

Sakura has lived a life of war time, Her mother is the Surpreme Diety and she is a princess. She was born from the goddess race the race of angels with holy powers, The person she loves named Akuma Is of a different race, he is apart of the Demon race and his father is the Demon King. Because of there backgrounds they are not allowed to be together. Shortly after a war starts called the Holly war, This is Saura's past life, She was killed along with Akuma and was reincarnated and given another chance. This Novel is contained of two stories fitting together to be one, Her past life, And the ending to her previous life. Sakura in her previous life, (Sorry means current.) stops the holy war and ends up with the one she loves. She had to make a very difficult desion. She has to kill her own mother. There is no place for A God on Earth. She she needs to be sent back to Purgatory. Akuma and Sakura take the thrones where they can be happy, Can Sakura finally let go of her past life where she and Akuma were killed because they failed to defeat the two Gods?

korebrielleluvt · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


I was in total anger. The demons had decided to attack all other races. For what? So they can have all the power. Ugh. I swear that forever I will only hate all demons. ALL OF THEM. My mother has been outraged that those nasty demons betrayed her, she would say. My mouth then formed an alliance with the fair race, giant race, and angel race called Stigma. I was still angry at everything when I heard a loud knock at my door. " Get u Sakura I need to have a talk with you." I was a mother. " SO YOU WANT TO HAVE A TALK WITH ME NOW, NO WAY!" Mother never bothered to talk with me earlier so it isn't happening now. I immediately stomped past her and made my way out and into the garden. From there I ran, and didn't stop until my feet hurt. Then I flew. I flew far and far away, until I was surrounded by darkness then light. Then in front of me stood my worst nightmare. It was Akuma, the demon king's son. Something was different though. His eyes which are usually black and his hair which is usually blue were black and his eyes weren't black. He also looked kinder. " What's your name?" He smiled. I was in total shock. " I, um, am, Sakura." I sounded so bad because I was stuttering. Suddenly I remembered my promise to myself a couple of years ago. I raised my hands. " TAKE A STEP CLOSER AND I WILL ATTACK." He then took a step closer as if trying to push me. His hair turned blue and his eyes turned black. I took a step back. " I thought you said you were going to attack." I Shivered before throwing all I had at him. Nothing worked. He simply stopped every attack mid air. " Do you still want to fight me?" I looked up at him and he looked kind again. " No." " He then wiped his hands in a nearby stream. "I'm not going to hurt you. Don't know why you attacked." " MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ATTACKED ALL MY OTHER PEOPLE AND ARE WORKING WITH THE RACE WHO ATTACKED ALL OTHER RACES!" He looked up at me for a second and said, " Yeah." YEAH. Yeah was all he had to say. I was furious. I started to stomp away when he said. " I'm done working for them." " Why? Because of what I said?" He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. That's how we became friends. Right now we are fighting the demon race together as members of Stigma.