
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · Televisi
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29 Chs


Once again that unsettling sensation gripped at Helena's heart, bringing a deep frown to her face as she immediately sought out Aria and Lord Stark's children to be sure that they hadn't found trouble, she cast out a whistle and received one in turn revealing that the encirclement of Robert's men had held true and that none had breached their defense…

Thus, Helena turned her gaze towards the direction of the castle, and despite the trees blocking her view her eyes narrowed as if it would cause the leaves to spread and allow her vision to fall upon the Red Keep…

"We are returning," Helena called out to the children, and Aria sent her Mother a curious glance only for worry time bleed into her eyes as she saw the expression upon her Mother's face, hurriedly she helped Sansa and Arya to gather their things and called for Harold, as the Men—At—Arms began to draw close and Helena began to sprint back to the castle leaving the Men—At—Arm and Ser Barristan to lead the children back of the castle…

"I think… Somebody may die today…" Aria's words startled Sansa, while Arya's steps hastened no doubt wanting to watch whatever was about to happen…


Jamie made his way through the castle, intent on finding Brandon as the youth had missed their spar, the first time the youth had done so, as usually Brandon arrived at the Yard early and would take a nap as he waited for Ser Lannister.

Jamie had no doubt the youth had overslept, most definitely having pushed himself far too hard the night before—

As he drew closer to the room Brandon had taken as his Training Room, he heard a sound he'd never thought he'd hear coming from within… The moans of a woman… Moans that sounded oddly familiar, though he couldn't place them as they were steeped with exasperation and exhaustion, lacking the normal exaggeration that most women would spill in an attempt to boost their partners confidence…

A scream, one of bloody murder, but sensual in design… A curse, one that had slipped into a heavy heated breath… A voice ridden with tiredness, with sensuality, layered with a moan…

A voice Jamie knew all too well, one he could never forget for it was of his other half… Of his Twin…

"Cersei… What have you done…?" His voice little more than a murmur as his steps hastened, the door flew open as he stumbled as he took in the room before him…

The pounding of flesh didn't come to a halt, as Brandon hadn't even noticed Ser Lannister's arrival, Cersei was attempting to stifle a screaming moan as her legs quivered, her whole body shaking under Brandon's relentless assault…

Her emerald eyes unfocused and rolled into the back of her head, as her hair clinged to her sweat soaked form… 

Ser Lannister stepped out of the room, and closed the door… 

He stood there… 

Waiting… Guarding…

Waiting… Fearing…

Waiting… Terrified that Her Majesty would turn down this hall, and hear—see what was happening… That Cersei wouldn't survive… 

Doing his best to ignore the noises leaking through the door…

A Lion disgusted… A Lioness' roar choked, stifled, tamed…

A Lioness once proud… A Stag once innocent…

Proud no more… Innocent no more…


Helena stalked through the castle, yet once again found naught out of place… Brandon laid within his bed, in a deep slumber his low snores resonating through the room, yet a scent held within caught her nose…

A scent that shouldn't linger upon HER child… A scent of adulthood that had recently been thick upon Sullivan…

Yet, Helena overlooked that scent, assuming that it was only the scent of HER child beginning his journey to Adulthood… Unaware… Ignorant… Never suspecting the truth, for how could she ever suspect HER child…? How could HER child ever do wrong…? How could someone dare to do wrong to HER child…?

All knew that Helena would make Maeger look innocent if HER children were wronged, taken advantage of… Preyed upon…



Cersei found herself weak, her legs trembling simply laying in bed, her mind and body exhausted from overstimulation… Her rear swollen and numb, her body marked with finger sized bruises, as her stomach felt heavy, loaded with more than she ever held in her life…

Her body shivered as her mind recalled, her mind shook as her body remembered… Brandon had imprinted himself upon her body, and seared himself upon her mind…

She called his name with her thoughts, her body quivered at the mere mention of his name within her mind…

The hairs upon her skin stood on end as she recalled those heated blue eyes that stared down at her… In a manner reminiscent of prey…

A tremble washed through her body for the briefest moment, it begged for more… A cold chill washed down her back as she recalled it once more, her legs quiver as she was brought to the peak once more…

The pain that came with it, and the filling warmth that spilled from her depth only served to exaggerate the memory that lingered upon her mind, and the man—boy that had seared his image upon her existence…

A Lioness broken… A Lioness tamed…

A Lioness that found pleasure in fear and abuse…

A Stag who forged love in a Lioness… 

A Beast who cares naught for such Love… A Beast who drowned in Lust…


Sullivan sighed as he pulled away from Laenah's slumbering form, and cast his gaze outward towards the distant horizon dulled by Myrish Glass. His brother had been acting odd these last few weeks, but he assumed he had grown to that age where adulthood began to affect the mind. 

It wouldn't be long before the final remnants of the Targaryen's returned to the Red Keep under Father's orders, and the invitations that Sullivan sent began to bear fruit… 

Sullivan had already heard word that Oberyn Martell, and Robb Stark were soon to begin their journey while Willa's Tyrell was set to arrive soon alongside Edmure Tully… While the Vale had rejected his invitation, stating that the Heir was too young and sickly to travel such vast distances. A shame, but one Sullivan understood and wouldn't hold against them…

The Ironborn had responded, and stated that their Heir would be arriving at the beginning of the following year. A female heir, something that truly interested Sullivan. It seems Theon had been cast aside, his Prison in the North doing well to alienate him from his people…

Sullivan lit a candle and made his way to his desk, where he began to scrawl into a sheet of parchment, laying his thoughts out on to something physical so he may look at them from a different perspective. 

It was a simple endeavor to convince Father to host a tourney once they all arrive, and an even simpler endeavor to convince Uncle Stannis to host them on Dragonstone. Soon Sullivan will have to take his duty as Lord of the Island, and what better time to do so when all the Major Heirs are there to witness…

To speak of his mercy, of his leadership, of his right to rule…

All to solidify the foundation that would bear the burden of the Crown of Seven Kingdoms… Sullivan's gaze drifted to his slumbering wife…

To secure the future of THEIR child…


Aria ran through the halls of the Red Keep, Harold's paws smacking the stone floor as he kept pace with the Princess, with Arya not far behind, trailed by Nymeria as they hurried to reach the Royal Gardens. An iron axe hung from Aria's hip, while a copper rapier hung from Arya's… 

The young lady had gained permission from her Lord Father to begin martial training under the Queen's supervision. Which meant learning how to Blacksmith, something Arya had taken well to, and despite only having been at it for two Moon the young lady was quickly approaching the graduation to Bronze… Far quicker than Sullivan, Aria, and Brandon…

A true talent when it came to smithing, a talent that she lacked when it came to needle work…


Brandon had found himself with a sense of confidence and vigor he was wholly unfamiliar with, a lightness filled his body and mind that left him eager to begin training with newfound determination, his mind briefly slipping to a certain Lioness… To the curves of her body… To the heat of her breath, the warmth of his skin… The expression of pure bliss, as her moans echoed in his mind…

A smile came to his face, a toothy smile… A savage smile…

One all too similar to that of his Mother, a sharpness to his warm blue eyes, all too similar to his Mother…


(A/N: [14??] Short Chapter. No Status.

I don't know when the next chapter will be published, it shouldn't take too long. Yet, it may take a few days, or a week.

Anyways, Until Next Time,



Grooming is beyond fucked up. It has long lasting consequences that forever ruins not only the innocence and purity of mind, but also their state of mind and how they perceive of those around them…

Allow children to grow as children, allow them to realize their own mistakes, and don’t prey on them… Children are quite literally the lifeblood of our species future.

Those who groom, or prey upon those too young to realize the consequences, and the truth of the situation are Sick Fucks…

Male or Female, or whatever gender you may or may not perceive… It is wrong, and there are absolutely NO exceptions.

Don’t be a Sick Fuck.

White_Dogcreators' thoughts