
Step 1: Bring a girl home

Good evening, Nil. I bought nachos. Yeah, I shouldn't be eating them while writing on you, but I'm very hungry and I haven't eaten anything since this afternoon. I couldn't grab a decent lunch for myself because I had to deal with some problematic children after class ended.

Sometimes I wonder what sort of things run inside the minds of my little angels. How do they percieve the world, knowing that they're very different from other people? I know the theory behind how their abilities work, how they affect the reality around them by superimposing and overwriting the proper reality with their own. The world itself is a sandbox in which they can freely reshape the environment to their desire, altogether ignoring the uncertainty principle to bring about imagination into reality. But what I'd like to know is... Whenever they're looking at someone, are they really looking at a person or are they seeing a bunch of numbers and variables that make up the person whom they are looking at?

I shouldn't be thinking about this. Deep, dark thoughts ruin the taste of tortilla. My little angels are still human beings! Even if their thought processes happen to be fundamentally different and alien from that of regular people. I will continue to shower them with my love and support, even if the rest of the world rejects them out of fear. So I really need to work on my presence and touch their hearts! But how, though? I'm super introverted and being assertive was never my thing. And I think my physical appearance is also a problem. You'd think being completely pale white from head to toe with red eyes would make one stand out, but that's only in the beginning. The novelty of being an albino fades faster than one could count from one to five, more so if said person is as timid as a mouse. Then there's also the issue with my height. You see, I'm on the short side, standing at 150 cm, about the average height of an asian woman. Pair that up with a lanky build of someone who consumes more meds than real food and that's me. If I had some curves in the chest and butt, then people would probably mistake me for a girl. With that said, my all-too-feminine face won't even let me grow a beard, much less a stubble.

Oh dear. I promised you a story, not this long-winded rant about my sad physiology. Alright then, let me tell you a bit of what happened today:

I'm not going to give you an account on how three of my students just tried to murder each other for something as small and insignificant as a sandwich (albeit, a rather tasty one according to my other students who have already sampled this golden apple of a snack). I'm going to tell you about why I ended up missing out on lunch and got home late when giving intervention to energetic students shouldn't even take longer than an hour at best. It's all because of a girl. Yes, more specifically, that brown-haired girl whose pale skin smells faintly of milk. The one that's currently sleeping on my bed instead of me. Darn it, where am I even supposed to sleep tonight?

First and foremost, I didn't kidnap her. Bringing in an unconscious stranger into one's private residence instead of dumping them to the nearest hospital or police station doesn't count as abduction... Does it? I'm actually having second-thoughts right now. I wouldn't have done this if she didn't insist earlier not to go to those places. Yes, Nil. She was conscious when I first met her. She even gave me her name: Hakuno. I was on my way home, walking down my usual route near the harbour towards the Mermaid (Not the supernatural creature, a family restaurant. I'll tell you more about its tasty menu some other time.) when she blocked my path and suddenly locked me in tight hug. I'm not kidding. I didn't know how to react so I... Ummu... Embraced her back. I didn't do anything lewd, I swear! Just a friendly hug and occasional little pats while listening to a pretty girl's distraught narrative.

Hakuno is weird, but it doesn't seem like she's a bad person. Poor girl. Despite looking all tired and about to collapse at any moment, she wouldn't let go of me earlier and kept saying that she missed me. She's definitely looking for someone by the name of Aksel. That's what she addressed me when she probably mistook me for that person. Right before she fell asleep, Hakuno asked me to take her home. And for some unknown reason, there was something compelling about her voice and I did what she asked of me. Is she an ESPer that specializes in psychological control? But wait! ESPers with that brand of power can't usually make other people do things that are against their will. (e.g.: A person who believes that stealing is wrong and would never attempt it in their life cannot be suggested or persuaded by the ESPer to commit the act of stealing.) Does that mean I'm actually subconsciously willing to bring strangers home? That's honestly a tad bit concerning if such is the case.

Anyway, going back to the story: I carried Hakuno back to my lone little house on top of a hill. It was the greatest challenge of my life! A test of endurance piggybacking a sleeping girl who weights as much as a sack of rice (about 50kg). It took me a few hours, but I managed to carry her all the way until here. I didn't treat her body roughly, but it wasn't exactly what I can call the best handing of an unconscious individual. I'll give it a grade of B- (and that's me being generous). She slept like a log the whole way and continues to do so as I write these very words... Like I said, she's a weird girl. No, I didn't undress her. Why the heck would I? I do not have a hobby of stripping vulnerable girls off their loose, suggestive clothes (Hakuno was wearing a sleeveless nightdress when I met her). By the time I got home, I immediately dropped her off to the bed and went to the kitchen to get myself something to eat... And here we are.

I've decided. I'll take my sleeping guest to the police station tomorrow morning. Guess I'll be sleeping on this chair tonight.