

Sakura has lived a life of war time, Her mother is the Surpreme Diety and she is a princess. She was born from the goddess race the race of angels with holy powers, The person she loves named Akuma Is of a different race, he is apart of the Demon race and his father is the Demon King. Because of there backgrounds they are not allowed to be together. Shortly after a war starts called the Holly war, This is Saura's past life, She was killed along with Akuma and was reincarnated and given another chance. This Novel is contained of two stories fitting together to be one, Her past life, And the ending to her previous life. Sakura in her previous life, (Sorry means current.) stops the holy war and ends up with the one she loves. She had to make a very difficult desion. She has to kill her own mother. There is no place for A God on Earth. She she needs to be sent back to Purgatory. Akuma and Sakura take the thrones where they can be happy, Can Sakura finally let go of her past life where she and Akuma were killed because they failed to defeat the two Gods?

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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8 Chs

War Time

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shout as I throw more and more of my powers away at those demons. I thought to myself. Maybe it was time for the whole earth to perish. The demons weren't giving up. Maybe there couldn't be peace for anyone or anything. I flew high,and then summoned all my power the earth was in my grasp. I was about to destroy it when someone took my hand. Listen Sakura I know this is hard but you can't destroy the whole Earth. What will happen to you, me, your mother and other loved ones?" " My mother is not a loved one and never will be!" With that I tossed the miniature Earth up in the air but for some reason more powers would come out my hand. The Miniature earth was growing in size too. It was the same size as it has been before I used my powers. And it was falling. Down. On.Me. I thought that was going to be the last of me when The Earth was back in its right place and I was in Akumas arms. "Listen to me Sakura, Never say your mother isn't a loved one in your life, I was about to destroy it when someone took my hand. Listen Sakura I know this is hard but you can't destroy the whole Earth. What will happen to you, me, your mother and other loved ones?" " My mother is not a loved one and never will be!" With that I tossed the miniature Earth up in the air but for some reason more powers would come out my hand. The Miniature earth was growing in size too. It was the same size as it has been before I used my powers. And it was falling. Down. On.Me. I thought that was going to be the last of me when The Earth was back in its right place and I was in Akumas arms. "Listen to me Sakura, Never say your mother isn't a loved one in your life, Never." He looked kind of scary to me in his demon state but I nodded. We returned down to Earth. Everything was paused. No one was moving or anything. I was so confused. I didn't end up doing anything to Earth. " What happened?" I asked. " I don't know Sakura, STAY BACK!" He had his hand in front of me and Linan and Jilni were standing in front of us, the murder in their eyes. " Well look when the Cat dragged in." " Yeah, look at the traitor with his little goddess girl." "Those little side comments will be the reason for your death one day!" He shouted. He started to walk towards them but I stopped him. I stood in front of them and shot my hand at them. Nothing happened. They both started cracking up, not even being able to speak. They both then stopped laughing and staring at me with dark expressions. Akuma looked at them confused but I smirked. " PAST!" Then both Linan and Jilni were struggling on the floor holding their heads in pain. " " Saura what did you do?" Akuma asks Tensely. I shiver in fear that he will be mad and I was trying to do what to protect us. " Sakura, I will ask you one more time. What did you do?" I still don't answer. " SAKURA! WHAT DID YOU DO?" " They are facing the worst and scariest past. But don't worry it isn't causing them any physical pain, only mental pain." He Grabs my hand and pulls me close aggressively. " I TREAT YOUR FAMILY WITH RESPECT AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT MINE?" He then yanks my hand away with disgust and I fall to the floor. He then walks past me like I don't exist. He walked over to Jilni and placed his hand over him. Then he did the same to Lilnan and he burned in his ashes. I covered my mouth with my hands. " I ran away crying. I made a mistake to trust this demon. He was bad just like the others. I felt my hair go white. That's really bad since I naturally don't have white hair. That means I am becoming engulfed in sadness. I decided to make a Ura. ( You-Ra) A Ura is when you sacrifice yourself to the otherworld to not live in sadness. Only someone pure to the Goddess race can do so. I start to recite the words, " 私を連れて行ってください.光が見えるように助けてください.私を犠牲にしてください.光を見るのを手伝ってください.お願いします.私の人生をあなたに捧げます.光を見るのを手伝ってください. "