1 Introduction

Hello! Umm... Now what?




Ah, I can't believe I'm being this awkward even when I'm not facing another person. And now I've totally ruined your first page by writing all those dots. Sorry, Sorry! I'd tear it off and start over if I wasn't afraid that doing so would ruin your spine in the long run. I've decided that whatever I'll be writing on you will not be removed or erased. There are no do-overs. This isn't some game where I can restart as much as I want whenever I end up with something bad. No, siree. This is my life! And you, dear friend, will be the book that records all the events that will happen in my search for the way to happiness.

I wonder what name should I give you...

Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet, haven't I? Well, my name is Lecca. 25 years old. Yeah, I'm at that age where I still have some attachments to my carefree youth while juggling the responsibilities and demands of adult life. You probably think I'm the immature type after that introduction. I suppose I am. I mean, look at me! I'm committing my vainglorious thoughts on paper like those angsty pre-teens and their diaries. I secretly play phone games while at work and my fridge is filled to the brim with sweets that could rival a small candy store. Salary well-spent to satisfy my sweet-tooth, ahaha.

Okay. That was too much. And I still haven't thought of what to name you. You poor infant. I've already corrupted you with all these nonsensical thoughts when you still don't even have an identity of your own. One would ask if it is really necessary to name an object. I would say yes. Giving something a name is the first step to grow attached to it. I want to give you a name so that I won't just forget your existence on a countertop to gather dust until the world ends. I want you to mean something. You were his last gift to me after all. Oh darn it. I'll tell you about that person some other time. Should I name you after him? Yeah. I don't think he'll mind. From today onwards, you shall be henceforth known as Nil.

Waaaah. I forgot to write down my lesson plan for tomorrow. Got too pre-occupied with writing on you. Oh yeah, I still haven't told you about my job, haven't I? It's not something shady or anything. It's actually pretty mundane: I'm a teacher. Sorry. I kind of lied about the mundane part. The job itself is supposed to be mundane but dealing with students that can (and will) throw fireballs and lightning at each other at the smallest of slight or disagreement can be quite troublesome.

Let me attempt to properly introduce myself again one last time before working on that lesson plan:

Hello, Nil. My name is Lecca. I am a 25 yr. old teacher working in an institution that has a special power development curriculum. My goal in life is to eat as much sugar until my blood transforms into syrup. (Joke.) No. My dearest wish is to find happiness, not just any kind of happiness- a genuine one that won't just pass by or fade in time. I'll be telling you another story tomorrow. Thank you for coming into my life.

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