
We're more related than you think - OC x Bucky Barnes

Estela Miller was forced to be a Hydra agent since 1922, but when she gets sent on a mission to kill James "Bucky" Barnes. She gets taken in and freed by the Avengers but she meets Bucky and Clint, Bucky helps Estela get used to a life and helps her get through the tough time she's in while Clint is trying to befriend her. But what happens when she starts falling for one of them? All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee except for Estela Miller who is my character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N - Hello everyone! Another fan-fiction, you guys are probably sick of me making these marvel ones. This one is probably going to take a while to finish, but hopefully you enjoy it! Just remember that the events aren't exact and have been changed to fit this story *Warning* Coarse language, violence and mature themes.

Snarly01 · Filem
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26 Chs

The visit

The cell door opened and revealed Nat, Estela was still leaning up against the wall with her knees to her chest from last visit.

'You're back.' She grumbled, not making eye contact with Nat, Nat nodded and slowly came over with her hands above her head in a non-threatening way.

Estela growled with warning and Natasha stopped walking towards Estela, Nat sat on the ground and crossed her legs with an innocent look. Estela watched her from the corner of her eye, she looked at the door and saw it was still open.

'What are you planning?' Estela hissed, Nat shrugged casually.

'No plan.' Romanoff said with a small smile, Miller narrowed her eyes at Romanoff.

Estela slowly unwrapped her arms from her legs and slowly slid off the bed and onto the floor, in front of the red head. Nat's smile grew, she reached her hand out and stopped half way, showing that she wanted Estela to shake her hand. Miller's eyes widen, she begin to move her right hand towards Nat but then stopped and pulled it back in. Estela stood up and got on the bed and curled up into a ball against the wall. Nat sighed and stood up.

'Well, it was worth a shot.' She mumbled quietly before leaving the room, Estela watched her leave sadly.


The door had been open for two hours now but Estela couldn't hype herself up enough to walk out that door, she was afraid. Afraid of what your may ask? Well, let's just say that Hydra didn't give her pleasant experiences and much decisions....

Estela was staring at the ground when she heard footsteps approach, she immediately looked up at the door with fear. A few seconds later, a man appeared and closed the door behind him. The man had electric blue eyes and long brown silky hair that went to his shoulders as well as a beard, but then something caught Estela's eye-


'Shshshshshsh, it's okay! It's okay!' The man reassured, taking a few steps towards Estela with a concerned look on his face. Estela scurried up against the wall and leant as far back as she could without getting any closer to the stranger, Estela's breathing was quick and shallow as she looked at the man with pure fear. 'Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, you're okay.' The man kept reassuring, she kept moving to different corners of the room but the stranger kept moving towards her.

Stress was building up inside her, so she did the first thing that came to her mind. She attacked.