
Water of Ruins

War breaks out between the elemental and the only way for one side to gain power is to gain one of the embodiment of a goddesses.

Katie_Novak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter Five

Stopping at another four-way path, Moonlight looks back at her map once more. 'Oh no, did I miss another turn?' She asks herself to try to figure out how which path she misses and how long ago it was. Dress in a simple tunic and trousers; a young man bumps into her hard enough that she stumbles and falls onto the street.

"Oh!" The man turns around. "I'm sorry about that." Walking closer to her, he offers her his hand. "This road is so busy and crowded; I didn't realize I was too close and bump into you. Are you hurt, Miss?" He asks, helping her up and looking her up and down to see if she has any injures.

The farmer girl dusts herself off and looks up at the man with a reassuring smile. "I'm alright, and it's okay I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?" She asks.

He smiles and waves his hand. "No harm is done then, we're both okay so no worries." He begins to turn around. "Just pay a bit more attention alright. It's not safe for a young lady to be out and about on her own." He recommends her.

"Yes, I will be more careful. Thank you!" She bows her head towards him. "Again, I am sorry."

He looks back and gives her a soft chuckle as he waves her goodbye. "Do not worry about it; take care." He begins to leave, making his way through the crowd.

Moonlight waves goodbye as an idea pops in her head. "Oh! Please Wait! Excuse me, Sir!" She calls out to him, making her way towards him as he turns back around with a quizzical look.

"Yes? Is there something else I can help you with" He asks, watching her stopping and catching her breath.

"I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to Stone Illuminator Inn?"

"Oh sure." He points at the road on her left. "If you head down that road and keep going straight. It will be on your left; you can't miss it."

Moonlight's face lights up with relief. "Oh, thank you so much."

"Not a problem; have a good day miss." He bows in his head goodbye before he turns around and continues on his way.

Moonlight waves goodbye and then turn around head down the street he tells her to take, with a bounce in her step. Happy that she's back on the correct route.

An hour of walking, her stomach begins to growl, telling her it's around lunchtime. As Moonlight takes a step to the side, she reaches for her bag to retrieve her apple. But her heart sinks as soon as her hand didn't touch the bag but her hip. Taking a quick look down, she can confirm that the bag is gone. As the panic begins to creep up, she looks around, hoping it just fell and laying on the ground nearby. Not finding it, she hurries back up the road where she bumps into the man, hoping to see it there.

An icy feeling of dread and panic run up her spin as soon as she arrives where she fell and still haven't seen it there; no, No, what should I do? She places her hands on her cheeks as her eyes begin to well up. I lost all of it; if I don't have the money, I can't buy the room for the night. I failed father; my first time on my own, and I mess-up. What if father thinks I'm too naïve to come back here. As she wallows in self-pity, people continue to walk around. She lifts her head, tears still in her eyes but a look of determination on her face. No! I can't give up! Doing another quick look around, she takes the road that the man took earlier. Maybe if I ask him, he saw it and tell me where, or perhaps he could help me.


The closer Felix and Anoi approach the market, the more crowded the streets became. The second prince notices this and looks around.

"Felix, are you taking us the right way?" Anoi asks, noticing there is no stands or people shopping.

The first prince looks around, also making sure he's taking the right route, wondering why it's already so crowded. "I think so; the servants said to continue down this road, and we should reach the market soon. They said the merchants and farmers hold this market once a month in the middle of the city."

"Did they say anything about it being crowded in the outer city?"

"No, not a thing, but to be fair we did bring a large convoy with us."

"Hm." Anoi thought about it as he looks among the crowd and sees many of his citizens and some refugees. Hm, I haven't seen anyone form Runeswift. Have they already arrived? If so, the king orders his servants to stay in the manor. "Wait, you said servants, which ones? The ones that accompany us or the ones that are from here."

Felix gave a few coins to an old beggar woman. "What does it matter?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders.

The second prince rubs the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut. "Because, if it was from one of our servants then their informant is useless. They can't possibly know what it's like here."

Felix glance over to his brother, an amused smile on his face. "Do you think the servants wouldn't talk to each other? Really little brother, you need to know more about your people than just the nobles. Yes, the nobles can give you many things, but"

"I don't need you to tell me how to be king. I have taken the same lessons as you did brother. I think I have a fine grasp on the lower class."

"Do you now dear brother? Then you must show me once we arrive at the market." Felix laughs as he teases his brother, suddenly stopping before he walks into someone.

"What is it?" Anoi looks at a crowd blocking the streets.

"I don't know." Felix cranes his neck, trying to see what is going on. He could only see two heads bobbing around. Felix gently taps on the shoulder of the man in front of him. "Excuse sir."

The older man turns around seeing it's someone of the upper class; he takes off his hat and bow his head. "Yes sir?"

"Oh no, please you don't have to do that. If you could just tell me what is going on up ahead."

"Oh of course." The man lifts his head. "Two people are arguing, One is a young lady accusing a man of stealing."

"A thief huh." Felix tilts his head towards his brother. "What do you say, should we get involve?"

Anoi gives his brother an annoyed look crossing his arms. "We don't have time for this brother, Mother wants us back for dinner."

Felix frowns and sighs as he thanks the man. "Very well brother let me see if there is a spot that's thin enough for use to pass by." His hazel brown eyes scan the crowd. It didn't take him long to find a place in the crowd that's thin enough for them to past through. "I see a thinning in the crowd to the left, Anoi."

"Alright then let's go, we don't have all day." The second prince takes the lead and makes his way through the crowd. As the group of people thin out, Anoi has gotten a better view of the two fighting. When his amber eyes fall on the crimson hair farmer girl, he stops in mid-step.

Moonlight approaches the man. "Sir, please, it's all the money I have. I need it to buy my room." She pleads with the man she bumps into before.

"Anoi?" The first prince asks, seeing his brother stopping and staring at the young woman.

"Felix, I change my mind, you're right we should see if we can be any help to them." He turns towards Moonlight and the man and makes his way through the few people in front of him.

"Are you sure Anoi? What about finding your books? What about getting home before dinner?" Felix asks though he has a slight bemuse look on his face.

"Of course, I am sure, didn't you just tell me I should know the common people?" The second prince gives his brother a cocky smile.

"Please, I just want my bag back." Moonlight pleads again, now close enough, she reaches for the man's sleeve.

A look of disgust comes across the man's face as he jerks his arm away, shoves her hard. "Get away from me, you mad woman." He sneers.

Moonlight stumbles backward, losing her footing; the farmer girl begins to fall. Closing her eyes shut, she embraces for the fall. But instead of the hard ground, warm, strong arms catch her.

"Are you alright miss?" Anoi asks softly.

Opening her violet eyes, she stares into two pools of flaming amber eyes. Stun, she remains silent as she continues to stare into them.

Not getting an answer, he raises his brow. "Miss?

"Oh! Moonlight blinks and her cheeks become ablaze, realizing she has been staring in his eyes. "I'm - I'm alright." She stammers.

Anoi helps the young woman to her feet as Felix enters the ring the crowd has created; the first prince looks from the flaming hair farmer and the man that shove her.

"What seems to be the problem?" Felix asks, addressing them both.

The young man looks at the two men who made themselves involved, figuring out if they will a problem for him or help him. It doesn't look like they know this girl. They dress, they are no doubt nobility. So, it could be possible I can have them side with me and end this quickly. He points at Moonlight with a look of mild disgust and frustration. "This crazy farm girl came out of nowhere and accuse me of stealing her back."

"But you did!" She points to the bag tied to his belt. "It's right there tied to your belt!"

"Are you, stupid girl? This is my bag. If I stole your bag wouldn't it be in my hand and not tied to my belt?" He yells at her, his lips curling.

Felix steps in-between the two to prevent any more yelling. "Alright calm down, I'm sure we can solve this peacefully. If we just,"

"There's nothing to solve!" The man interrupts Felix. "This farmer is crazy and needs to be taken to the monastery."

Her cheeks turn redder, and her lips purse together as she begins to get angry. "I'm not crazy! You took it when you bump into me." Her voices start to quiver a bit as she starts to get upset. She wishes her father were here. He will know what to do. She never experiences someone stealing from her before. Will they believe him? Will they take her to the monastery where the monks are? The monks that her father warns her not to go near.

Anoi watch as the young woman looks down and fidgets with her hands. "Then prove it." He tells her calmly.

All three of them turn and look at him. Two of them look surprised, but Felix crosses his arms, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"What do you mean prove it? I said he took my bag." She asks with a puzzling look on her face.

"Yes, but it's your word against his. To prove it's your bag, how about tell use what's in the bag. Then we will investigate and see who is right here." The second prince looks over to the accused man. "Are you against these terms sir?"

The accuse stands in silence for a moment reaching for the bag to his belt, gripping it a little bit. "Am I against it? Of course, I am against it! There's no point into doing this, the girl is lying and you're wasting everyone's time by appeasing this little girl!" The man spun around, hearing the first prince behind him,

"Well, humor us, dear sir," Felix says, shrugging. "It will only take a few minutes, and if she's wrong you can be on your way." He looks among the crowd. "I am sure if someone needed to be somewhere, they would have already left."

"I'm not talking about the crowd. Thanks to this little scene I'm already running late." The man snares a bit unhappy that someone snuck up behind him. How did he sneak up behind me?

"Come now, the only one stalling for time is you, if you're so worried about getting into trouble for being late then, my brother and I can write you a letter explaining the matter and if they have any issues they can come talk to use." The first prince says.

The crowd begins to murmur, agreeing with Prince Felix. The man glances around nervously.

"F, fine! I have no problem proving her wrong!" He yells at them, trying to hide the panic.

Anoi turns back to Moonlight. "Alright miss, if you please tell us what will be in your bag."

Moonlight takes a moment looking from Anoi to the man and Felix before turning back him again. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking. "In my bag, I have a few coppers and silver coins to pay for my room."

"That's no proof! Everyone has money in their bag. Besides, you can hear the coins jiggle while I walk." To prove his point, he lightly hit the bag, and it let out a light jingle. "Can I go now? I do take back that she's crazy, she's just a horrible thief."

Her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she bit her inner cheek. "But I'm not a thief or crazy." She says softly, fidgeting her hands.

Anoi silence the man with a stern and cold look. Once the laughter stops, the second prince turns back to the farmer girl and gently placing his hand on her fidgeting ones.

Looking up, she looks into Anoi's soft and warm amber eyes.

"Miss, is there anything else in the bag beside coins? Any trinkets, or charms?" Anoi asks in a gentle voice. "What about food?"

As soon as he mentions food, her stomach growl. "Oh!" She looks back at the man. "An apple! There's an apple in my bag," She looks back at the second prince and sees a confused look on his face. "My father gave me an apple for lunch, and I place it in my bag, so I didn't have to carry it." She explains,

The second prince nods and looks over to his older brother giving him a curt nod. Felix nods back and moves closer to him, holding his hand out to the man, as he locks eyes with him.

"Then let's have a look, sir, the sooner we do the sooner you will be on your way." He says calmly, but his hazel eyes look more like a predator waiting for its prey to run.

Panic fills his eyes as he looks away from the first prince and looks around among the crowd to see if there is any way he could escape. But as soon as Felix places his hand on his shoulder, he knows there's no escape. He begins to untie the bad from his belt and shove it in his hands. "I'm telling you all, this is a waste of time."

Giving a slight shrug and tossing the bag to his brother, he gives a hungry grin. "We have time to kill, Sir. Now just wait a moment and we will see who is lying."

Rolling his eyes at how his brother was messing with the accuse, Anoi catches the bag Felix toss. Upon opening the bag and peering in, he can see a bright red apple sitting on top of a few coins. Closing it, he looks up and notices Moonlight is looking at him intently, her hand grasping together. Offering her a smile, he hands her the bag. "Miss, I believe this is your bag."

The color drain from the man's face as the crowd begins to speak up, calling his thief and demanding him to pay for his crime. He looks around at the yelling crowd. "No! Please listen! This is a trick!" He pleads with the angry mob, jerking out Felix's grip and turning around and pointing all three of them. "Look! All three of them are from Tralon! All three of them plan this, they have this girl pretend to have her bag stolen, and then these two shows up out of nowhere! Doesn't anyone think this is a bit convent? Is there an apple in that bag? He could be lying!"

Anoi lets out an annoyed sigh and takes out the red apple letting it shine in the afternoon sun. "You are saying, sir?"

As soon as he sees the apple, the young man's excuses died in his throat, and he looks around at the crowd, now yelling, demanding the thief to be punished. "Please no, listen!" He pleads to the public again, unaware that the first prince approaches him from behind and places a hand on his shoulder. Feeling the hand on his shoulder, he spins around and swing at Felix.

Felix grabs his wrist and twists it, pinning it behind his back. "Alright, that's enough from you." The first prince tells him calmly as he addresses the crowd. "Alright, everyone! We will handle this thief! Thank you all for helping us catch him. Please go ahead and enjoy your day."

"Let me go!" Theif cries out. "You're hurting me you son of a bitch!"

Please, the trouble maker handle, they begin to settle down and disperse.

Felix moves the man closer to his brother and Moonlight. "Well, brother, I will go ahead and takes this thief to the council so they can handle him, why don't you escort this lovely lady to where she needs to be." The older brother says, giving his brother a mischief wink before escorts the man down the road.

Anoi releases a sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Damn, its Felix; why must you volunteer me into doing this? Don't you know I have no time for this?

Hearing the sigh, Moonlight quickly turns around and holding her hands up. "Oh, Sir you don't have to escort me. I have a map so; I can find my way."

Trying to hide the look of surprise, Anoi is taken back by this woman passing the chance for the second prince of Tralon to escort her. "Wait, you don't, I mean no, I didn't." He begins to stemmer being caught off guard by her declining the opportunity with him escorting her. He stops himself and taking a deep breath to stop himself from being a tongue tie. "I'm sorry if my sighing was considered as an insult. I wasn't sighing about escorting you."

A look of the confusion comes across her face. "You weren't sighing because of escorting me?" She watches him nod. "Then, then why were you sighing about?"

Bold for a commoner from Tralon to be questioning me. He thought as he arches a brow. An amused smile comes across his face as he answers. "I was sighing at his sad attempt to have me interact with a girl. But I will be happy to escort you to where you need to go."

Moonlight shakes her head and waves her hands. "You don't have to. I do have a map to where I need to go, so I will be alright. I'm sure you have someplace else you wish to go."

His smile widens, impress by how persistence she is on not needed help. But she is right; he needs to head to the monastery's library before the day ends. He holds out his hand out towards her. "Then at least let me point you in the right direction." He explains to her as she gives him a confused look again. "What place are you heading to?"

"Oh! I'm um heading to Illuminator Inn." She tells him, handing over her map.

He gives a curt nod, and with a quick look at the map, he can tell that she's nowhere near the Inn. Looking up from the map, he watches her shift from one foot to another as she waits for him.

"If you just tell me which way to go, I will be fine." She tries to assure him, really doesn't want to be a bother.

He goes back to the map, frowning. According to the map, she is way off; she should have been there a while ago. I don't even see the roads she's supposed to use. She must have a terrible sense of direction. Glancing back at her as she fidgets while waiting for him. The Stone Illuminator Inn, huh? I remember going past that Inn is close to the monastery when we arrive if memory serves me. It wouldn't hurt to escort her there since I need to go that way anyway. "Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to go on your own." He tells her, handing her the map back. "It seems like you are very far from where you need to go." He explains.

Moonlight goes pale. "I am?" Her voice surprise and worried. "How can that be? I try to follow the map as closely as I can."

"It could be the person who drew this map created it wrong. Or if you anyone for directions they send you the wrong way. But I've seen the Inn you're heading to and I know the way. So, I can take you there."

"But," The farmer girl begins to protest when he raises his hand, stopping her.

"I must insist, escorting will be helping me out more then you know, and I will apprentice if you, my lady allow me," Anoi says, putting on the charm for her. If I escort, I will have an excuse not to go to the market and avoiding Felix.

Blushing, Moonlight tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and glance down, as she gives a shy smile. "Oh um, if you insist, thank you."

His chest swells with warmth, seeing her shy smile; this surprises him as he never felt this feeling towards any of the court's ladies, let alone a common woman. He turns around as soon as he felt his cheeks turn red, he caught to clears his throat. "Not a problem, shall we?" He asks as he begins to lead the way.

Moonlight follows closely behind him; as they make their way through the crowd, she begins to fall behind.

"Are you doing alright, miss?' He asks, but when he didn't get an answer, he turns around to see that she's gone. What? Where did she go? He looks among the horde of people. Did she just walk away? But why would she do that if I were leading her to where she needs to go. His jaw tightens as he continues to look for her. Is she a thief? He looks at his bag, and his jaw unclenches a little, but his heart is still beating hard. Has she gotten lost again? Why am I panicking over her being gone? As soon as his eyes lay on Moonlight's crimson hair, relief washes over him as his heartbeat begin to slow.

The farmer girl looks around, her violet eyes wide as she looks around for Anoi. She places a finger on her chin; a worry looks shown on her face.

He makes his way through the crowd of people towards the worried girl. A feeling of relief washes over him as those violet eyes met him, and his chest tightens as she gives him a grateful smile. "Are you okay?"

She nods. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get lost. It's just it's so crowd and people keep walking in front of me, I lost sight of you. I'll do better so please don't," She stops as Anoi holds out his hand towards him. She gives him a puzzled look. "Sir?"

Feeling the familiar heat in his cheeks, he looks away from her. "If people keep getting in front of you, then holding hands will be better while we are in the crowd." He explains, begins to turn around but still offers his hand to her. Come on Anoi, get a hold of yourself. There's nothing this farm girl can give that will benefits you. His heart skips as a soft hand slips into his and uses a gentle grip. "Right" His voice strains a bit, and he left out a cough." Let's hurry then." His warm long slender fingers wrap around her hand and begin to lead her through the crowd of people once more.

"I'm sorry." She says softly.

"Sorry for what, miss?" He asks as he did a quick scan to find the road he needs to take and glance back at her.

"Wasting your time by getting separated. I'm not used to crowds so I get easily fluster in them."

"Really? Then it must be hard for you in the markets in Tralon. Since they are much busier than this."

Moonlight looks at the back of his head. "Tralon? I've never been to Tralon."

Anoi stops and turns to her with a baffled look. "You're not? But" He looks her up and down, she does have the red hair Tralon, and if you didn't notice her eyes, you would assume she's from Tralon. But of course, her eyes are a dead giveaway.

"I'm from here."

He gives her an unconvinced look. "You're from Drover?"

"Yes, I live in one of the farming colonies, so I don't live here in the city. My father usually comes here once a month for the market and council meeting." She explains to him.

He arches his brow. "Are you sure you and your parents aren't refugees?" He asks not to convince she's really from Drover, her father or mother could be from Tralon. "If you are from the refugees, I'm sure there's,"

"We're not." The farmer interrupts him, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "My father and I were born and raised here. I not from anywhere else."

I'm sorry, I must be one of many that assume you live somewhere else." He begins to apologize. "I'm sure it can be very frustrating."

She shakes her head as her grip begins to slack in his, feeling foolish and realizing she's rude. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. You wouldn't know that I've been told serval times today that I'm must be from Tralon."

"It's alright." He assures her tightening his grip slightly. "I just don't see many people living in this city, But I am sure Drover has its own," He pauses for a moment. "Beauty?"

"Only the council and a few people that service them. Many of us live out in the farming communities. If you can I would suggest visiting them, they are so beautiful." Moonlight tells him her voice in slight awe, thinking about her farm. "My father's farm is right against the forest and at night in the summer you can go to the stream and watch the fireflies dance." She gives a content sigh at the memory.

Hearing describing her home, a feeling of homesick wash over her. "I'm sure it's a lovely sight."

"That's one of many places you can see at the farming communities, but I am sure Tralon is a lovely place too. However, I have never been there, so I cannot compare it. Have you ever been to Tralon? She asks, tilting her head as she asks.

Anoi nods and turns back around and continues. "Yes, I live in the capital." He gave her a smirk, seeing her eyes widen, "Maybe another time when we are both free, I can tell you what's beautiful in the capital."

"You're from the capital of Tralon?" Moonlight begins to kick herself; how could she be so foolish? How can she not notice how fine his clothing is, made of high quality? It's not a surprise that he can live in the capital. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't," She closed her lips to stop herself from babbling. Oh, you stupid girl, why can't you keep your mouth shut? She begins to let go of his hand, but he tightens his grip. She looks at their hands and backs up at him. "Sir?"

"It's fine. Let's keep going to the Inn isn't too far." He tells her as they continue to keep her from removing her hand. "You said your father comes here once a 0month correct?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Yes, he's the leader of our community, so while he's here he will sell our produce, and then have a meeting with the other farmers and the council." She tells him.

"You do not accompany him each month. What do you do each month?"

"I would always stay at home and take care of the farm. Because there are only two of us to look after the farm."

"If it's the only two of you why are you here and who is watching the farm while you both away?"

"We ask a neighbor to watch over the farm, while we are here, father wants me to learn this side of the business." Her tone becomes sorrowful as she looks among the crowd. "But I didn't think it will be this many people. I'm not used to this."

"Well, with the war still going on, many people are the other countries are arriving here for refuge since Drover is a neutral country. It could also be because this month they have the market, the council meeting with the farmers, and not to mention the treaty meeting as well. With the two royal families here I'm sure the merchants from other countries come here hoping to sell to them and/or their servants."

"That's what my father was telling me earlier, it was so busy this morning we almost didn't have a place to set up."

"But you found one, right?"

"Oh yes in-between a jeweler and a potter merchant."

They arrive at the Stone Illuminator Inn. A small stone-grey building. A sign of the Inn's name swings lazily into the gentle breeze. A makeshift stable is set up next to it in the remains of a crumbling manor.

"Well, here we are." The second prince looks over at the farmer. Who's clutching her bag to her chest and watching the wood sign. "Are you going to be okay going in by yourself?" He asks, not wanting to leave her just yet.

"Yes," She says softly at first. "All I have to do is ask for a room. After that, I will be done, and I can head back to the market."

"Will you be able to make it to the market?" He asks, a bit worried about her getting lost on the way back.

Moonlight turns to him and gives him and a confident nod. "Yes, I will ask the innkeeper if they can draw me another map."

The prince nods once and reluctantly letting go of her hand. "Alright, then this is where I leave you miss,"

"Oh!" She turns towards him; her cheeks begin to go red. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude again." She does a clumsy curtsy, vowing to learn how to do it properly. "I'm Moonlight Ghosten."

He tries not to smirk as she tries to curtsy. After she straightens up, Anoi gives her a bow, reaches out for her hand, and gently takes it to his lips. "I am Anoi Ramile, The second prince of Tralon." A smile plays on his lips and against her hand as he watches her violet eyes go wide. He begins to straighten up when his amber eyes notice a mark on her inner forearm. Feeling eyes on him, he looks up to see Moonlight looking at his concern. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude; I couldn't help but notice your interesting tattoo."

"My tattoo?" She looks where he's looking and looks at the small sun swirling into itself. "Oh no, this isn't a tattoo, it's a birthmark." She tries to take her hand away to hide it. "I know it's odd."

Anoi gently holds her hand a bit tighter to stop her. "I disagree, I think it looks lovely." He tells her to bring her hand to lips again and to give it a gentle kiss. "Have a wonderful day Lady Ghosten." He lets go of her hand.

Her face turns beet red as she takes her hand back. "T, thank you Prince Anoi." She stemmers. "I, I should go." She hurries past him and to the door of the Inn, disappearing inside.

Anoi waits a few moments looking at the Inn. That symbol, could she be one of the vessels. He turns around and begins to head down the road making a note of the Inn she stays in.


A few people look up as they hear the door slams shut. Seeing a young woman leaning against the door trying to calm down, they go back to minding their own business.

It's alright; I'm sure the prince won't bother to remember a silly farm girl. Now take a deep breath, go up to the bar and ask for one room with two beds. After taking a long deep breath to slow down the beating in her chest, she makes her way past tables with various merchants and fellow farmers to stop at the bar. "Excuse me." She calls out to the barmaid dress in a simple brown dress and a white apron. Her curly brown hair put up into a messy bun.

"I will be with you in a moment dear." The older woman calls out to her as she pours an ale in a large wood mug.

"Okay." Moonlight looks around the room while she waits; the first floor of the Inn is a tavern; a few tables, no more than five or six, gather close to the fireplace, and three tables scattered around the rest of the small room. The walls are decorated with various animal heads, some she seen by the farm but others she doesn't know.

After placing the mug of ale in front of her, and already drunk man. She makes her way to the other side of the bar to the young woman. She's surprised to see someone this young and a woman no less of her customers are men in their later years. "How can I help you with dear?" She asks, drying her hands on her apron.

���Um, could you tell me who I need to ask for a room?" The young woman asks.

"Well, honey you're looking at the person that can help you with that. How many rooms do you need?"

"Yes, please is there a room open?" Moonlight asks her grip on her bag tighten.

"Well, let me see." The barmaid bends over, reaching for her book under the bar as a man on the other side, let out a wolf whistle. Placing the book on the bar, she turns around to the smiling drunk man, giving him a warning look. "Stop it, Joe." She tells him before turning back and opening the book. "How many rooms do you need?"

Moonlight watches her flip through page after page of fill of writing; her heart begins to sink. "One room with two beds and a place in the stable for my horse please."

"I can do a place in the stable but let me see about the room. I've been a bit busy today because of what's been going on. You said you need two beds, right?" The older woman asks, looking up from her book.

Moonlight nods. "Yes, two beds please?" She leans in closer, trying to see the book, but she's unable to read it.

The barmaid nods and stops flipping pages and runs her finger down a lengthy list. "Let's see, let's see. Ah, you're in luck; I have one room left. How many nights do you need?"

"How many nights?" The farm girl's face fell. Her father never told her how many nights. "I, I don't know." She says softly. "My father didn't tell me how many nights. Does that mean I don't get the room?"

The older woman offers her a warm smile. "How about I put you down for two nights, and if your father needs more then tell him to talk to me, I'm Marie. What name should I put this under?" Marie asks, taking a pencil out of her bun.

"Marcus Ghosten and thank you."

The barmaid pause writing down his name and looks up at Moonlight. "Marcus Ghosten? Don't tell me you're Marcus' kid."

"I am, is that bad?" Moonlight asks her eyes widening a bit.

Giving the young woman a reassuring smile, Maire looks down at the book and finish writing the name. "Not at all, dear. Your father comes and stays here every year. But he didn't tell me he would bring his daughter on his next visit." She closes the book and puts it back and turns to the hook wall with only two keys hanging on one. "You are all set. You two will be in room two and you can put your horse in stall six. The stables are locked around eight, and dinner is stopped serving around eleven."

She informs the redhead as she takes the keys off the hook and hands them to her. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Um if it's not a bother do you have the map of the city?" The farmer asks, taking her map out and laying it on the bar. "I need to find a way back to the market, but I have gotten lost reading this map." She explains.

Marie examines the map only for a moment before clicking her tongue and takes out her pencil. "No wonder you have gotten lost. The roads were changed last year." She flips the paper to the other side and draws a new map for her. "This will take you to the market, I'm sure you can find your stand from there." She asks, glancing up at her.

Moonlight nods her head. "Yes, I can find it once I get to the market. Thank you so much, Marie."

"Don't worry about it, dear. Just let your father know if he wishes to stay longer just to let me know." Marie hands the map back to her. "You be safe out there dear, there are some men out there that like to take advantage of someone as innocent as yourself. Stay close to your father." She advises her.

Moonlight nods and takes the map back, and begin to leave the Inn. But before she walks out of the door, she turns back around. "Oh, John wants me to tell you hello."

Marie's smile widens, and she waves at the young woman. "Thank you, dear. Now be careful out there, dear. Hurry back to your father.

"I will, thank you!" Moonlight waves goodbye and head out the door.

Hey Moonlighters!

Here is Chapter 5 I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or twitter! I usually keep updated on all my stories I am writing. Please stay safe and have a wonderful month!

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