'What's so funny?' she thought.

"Hahaha... Of course I would tell you about that, Gothie. It's no big problem! No pressured about it."


"Yes. How about I write the detail like background check files for you? Hahaha..." the Queen half joking says that.

"Thank you so much, your majesty. Would you like to tell me how his majesty and the Head tower of magician relationship?" Dame Goth Elle ask as she grab the Queen's hands gratefuly.

"Off course, Gothie! I will teach you all about relationships and also how to flirt! Hohoho!" the Queen jokes at her. She and her maid laugh until a shout stop them.

"Flirt with who?!? Exactly??? "

From that direction they see the King shout angrily seeing his queen hand-in-hand with Dame Goth Elle.
