
Water of Ruins

War breaks out between the elemental and the only way for one side to gain power is to gain one of the embodiment of a goddesses.

Katie_Novak · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter Six

Father Lanney stands at the top of the stairs that leads to the monastery. Looking down, he watches the first prince of Tralon, holding a struggling young man. Looking on either side of him, Maller and three other monks look towards him, nervous. "What is going on here, my dear brothers?"

"Father, prince Felix Ramilie of Tralon says he caught a thief on his way towards the market." Brother Maller informs Father Lanney with a worried look on his face. He moves closer to his leader and leans over to whisper in his ear. "What should we father if,"

Father Lanney stops him by raising his hand and then begin to descend the stairs. "A thief, you say. It has been years since we have one of those in our city. He claps his hands behind his back. "Are we sure he's one of those poor unfortunate people that have to resort to that?"

Felix moves the young man towards the approaching Father. "My brother and I came across this 'man,'" Felix says the word 'man' with the tone of sustain. "He was arguing with a young lady about ownership of a bag. Turn out he has stolen it. I'm sorry for bringing him here, Father, but I know you do not have any guards or soldiers to uphold his law. So, I brought him here to see what you would like to do with him." A mischievous smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "I can bring him with me and dual the punishment for you."

"Thank you, Prince Felix, but I do not think that will be necessary." Father Lanney leans over the thief with his examining eyes.

The young man continues to struggle in his hold, adverting his eyes from the Father's harsh study eyes.

The older man grabs the thief's chin and holds his head still. Moving his head back and forth, as well as up and down. "Hm,"

"Father?" Felix asks him, unsure what he's doing.

Father Lanney let's go of the young man's chin and straighten up, slipping his arms into his sleeve. "It's a good thing you brought him here, Prince Felix. This poor man is suffering from a great illness."

"What?" Both the prince and thief say in unison.

"Yes." The Father nods, looking over to the other brothers singling them to come over. "This poor man is showing early signs of the Rabid Banshee." Hearing the hurry footsteps, he turns to the brothers approaching. "Brothers, please takes this man to our infirmary before becomes any worse."

Two of the brothers and nod and grabbing the thief's arms taking him off prince Felix's hands.

"Wait, what are you doing?" The thief begins to drag his feet, trying to get out of their hold. "Let me go!" He was able to get one of his arms free tries to push the other brother away to get his other arm free." I'm not sick!" Getting free, he tries to run for it, but one of the monks tackles him to the ground. "No! Get off me!" Thief yells and screams as the monks pick him up and drag him up the stairs towards the monastery.

Felix froze, where he stands watching this unfold and getting the news that this man he drags through the crowd is infected with one of the deadliest and highly contagious diseases in the world.

Father Lanney places his hand on the shock prince's shoulder. "Thank you, Prince Felix; if you and your brother haven't caught this poor creature and brought him to us, the whole city and would be in a great danger." The leader praises the young man before turning around and walking up the stairs.

"W, wait, Father!" The red hair prince calls out to the leader as he began to climb the stairs. His eyes wide, in panic and worry. "You, you said he has Rabid Banshee? But are you sure?"

Lanney turns around with a calm demeanor. "Of course, my son, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well," Felix swallows hard. "There hasn't been a case for fifteen years."

"Ah." The Father nods and walks back to the young prince. "Yes, in your kingdom, I'm sure there haven't been any outbreaks, and as some kingdoms never experience it. But here in the city or even Drover, we do have some cases."

"If you did, then why have this important event here? I should tell my Father about this."

"Now, now, my son, there is no need." Father Lanney says, assuring him. "We have been handling this for years, now and then we have one poor soul infected, but we catch them in the early stages,"

"But they're still contagious correct? I was carrying this man through the crowd. Shouldn't you send a notice to the city and lock down the city?"

"Oh, do not worry, my boy, it's only contagious in the later stages."

"Later stages?" He asks, knitting his brow.

"Yes, in later stages, and it can travel through their saliva, so unless he bites you, then you are okay. You do not need to worry about your Father about this. Now please enough the market before the day end. Now, if you excuse me, I need to treat that poor soul. I will see you, your Father, and brother tomorrow for the treaty; now please go and relax and do not worry about this matter." Father Lanney assures him and turn and ascend the stairs.

"But wait for a minute, father, what about his family and friends? Wouldn't he affect them?"

The Father turns back around once more and plasters a patient smile on his face trying to hide an annoyance. "As I said, my dear boy, he's in the early stages, so even he's been in close contact with them, he can't infect him. But I assure you once we found out where he lives, we will arrive there and confirm if they are infected or not. Please do not worry, Prince Felix; this is not the first time we handle this terrible disease. Now have a good day; I must leave." Turning back around, Father Lanney continues to head up the stairs leaving the young prince stun and alone at the bottom.

Staring at the stairs for a few seconds, Felix slowly takes his foot off the bottom steps and turns and walks down the street; the urge of going to the market fizzles out as he begins to head home. He tries to fight the need to look for his little brother and warn him but is it worth interrupting his chance at getting to know a young woman or no noble birth. 'Father Lanney did say there is nothing to worry about, so I should just let him be. He's not a child; he can handle himself.' Felix turns and heads in the other direction. Towards him and not towards the market. 'I should warn Father that we may have to prepare the carriage to leave any moment,'

As the first prince begins to leave, he and Father Lanney did not notice someone was eavesdropping on their conversation at the stairs.

Damian waits for the coast is to clear and steps out of his hiding place, and glances at the door for only a few seconds before making his way down the street in the prince's opposite direction. 'That's interesting; you think they would send word and postpone the treaty meeting.' He places his hands in his pockets, trying to look like he's in no hurry as he walks past a few monks heading towards the monastery.


As the door closes behind him, Father Lanney approaches the struggling and yelling man. "Now, now, let's all calm down; there is no need to struggle."

The thief looks at the Father, snarling in anger. "I'm telling you, you crazy old man. I am not sick!"

Lanney gives the thief a tight lip smile, a smile that makes the two brothers shudders, knowing disrespecting Father Lanney is never a good idea. As soon as he becomes in reaching distance, the elder grabs the young man's hair in one quick motion, and with a hard yank, hold the man's head still. His brown eyes look into the surprise eyes of the thief. Lean in closer, the Father's nose almost touches his, so the thief will be the only one to hear him. "Oh, I know, son, but you see, we have a problem here, my dear boy."

The man winches by the tight grip on his hair. "Ah! Let go you, crazy older man! I don't care about your problem." The thief tries to move his head free, but with Father Lanney's iron tight grip, he's a force to stare into those cold eyes.

"Oh, but you should. You see, we pride ourselves on being the only city free of crime. So, with you being caught stealing today by our ally's princes no less. People will think Drover is no longer safe. Then you know what will happen?" His grips tighten in the young man's hair. "The rift rafts will come and run rampant. Causing disorder and mayhem, and I will not allow that in my city."

"Ow! Stop it! Let go of my hair!"

"F-father, maybe you could release his hair a little bit?" The monk on the left of the thief stammers."

The elder's response with a glare towards the young monk before turning back to the thief. "So, you can see why with you stealing can cause a great problem for me."

Seeing no way out of this, the thief gathers his courage and tries his best to stare down Lanney. "What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me? I have friends and family you know here. If I go missing, they will be looking for me." He tries to smirk between his winces. "I'm sure you don't want Drover to be known as people disappearing either."

Father Lanney throws his head back and lets out a braying laugh that bounces off the entranceway's white marble walls. "Kill you? Now, why do I need to kill you?" He straightens up, releasing the hair young man's. "You poor man, Rabid Banshee has already affected your head. You're sick, my dear boy, you will be staying here for the rest of your days. We will send word to the family of your unfortunate illness. Sadly, with Rabid Banshee being so contagious, your family won't be able to come and say their goodbyes. I'm sure they send you a letter or two until you completely lose your mind."

He smiles again, placing his hands behind his back, as he gives a curt nod to the young monks. "Brothers, please take this man to the infirmary and make sure he's restrained so he doesn't hurt himself or others."

Stunned by what the Father said it took the thief only realizes what happens when he's halfway down the hall before he begins to struggle again. "Stop! Let me go! He's lying! I don't have Rabid Banshee!" His voice begins to fade as all three of them continue down the hall and turn right at the end.

"Brother Maller." Father Lanney calls to his right-hand man, hearing him walk up behind him.

"Y-yes, Father Lanney?" The middle-aged monk stammers.

"I want you to retrieve me one of Dismas' birds." He orders, watching the three men disappear down the hall.

Maller's eyes go wide. "One, one of her birds, but why, sir?"

"Because I need one, of course." The leaders say calmly but becoming more venomously.

"But sir, I don't understand this morning."

Father Lanney lets out a long sigh. "Must I explain my every command I order?"

Brother Maller quickly bows deeply. "No, Father Lanney, forgive me. I was just surprised by the request you have given me. I mean, this morning, you were so angry when I told you about seeing her birds."

Lanney taps his chin, recalling this morning. He gives a slight nod. "Yes, I did lose my temper this morning. But the bird won't leave this building; I need one of those birds now."

"But how can I obtain the creature, sir? Did you not say her birds are dangerous? Not to mention I am sure she dislikes me, so approaching her may not be the wisest for me." The thought of entering Dismas' room terrifies him, not after what happened this morning.

Father Lanney lets out a long sigh of annoyance. "Why must I figure this out for you? Nox is still here, correct?"

"Yes? He's in his dorm room packing." Maller answers, unsure.

The leader gives a lazy wave as he begins to walk down the same hallway as the three men pass through. "Then get him to retrieve it. She'll do anything for that boy. Once you have the creature, then bring it to the infirmary."

Maller raises his head. "Have Nox get the bird? But I don't think he will do it through. I mean, you are sending him away; why would he help us?" The sudden stop of Father Lanney makes a chill go down his spine.

Lanney slowly turns towards the middle-aged man. "Tell him if he retrieves the bird, he can stay."

"Stay? Maller's eyes go wide in surprise. Father never change his mind on anything, is having the bird this important? "Have you change your mind, Father? You're going to allow him to stay and care for Dismas still?"

"Of course, not; Dismas has gotten attached to that boy. If I allow that to continue, it will be a disaster in the end. I'm sending him away for his own good." Father Lanney looks at his shaking hand, remembering this morning and how the air in his lungs pulled out of him. Like I did to the sisters, how I send away Mother Rachel. "Now go, oh, and bring Nox with you, as well. I have something I wish for him to see before he goes." He commands as he continues down the hall.

Maller gives another bow in understanding. "Yes, father."


Brother Matthew watches his roommate Nox angrily shoving a few robes in his bag. "Nox, I'm sure you will be allowed back in a few months. Just let Father Lanney calm down."

The white hair man looks at his Ebony skin friend. "If you think that that old man will allow me back here, then you still believe in moon sprites." Nox snaps at him. "He's getting rid of me so he can have full control over Dismas again. Just to keep her lock away like he always does!"

Matthew sits down on his bed and watches Nox continue to pack his things, shoving a few of this at the bottom of his bag. "But doesn't he already have control over her? I mean, he does choose who can interact with her, right?"

Nox was about to yell at him when a loud knock comes from the door. He snaps his head towards the door. "Yeah?! What do you want?!" The white hair monk yells, ignoring Matthew's panic look, trying to get him to stop crying.

The door opens, and Brother Maller walks in, looking at the young men, giving them a nod before focusing on Matthew. "Brother Matthew, could I have a moment with Brother Nox, please?"

The ebony hair monk looks from the elder brother to his best friend. Who is staring dagger at their leader, his hands ball up into tight fists?

"Brother Matthew." Maller gently calls out to the young man and gives him an assuring smile. "It won't belong. I promise you can wait outside if you wish." He steps aside to allow the young man to walk by the door.

"But father, I don't think,"

"It's fine, Mat," Nox says, still staring down Maller.

Matthew nods and gets up from his bed, and before leaving the room, he glances over towards Nox one last time before closing the door. Don't do anything stupid, Nox. He prays silently, waiting out in the hall.

"What do you want, Brother Maller?" Nox asks, his voice on the verge of yelling. "Can't you see I am busy?" He jabs his hand towards his bag, lying on his bed.

"This will only take a moment; I have a message from Father Laney." He places his hands in her sleeves.

Nox let out a disbelief chuckle before turning back to his bag, shaking his head. "What does that son of a bitch want?" He hears a sharp intake of breath from Brother Maller.

Try not to let Nox's disrespect towards their Father and continue. "He wishes for you to retrieve one of Dismas's birds.

The young monk stops himself from putting a small box in his bag and slowly returns to Maller. His hazel-green eyes narrow, and his lip curls a bit. "Why in Vuphae would I do that for him? Why does he want one of those things anyway? Didn't he freak out when you?" Nox points his finger at Maller. "Told him you saw it this morning. Have you forgotten what happened this morning?"

"I do, but unfortunately, I do not know why he wishes for one." Maller gives a slow shrug. "But he does want one and asks for you to retrieve it."

"Why me? Why can't you or one of the brothers go and retrieve it? I'm not sure if he told you, but I'm not allowed to interact with her anymore. So why is he asking me to go and ask her? Is he trying to get a reason to banish me?" Nox turns back to his bed, bends down, and reaches for another box under his bed, but this one is a cheery wood box with a woodsy scene carve into it. He was looking around the room to see what else he needs to pack and notice the pile of books on his nightstand. He was planning to surprise Dismas with some reading after Dinner, but now his chance is gone. The thought of taking them just out a spike crosses his mind.

"Father Lanney says if you bring him one of her birds, he will let you stay."

Tearing his eyes away from the books and towards the other man, his eyes in disbelief. "Did he really say that?" He takes a step closer towards Maller. "He really said if I bring just one of her birds, he will allow me to stay?" His voice no longer has malice but lace with hope.

Maller gives a slow nod trying to avoid eye contact with the young man, not wanting to see the hope in the boy's eyes.

Seeing hope, he didn't notice the bald man adverting his eyes. "When does he needs the creature?"

"He says as soon as possible."

"Alright, then." Nox says softly, places the box on the bed, walks past Maller, and opens the door taken Brother Matthew by surprise. "Sorry, Matthew!" Nox calls out to his friend, his tone full of hope.

"Nox? Is there something, alright?" He asks, surprised by the cheery Nox walking out of the room.

Brother Maller walks out and looks over at Matthew. "Do not worry, Brother Matthew, everything is alright." He assures him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "If you could, please take those books on Brother Nox's nightstand and return them to the library?"

"Alright, but shouldn't,"

"Thank you, Brother Matthew, that will be the immense help." Maller nods and follows Nox down the hall.

Making his way towards Dismas, doubt begins to seep in his thoughts. Is this right? Should I be doing this? I already told her making those birds are evil. He begins to slow down. How can I convince her to make one for me?" He shakes his head. It will be fine; if I told her what is happing, and the bird will allow me to stay, I am sure she'll make me one without a problem. He moves forward and reaching the spiraling staircase leading to her room. He pauses and looks up. If I make her create one, wouldn't I be no better than Father Lanney, forcing her to use her gift? He shakes his head again and begins to climb the stairs. No, I'm doing this to stay with her, not to use her gift for my gain. I'm doing this so I can protect her.


Dismas examines the small cloth doll as she sits on her hay bed. "You said this belongs to my sister?"

"Yes, my dear, one of your four little sisters." The mother voice coo.

"But," She lifts the doll towards the light. "Father said they parish that night." She slowly lowers the doll as her eyes begin to grow wet with tears. "The night that mommy and daddy," She chokes on the word.

"I know how much you suffer a great loss that night. But isn't it wonderful that one of your sisters is alive?" The mother asks softly.

"But how? Why would he lie?" Dismas asks, getting upset and confused

"Shush dear, it's okay; you don't need to be upset. If you want to know why he lied, we can always make him tell us the truth." The mother offers.

"How?" Dismas ask, but before she gets the answer, a loud clang of the door unlocking, making her look towards the door to see who's coming in. Her heart begins to race as Nox enters the room. "Now!" She exclaims happily as she tries to get to her feet but sitting down for a while, her legs have fallen asleep, making it hard for her to stand.

The white hair monk smiles at her, but this one didn't reach his eyes. "Hey, Dissy." He closes the door before he approaches her, noticing she's having a tough time getting to her feet. He offers his hands to Dismas to help her stand.

"You're here." She says in a bit surprised but happy since she wasn't expecting him until Dinner when the room becomes dark. She places her hands in his and allows him to help her up to her legs, still a bit shaky; she leans into him for support. Looking up, she gives him a look of joy, her smile broadened, and her violet eyes sparkling. "Does this mean Father Lanney is not mad anymore?" She asks, hopefully.

"Yes, he has calm down. In fact, he would like for you to do something for him." He tells her, holding on top of her until her legs can support her.

A mixture of surprise and confusion comes across her face. "He wants me to do something for him. But he never wants me to do anything." Able to stand on her feet, she lifts her wrist that has the shackles. "I can't do anything with these on."

"You can make the birds still; if you make him one of your birds, he said he would reconsider allowing you more freedom."

"Make one of the birds?"

"Don't do it!" The child cried. "Remember, Father Lanney wanted you to do something for him when we were little? But when we couldn't do it, he has gotten furious at us. Do you remember how he punishes us?" A chill runs down her spin as an old memory surfaced.

"Dismas?" Nox frowns as he sees the color drains from her already pale face with a look of terror is shown in her eyes. "Dismas. Are you okay?" He asks, running his thumb over her knuckles.

Coming out of the unpleasant memory and gives him a strained smile. "What does Father Lanney wish for me to do?" Her voice is shaking a bit.

His frowns deepen, seeing the distress in her eyes and how terrible how she's trying to hide it. But he continues. "He would like for you to make him a bird."

Her fake smile falters. "One of my birds? But" She steps away from him, taking her hands out of his. "You said making them is bad."

"I know; I scold you for making them." He moves closer towards her. "But he really would like one." He explains to her,

Unsure if she should make one, she begins to fidget where she stands. "But Nox."

He closes in the space between the two, reaching up and cupping her face making her look into his warm green hazel eyes, a look of panic and desperation in them. "Dissy, please!" His voice begins to rise. "Father wants to send me away. But he said he would let me stay if you make him a bird. You want me to stay, right?"

"Father, want to send you away?" Her voice becomes a whisper. The shadows in the corner begin to respond to her emotions as they start to ripple. "Why would Father send you away?"

"We don't have to worry about that if you make him a bird. Can you make one for him, for me?"

"But Nox those birds, they're."

"Dismas, I don't have time for this! You want me to stay, don't you?" His voice begins to sound manic as he panics. He didn't notice the shadow rippling and becoming choppier like waves in the storm.

Frighten by Nox's actions and tone, she lowers her eyes and gives a slight nod. "Y. Yes." She whispers, sorrowful. The corner of her lips tugs down, making her frown. "Alright, Nox, I'll make you one of the birds."

The child's voice begins to plead to Dismas. "No, please don't make him one of those birds. He will leave us like the others."

A relief smile comes across his lips as he sighs and removes his hands. "Thank you, Dissy." He takes a step back, and his smile turns into a frown seeing the shadows looking agitated, almost turning into claws towards him. But before he could call out to Dismas, she raises her hand.

The shadows begin to move away from Nox and move towards Dismas. The dark mist swirled around her legs going up to her fragile form and wrapping around her arms and pooling into her open palm. Having enough, she places her other hand on top and close it tightly. Once she opens both hands, a small black bird rest on top, looking around.

"Thank you, Dismas; this is perfect." He approaches her again, moving a bit more caution, as he holds his hand out for the creature. "I'll be back around dinner time, alright?" He tells her, watching Dismas give a small nod but continue to look at the little bird.

The creature climbs into his hand, looking up at him then back to its creator.

"Hey, Dissy." He gently places a hand on her cheek and encouraging her to look up at him. Seeing her worry and sadden violet eyes, he offers her a smile. "It's going to be okay. Once I give him this." He slowly raises his hand, gesturing to the bird. "I can convince him to let you out of this room. Just like I promise."

She just silently nods and watch as he turns around and quickly leaves the room. "Goodbye, Nox." She whispers, but Nox simply closes the door leaving her alone in her room. She clasps her hands together tightly and holds them to her chest. "He'll be okay right?"

"Why would it matter? He has already shown his true colors. He's no better than the others." The mother snarls, "He is only wanted to use our powers. Once he gets what he wants, he will forget about us. We will be alone again.

Dismas looks to her left to where she hears mother. She watches as the shadows on the wall begin to dance. "No, that's not true. Nox just wants to stay with me.

The dancing shadows begin to gather and form into a female figure with bright white eyes. "He only wants to stay with you because of those gifts. If you had none, he wouldn't waste his time otherwise."

Dismas steps away from the shadow woman. "No, you're wrong."

"But, Mommas is right, Dismas." The child speaks to the right side of her.

The young woman looks to her right and watches the shadows form another female shape, but this one is a child's size, matching white eyes. "No, no, she is not!" Dismas denies her voice begins to fill with panic and fear. This is the first time she saw the shadows do this. How can she be doing this? Or are the voices controlling this? "Nox is kind and sweet to me."

The mother slides down to form the wall and appears in front of the chained woman. "Have you not noticed how he behaved when you were doubtful in creating that bird."

"That's only because he was scared. He doesn't want to be sent away from me." Dismas pleads with the shadows as she begins to take a step backward, almost tripping on her chains. "Nox, promise me he won't leave me." She tells Mother. A light tug makes her look down and stare right into the white eyes of the shadow child.

"But Dismas, didn't Father Lanney did the same thing to us when we were little? Wasn't he nice to us at first until he wanted us to hurt someone? Don't you remember him punishing us and wouldn't stop even if we cried?"

"But," Tears begin to run down her face. "Nox isn't Father Lanny; he will be back, he promises." She looks away from the child and back to the door. Her hands begin to tremble.

"A promise he made that when he was a child, my dear. You know very well a people change." Mother tells Dismas calmy as she approaches her again.

"No! No! No! Be quiet!" Dismas cries out, covers her ears, and covering her ears. "You both don't know him! You both are lying!"

"Dismas." Both Mother and child call out to her.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Dismas begins to shout, causing the shadows figures to ripple and lose their shape and fade into the darkness. Hearing silence, she opens her eyes and looks around as relief washes overhead when she sees that she's alone. 'It's okay; they're the wrong Nox will come back; I know he will, he promises.'


Careful not to spook the bird, the young monk places his other hand over the bird and hurries down the stairs to meet Maller, who's waiting at the bottom.

Brother Maller looks up, hearing hurry footsteps approaching him. "Do you have the bird, Nox?" He asks the young monk hurrying over.

Nox nods and lifts his hand to show him the small creature. "Yes, see? Now, where is Father Lanney? Is he in his office?"

"No, he's this way, follow me." The older man leads them to the infirmary hall.

Nox looks around, confused. 'Why are we here? Why is Father Lanney here? Is he sick?" He glances down at the bird. Why does he want the bird here?'

Father Lanney looks away from the small window. Of one of many white painted doors. Hearing the two approaches, he looks over towards the men. "Did you bring it?" He asks them.

The white hair monk nods and opens his palm to show him the small bird busy preening itself. "Why did you need me to bring it here?"

"Because I need to show you something essential, Brother Nox." The Father informs him of turning around and begins to walk down the hallway. "Follow me." He commands.

"Wait, Father, about me staying." Nox calls out to their leader.

Father Lanney waves him off. "Yes, yes, we will discuss that matter once we are finished." He continues to lead them down the hall to another white door with the number twelve painted at the top. All three of them can hear someone yelling behind the door. Father Lanney smiles a little watching the color drain from the young man's face before he opens the door to the room.

The thief struggles against the leather straps holding him down to the bed and noticing the door opening and three of the councilmen standing in the doorway. "Hey! Hey! Let me go! I'm telling you, I'm not sick!"

"Father?" Nox looks over to The Father, confuse. "Why do you need one of Dismas birds here?"

The leader looks at the bird then back at Nox. "Nox, please place the creature on this man's chest." He instructed the young monk as he steps aside to allow him to move into the room.

A bit unsure, Nox takes a few hesitant steps towards the bed as he holds out the dark creature towards the struggling man. Stopping right at the edge of the bed, Nox notices the thief has fallen still as he holds the bird above his chest.

The bird looks up at the young monk with a confusing and concerned look in his eyes. To the bound man lying very still and stares back at it with terror in his eyes. The creature hops off Nox's hand and onto the terrified man's chest, cocking it's headed this way and that, taking in what's going on.

Straitening back up and looking over to Father Lanney, confuse. "I still don't understand why you want this bird here."

"Just watch," Lanney says, placing his hands in his sleeves, his eyes still on the bird.

The creature begins to make its way towards the thief's face, and every inch it moves closer, the man starts to panic and begins to yell in terror. "Get this thing off of me!" He cries, struggling again, but this time not trying to get free but to knock this creature off him.

Reaching the man's face, it lowers its head and brushes against his cheek. As soon as its ebony feathers touch his skin, it quickly absorbs into his skin leaving a large black spot where the bird touch him,

The monk's eyes grow wide in shock, and he begins to stumble away from the bed and into Father Lanney, who approaches him. "It, it, it"

The leader grips Nox's shoulder, stopping him from falling. "Keep watching Nox." He whispers in the young man's ears.

The black spot begins to grow thin vines as they curl and crawl across his skin in many directions. Each vine makes another across his body. As soon as a few reach his eyes, they become black, the iris and the eyes. The yelling change from terror to more primal rage. His black eyes fell on the men again, and he begins to bare his teeth at them. His eyes dart to each man until focusing on Nox. His lips curling as he let out a deep guttle growl; he lunges at the white monk with suck force one side of his bed lift off the ground before falling back down.

Nox jerk out of Lanney's grip and stumble to the ground as he scrambles backward away from the feral man until his back hits the wall. "What the Vuphae is that!!" He cries out, watching the man in horror.

Lanney turns from Nox as he turns towards the door, seeing the mirror look on Brother Maller's face as well. "Brother Maller, could you help Brother Nox to his feet, please?" He asks the middle age man calmly as he exits the room.

Maller rushes over to the young man grabbing his arm to help him to his feet, and as soon as he did both rushes out of the room. Nox stumbling still falls to his knees in the hallway as Brother Maller slams the door shut.

Keeping his head down, the young monk tries to catch his breath as a pair of brown shoes come into his view, looking up. He can see a smug Father Lanney towering over him. "Father, what happens in there?"

"That, my dear boy, is Rabid Banshee. A dangerous disease that makes the ill feral attacking anyone near them. Dismas release this illness eighteen years ago."

"Eighteen years ago, The fall of Drover? That's the madness plague that killed my parents and many others?"

"Yes, back there, it was shadows and other creatures. But it's Dismas birds are the carriers of this. If one of her creatures touch human skin, it will enter the body. Causing victims to be violent and aggressive. If someone survives an attack by someone infected if they get bitten, they too will be infected. One bite from that man will make Drover fall again. Once that happens, there will be no control over the plague, spreading to other countries. Now you know why she cannot be let out. Why she cannot be trusted with the gifts, she has." He reaches down and grabs Nox's arm tightly, yanking the man up. "Do you understand now?"

"I, I do." The young monk stemmers too shock to argue with the Father.

Nodding another of Father Lanney's closed eyes, a closing smile comes across his face as he let go. "Good." Turning around, he begins to walk down the hall. "Then, we will have no more issue of you leaving tomorrow."

"What? Wait!" Nox shakes his head out of his stunned trance and begins to follow Father Lanney. "Wait a minute. You said if I retrieve one of her birds, I can stay!"

The Father stops and turns back around, fanning surprise. "Did I say that? Did you hear me tell you those words?"

The young monk falters. "No, I didn't, but Brother Maller,"

Father Lanney interrupts. "Ah. I see what happen. Brother Maller must have gotten the message mix up. I told him. I wanted you to see this before you leave." He gestures with his hand the door to the man now howling. "I didn't say anything about you staying. Now, if you have not finish packing, I suggest you do it before Dinner. You have a long journey ahead of you tomorrow. It will be wise to have a full night's rest and a decent meal before them." The elder turns back around and continues down the hall, with Brother Maller in the toe. You are leaving Nox alone in the marble hallway with the wild screaming and howling of the ill thief.

Watching the two older men leave, the thought of him leaving Dismas makes his blood boil. He clenches his fist until the rage has gotten too much, and he lashes out by hitting one of the doors and hearing a lock crack and a sharp pain in her hand. Nox jerks his hand away and examines it hoping he didn't damage it too much.

As he picks out the fragments of wood, his heart stops when he sees a small black spot where the bird sits on his hand. In desperation, he wipes his hand on his robe, trying to get rid of it. But a chill runs down his spine when he sees the spot still there on his skin. 'No, no, no!'